Winds of Change -> Guidebook (2024)

general guidelines

BE KIND Kindness means caring about your fellow players, and how your words and actions might affect others OOC. Players who are unkind to either other players or staff will be asked to leave.

LGBTQIA+ FRIENDLY & ANTI-RACIST Out of character; transphobia, hom*ophobia, and racism are on a zero tolerance policy. In character; these things are acceptable, but should be clearly marked with a trigger warning so our members can decide if they're in a good place to deal with those matters.

MATURITY We're an 18+ Jcink Premium site, and allow violence, sex, and drugs (as applicable in Westeros). Mature threads should be CLEARLY marked.

DISCORD Most plotting will happen in our Discord. While joining it isn't necessarily a must, it is highly recommended as that is where most of our social time as a community will take place.

NO PRESSURE What we want most for Winds of Change is for it to be a place for writers to come and relax, so that is the atmosphere we're trying to create here. No pressure with writing, no pressure for perfection. Come, hang out, make friends, and enjoy the stories you create - at your own pace!

posting / activity guidelines

WORD COUNT As an intermediate+ site we expect a quality over quantity approach. We are a no word count site. There are some threads in which you'll write a lot, and some were you will write a little, but as long as both players are happy so are we.

TRIGGERS We expect all potentially triggering posts to be clearly marked with a trigger warning in order to keep this site a safe space for our members. This also includes labeling posts and apps with triggers clearly in discord. Some common triggers include: assault, abuse, animal cruelty or death, self-harm or suicide (including thoughts related to either), excessive violence, incest, miscarriages/abortion, child loss, mental illness, hom*ophobia, and transphobia. When in doubt we encourage our members to err on the side of caution with labelling.

CHECK-INS Instead of activity checks, we do check-ins where you check-in with your characters and tell us what they’re doing or have done, and if you think it’s important, post a link to any thread that might change things plot-wise for the site. Do you need to post links to threads? No. Having a down month? Cool. As long as you’re around and hanging out, you're good.

GENERAL ACTIVITY We do not have a posting or activity requirement, however we ask that this not be abused. Do not take up characters and ghost. If you're going to be away, or know you won't be up to posting for a while, please contact staff personally or leave an away message in discord. All we require is you talking to us and being around in Discord to consider you active, so if you do not post, and do not participate in Discord, then we will assume you've lost interest and your characters will be made inactive and their things archived. If two weeks have passed with zero activity from a person (this including discord) then admin will reach out, and from there Extreme cases of inactivity will be handled by admin on a case-by-case basis.

JOINING THE SERVER We love guests and interacting with guests! Interaction is a two-way street however. If after a week there is no response or word from a guest, we will assume interest has been lost and they will be removed from our server to keep our member numbers on Discord invites more accurate.

CHARACTER & FACE RESERVATIONS To reserve a canon and/or face claim, a player must make an account. That will secure their reservation! Reservations last three weeks (when we would prefer to see profiles finished). There is currently no cap player reservations, but we ask that this not be abused; be reasonable.

APPLYING After an account has been registered, we would like to see a completed profile within three weeks. At the end of the three weeks, if there's been no discussion with admin, then the account will be deemed inactive and the reserves removed.

member groups / member lore

MEMBER GROUPS: STANDARD Our standard member groups are: The Free Folk, the Night's Watch, the North, the Iron Islands, the Riverlands, the Vale, the Crownlands, the Reach, Dorne, Pyre's Helm, Essos. These are by and large the most notable locations to play within and just about a gold standard across majority of ASOIAF sites to exist; but our groups don't end with them, as there's a whole world to play within, and ESsos itself is a land of vast culture and peoples from east to west!

MEMBER GROUPS: MEMBER ADDITIONS We encourage play and plotting across the entire globe and as such, if you wish to pick up a people's and expand upon them, and more people join you, then you're welcome to either wait until there are a 5 or more characters in-play there for them to have their own member group and color, or you can purchase the ability to make them a member group with posting points! The only limitation to this is, no place or people in Westeros can have their own member group. For example, the Crannogmen in the North - while their own little heritage apart from the North - cannot have their own member group as they are still a part of the North. This is mostly meant for areas/peoples in Essos. Example: Braavos, Lorath, Saath, Qarth, etc. Our member additions thus far are: Dothraki, Mossovy, Qohor, Saath, Sothoryos, Summer Isles.

MEMBER LORE WOC was made with the idea in mind that this is a world for us to expand upon, but not just admin! There are so many people - and magics - out there in the world that we invite people to pick up the crumbs of lore GRRM has provided us and to breathe life into it! For the most part, there are no limitations and welcome near any and every idea.


Divination is the ability to see the future either through dreams or looking in the fire in the case of the followers and priests of the Lord of Light. This is called Greensight if following the way of the Old Gods or Dragon Dreams if it is done by a Targaryen. These dreams are often filled with symbolic meaning, images, and metaphors of what is to come, but the dreamer experiences the fulfillment of visions in the unfolding of events.

  • Mentioning past dreams is okay, but once your character is created, you are unable to have them dream unless you've rolled for it.
  • Dreams will never be clear, but the untrained will particularly struggle to interpret their meanings without a proper mentor and/or years of practice.
  • One can attempt to bring on visions with weirwood paste, however, it often doesn't work.
  • Dreams not brought on by weirwood paste (above) will usually concern mundane events.
  • Once a month players may attempt to bring on a vision with their character by rolling the dice in Discord. Any roll 15 or over will be considered a successful roll and the admin team will post a dream. A natural 20 roll will wield a stronger prophetic dream. You can increase your odds by purchasing a roll boost from the store.
  • Dreams are limited to once a month, unless granted admin permission.

    please use this form in the dreams & rolls channel of our discord

    !roll 1d20 **character name; dream:**

    roll boost, with purchase

    !roll 1d20+2 **character name; dream:**

special thanks and gratitude

Teal for the beautiful skin & templates.
Willa - willa_will on discord - for the beautiful nested categories & forums.
Jcodes for the subaccount, house claim, & online today coding.
Fizzyelf for the main profile thread tracker and auto-sort face claim list.
Hex from @Hexxincodes for the canon list coding and posting templates; purchased here.
Hana & Dixie for the personal edits made to the skin & templates for Winds of Change.
Paige for her hard and appreciated work on the lore.
Ashe for their wizardry with coding and bots.
Phosphor for the icons.
A Wiki of Ice and Fire for information to fill our guidebook.
Charles Lee of ArtStation for their image for the Crownlands.
Mingrutu of DeviantArt for the their image for the Stormlands.
Ashes of Creation for their image for the Riverlands.
Alexandra Jury for their images for the North, the Vale of Arrn, and the Westerlands.
Various artists for their beautiful work that helped bring imagery to our forums.
Our members for their original characters and creative ideas.

Wildlings have started to come in droves, overwhelming the Night's Watch. Where before they fought for food and supplies, mothers and their children now stand at the gates begging to be let through. The air has begun to chill and they speak of things that, to the men of Westeros, have been lost to story and myth. Raiders have begun to sharpen their blades rather than point them at one another, choosing to start banding together under one banner.

But for those below, this is a distant - nay, a non-existent threat. They are more concerned with their petty squabbles among one another, too consumed with their own lives to see the danger beyond their comfortable homes.

The lords in the North are not yet aware of the struggles at the Wall, or of the whispered warnings and fear from the Wildlings to the Night's Watch. As ever, the Northern lords have kept to their own, but how much longer that can last is anyone's guess. Meanwhile, their own Lord Paramount has his eyes upon Dorne - or rather, their independence. With the Wall at his back, he preoccupies himself with the dream that one day the North might follow in the Dornishmen's footsteps and live a life free of the shackles of the crown.
Though House Greyjoy is divided in their personal interests, Rodrik Greyjoy, Lord Reaper of Pyke, has not forgotten the old ways of his people. He seeks to distance his people from Westeros, to form a nation of his own with the help of his siblings and their progeny. To avoid the wrath of the dragonlords, he does not attack them openly, but the sea is an Iron Islanders playground. The dragons cannot see the kraken in the water when they are too busy flying in the sky. And so they watch the routes upon the sea, bidding their time and earning themselves resources from the slave trade and merchant business that can be done with the Essosi whom are not under the thumb of Targaryens. Maybe they will join hands with them, too, if Euron can find the dragonhorn.
House Hunter seeks to take control of the Vale through the young Falena Arryn, as they are her maternal relatives. Her mother has unknowningly aided and abetted them by relying so heavily upon them herself and allowing them to hold greater influence over her daughter than the Lady of the Eyrie, Marsella Arryn. Marsella has seen this and is actively attempting to get her niece to see reason, but the young lady only sees her aunt as the woman that has always been stern and expected much of her. With Septons and Septas continuing to seek audiences with her and being denied, they too now turn to Falena, thinking she will be easier to conjole. It is their objective to right the wrongs - the Essosi merchants with their loose behavior and the brothel houses in Gulltown influencing the masses - they see in the Vale.
The Lady of Riverrun is pregnant with her third child, nearing labor, and there is hope once again that she will bear her lord husband a son to name as heir. Brynden Tully may have claimed his bastard son and gotten Edmure to give the man the Tully name, but there is many a lord of the Riverlands that still sees him as nothing but a bastard and would like the title of 'heir' moved to a trueborn son of the house. And yet, sinister plots emanate from House Frey, with Derrick and his wife, Ellaria, joining hands with the disgruntled Lord of the Crossing. It may be that Lady Gysella, for all the witchcraft she is accused of, cannot protect herself and her unborn child from the evil nature of humanity.
Nothing has been the same since the passing of Lord Tywin Lannister. He was the lion that kept the hyenas and jackels away. Now his son Jaime rules, a weaker lion that knows only how to use a sword and command an armed force. He is no politician, despite his own efforts and those of his twin sister, Cersei. It is joked that she is the true Lord of Casterly Rock, something that her her good sister greatly dislikes. Lord Reyne, sensing the shift in power after Tywin's death, seeks to claim the title of Warden of the West for himself. He has made a pact with Lord Tarbeck and they are in the process of sealing that with a marriage between their houses. Together they will overthrow the Lannisters, or so they think.
With the passing of the former king, King's Landing has welcome many a southron lord into its' bosom. Though it was not asked for and came unexpected, House Targaryen made room for their arrivals quickly and prepared a feast to be held in the late king's honor. It is another expense on the budget of King's Landing, one that the Master of Coin is having trouble expanding due to the maintence cost of the sewage system within the city and the rebuilding of the royal fleet. Money has become tight, though you'll not hear a word of it from the small council. The King Consort is spending his time with the High Septon, intent on building a Sept within the city, though there is no budget for it. Rumor has it he also intends to send off his wayward daughter and dispose of the cult that follows the Lord of the Light. And something has been leaked from the School for Advanced Healing, infecting one of the smallfolk.
Edric has been a breath of fresh air after the haphazard few years the Reach saw under the lone governance of Mace Tyrell. He's smart and capable in ways his father is not, and they hope that he is amenable to their concerns. While Mace Tyrell might be taken with the Dornish colony and the promise of riches from their venture in Sothoryos, it feels like a gamble that many of the Reach lords do not want to take. Some whisper of things to happen to Mace and how it wouldn't be the worst luck, while others talk of a more forward approach and go to the heir himself; but will Edric listen? Will Edirc turn his back on his smallfolk or his father? What kind of an Overlord will Edric Tyrell be? These are the questions that the people of the Reach ask as they come to Highgarden to speak their case.
Of all the Six Kingdoms, it is the Stormlands that find themselves most in a lull outside the inner turmoil of some of their overlords. Even Lorent himself is unaware of his son's unhappiness as he turns an eye toward the Iron Throne. He has a daughter ready to be wed, and the heir apparent, Maegor Targaryen, is just now coming into manhood as Lord of Dragonstone. Lorent's own sister practically raised the prince. He has the idea to whisper into his sister's ear and find a shoe-in with the Targaryens; it is his hope to see his daughter wed to the prince in a few moons time. Some of the Storm lords grow restless, however. The Reach marcher lords might have forgotten their disputes with the Dornish, but those that are of the Stormlands have not.
In spite of the best effots of the water mages of Dorne to keep the water flowing to crops in the arid dessert, the water is receeding. This is due to the weakening of their power, though not even the mages are aware of this. Nymor sees this as a problem for his people, knowing there will soon be a problem with the food supply, in spite of the aid they have received from House Tyrell. He does not see a fix for it and believes his family's endeavors in Sothoryos are for naught. That is why he has begun discussing the possibility of Dorne finally bending the knee to the dragons. His wife, a Targaryen herself, has seen the look on the faces of lords that have heard this mentioned from her husband's lips and she knows they would sooner see him dead than bow their heads. She will do what she must to protect her family, even if it means going against her husband's wishes.
Essos had not welcomed the Targaryen invasion the first time, and they're less welcomed this time as they make claim through the Free Cities and Undisputed Lands. Once a continent full of strife and opposition from all manners of people, the Targaryen presence has drawn a unity among the Essosi of which has never been seen in history. Though they have claimed the cities of Myr, Tyrosh, and Pentos, renaming their new-found land Pyre's Helm, there comes a ripple of dissonance and talk of uprisings. Dragons are powerful, but they're not invincible, and Targaryens are just men, even if they might think otherwise - all things have weakness, and there are those in Essos desperate to find anything to rip the dragons out of the skies.
The Dornish settlement has done well for themselves, for the most part. Man-powered mostly by criminals sent to pay for their crimes, the Dornish, and the Tyrells, are seeing the diseases and deadly animals they've fought finally pay off as they gather precious resources - emeralds, gold, and spices Westeros has never before tasted. While some have tried to make peace with the native brindled men, it is a shaky peace at best. The brindled men have stayed their hand simply for fear of the dragons, but it's been noted that one of them comes and goes. The brindled men linger in the dark, on the outskirts of the colony, and wait. Their time will come to attack soon enough.
the divergence, 105 AC

Prince Baelon is born healthy, with his mother surviving the birth as well, and declared Prince of Dragonstone. The realm rejoices for they have their male heir at last

marriage of love, 114 AC

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen marries her uncle Daemon Targaryen after the death of his first wife, Lady Rhea Royce. It is a fast ceremony upon Dragonstone and afterwards, the two take to the sky upon their dragons, heading to Essos. They end up in Pentos.

the draconian hounds form, 116 AC

Daemon Targaryen forms the mercenary group, The Draconian Hounds, in Pentos. This raises the eyes of the Magisters and from afar, the Braavosi Magisters alert their Sealord.

marriage brings us closer, 121 AC

Prince Baelon Targaryen marries his cousin, Laena Velaryon.

the capture of pentos, 127 AC

With the aid of his mercenary group, Houses Velaryon, Celtigar, Grafton, and Sunglass, Daemon took the city of Pentos. The Magisters that refused to submit willingly were executed while those that were more accommodating lived.

gaining land, 135 AC

Daemon and his eldest son, Aegon, conquer more lands surrounding Pentos with the aid of the Draconian Hounds. This angers the Sealord of Braavos, who begins talks with Lorath and Norvos about the presence of the Targaryens. Daemon declares himself King of Pentos.

united family lines, 139 ac

Aemma Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone, is wed to her first cousin, Viserys Targaryen of Pentos.

taking myr, 140-150 ac

In a war that lasts ten years, Aegon ends up taking Myr to add to the growing collection of land overseen by the Targaryens. With two Free Cities under their belt, he names the land that he, his father, mother, and sister have captured Pyre's Helm. For himself, he takes the title of King of Pyre's Helm after his father's death.

new precedent, 141 ac

After having four daughters and the passing of his wife, Queen Laena, Baelon Targaryen proclaims his eldest daugher his heir. She will be the first queen to ascend the Iron Throne. Baelon has his Master of Laws put it into writing that the firstborn heir, regardless of gender, will inherit the throne.

a loss so painful, 149 AC

Naerys Targaryen, Princess of Pyre's Helm, is kidnapped by Myrish mercenaries whilst playing on the outskirts of Pentos with her brother, Maelor. They were being watched by servants, but only one managed to escape carrying the Prince Maelor back to the stronghold. Naerys was held in Myr for a week before she attempted to escape her captors and, unfortunately, tumbled down a flight of stairs. On the way down, she hit her head several times and ended up dying within an hour. Her body was never returned to Pyre's Helm. She was only four years old. After Myr was conquered, a statue was built within the city in her honor.

essosi alliance forms, 151 AC

In response to the growth of the Targaryens in Essos and the fact that they clearly are not going anywhere, Braavos begins the Essosi Alliance with Morosh, Saath, Norvos and Qohor as founding members. Lorath does not join, but is supportive and Myr declines.

the dornish conflict, 162-186 ac

Incursions with Dorne began in the early 160s, with it being border battles at first. Prince Daemon Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, in his early 20s at the time, was leading the war effort to have Dorne bend the knee to the Targaryens at last. He fully believed in the need for a united Westeros. While his parents played for peace, he fought upon dragonback, burning Dornish soldiers and razing what little lands Dorne had for farming purposes. The Dornish nearly killed him more than once. They did take down his cousin, Princess Gael Targaryen of Pyre's Helm in 179 AC, when the young woman was shot with a bolt - this killed her dragon and Gael - whilst flying over Dorne after having been driven off course by a storm (it is said she was headed for the Stormlands, to join the army there).

The conflict truly came to a head in early 184, when Daemon and Prince Daeron Targaryen, the brother to Daemon, were slain along with Daeron's dragon on Dornish soil. Queen Aemma and King Consort Viserys were devastated over this. In spite of their grandchildren calling for vengeance, they feared more deaths for the family. And so they pushed for peace.

A council was called in late 184, the marches, hosted by House Baratheon, to negotiate peace between the Targaryens and Dorne. Those negotiations took two years to be achieved, with Daemon's eldest son being wed to the Princess Myriah Martell and Aemma and Viserys youngest and only surviving son, Aemon, marrying a Martell princess as well. The Princess Myriah would become Queen Consort and her children heirs to the throne, whilst Aemon was sent to Dorne with dragon eggs for any children born of his union. Dorne remained independent, separate from the rest of Westeros, with the Martells declaring themselves to be a dynasty and taking the titles of 'King' and 'Queen'.

first queen of westeros, 167 ac

Queen Aemma Targaryen, First of her Name, takes the throne as the first female ruler of Westeros.

crops in the desert, 198 ac

Dornish water mages manage to open a new river channel, allowing crops to be grown in the more arid areas of Dorne. It was extensive work that took time and a lot of maintence. In recent years, the water from this channel has begun to dwindle and with it the crops that had flourished for a time.

great summer sickness, 209 ac

A terrible and swift illness came in the year of 209, claiming the lives of Daeron I Targaryen and his son, Valarr, Prince of Dragonstone. Though Valarr had been wed to Marina Reyne, he had no legitimate heirs and only one bastard daughter. Thus, the position of King fell upon Daeron's second son, Viserys II Targaryen, abruptly.

catching fire, 213 ac

An alchemist apprentice burnt down a good portion of their guild during an experiment to discover the secrets behind forging Valyrian steel. Most of their spellcraft scrolls and important documents were lost in the fires and some alchemists lost their lives, which severely weakened the guild. In the last century, they've been working toward re-writing their lost spells and building their guild back up to the status it once held.

conquest of tyrosh and the disputed lands, 220-235 ac

The Targaryens of Pyre's Helm began the Conquest of Tyrosh in 220, headed by King Monterys I Targaryen. Aided by the dragonriders of the family, kin from Westeros, their own personal mercenary company, and arms from Myr as well as Pentos; the first few battles did result in many heavy casualities on the Targaryen side. They were able to conquer the city of Tyrosh within a year, by which time, Monterys son, Maekar, had joined the battle upon dragonback.

Though Tyrosh was conquered, a new conflict arose in 225 when the Essosi Alliance simultaneously made an attack upon Pentos and sent ships to parlay with Lys. Seeing this for the threat to their growing empire, Monterys was swift to began another conquest, this time over the Disputed Lands separating many of the free cities from Volantis and filled with sellswords just waiting for a battle. He was going to need them to fight them and gain their swords before confronting the Essosi Alliance as a whole.

This fighting raged on for years and in that time, the Essosi Alliance continued to attacks the city of Pentos, dividing the forces of Pyre's Helm. Lys continued to stay neutral in an attempt to appease both sides. In 231, the Targaryens of Westeros became involved, to helped put a stop to the constant battles. Kings Viserys II, his son, Daeron Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, and his brother, Prince Rhaegal Targaryen are lost in 233 during a decisive battle that will go on to guarantee the win for Pyre's Helm. This thrusts the young Princess Vaella to the throne. She is guided by her mother's loving hand.

The war finally ends in 235, with many having been lost to flames and steels. Among them was King Monterys I and several of his sons, as well as a sister. Both the Westerosi Targaryens and Pyre's Helm Targaryens deal with losses and must heal. But they won the war and now control lands that border with Volantis.

volantis joins the essosi alliance, 238 ac

Volantis joins the Essosi Alliance as a private backer. This is not made public, as the Triarchs wish it to remain unknown to Targaryens. They intend to work in the shadows and provide the funds for the others.

presence of the essosi alliance in the stepstones, 244 ac

The Essosi Alliance, having lost the last war with the Targaryens, has seemingly revived stronger than they were previously. They take the Stepstones in an unprecedented move, killing Ironborn pirates, Dornish merchants, and other ships alike as they move from each island, closer and closer to Westeros. Concern overtakes the Queen's Council that they will soon move on Westeros itself and so plans are made to combat against this new threat. Prince Haemon, the Queen's uncle, is to lead the army with his bother Aemon acting as second-in-command.

death of a queen, 245 ac

Queen Vaella I participated in the first Battle of the Stepstones upon dragonback, but tragically lost her life at the hands of the Sea Lord of Braavos when he shot her with an arrow whilst she was attacking foes with fire. Her body fell a short distance from her dragon and landed upon the ash-covered ground. Her dragon, enraged, shot fire from its mouth at any and all near it before picking up her body to carry it back to King's Landing. The dragon would go on to refuse to allow another rider to claim it until Rhaelle I. Vaella's uncle, Haemon, is proclaimed king right after the battle.

marriage of baela, princess of dragonstone, 247 ac

Originally betrothed to a Martell prince, Baela, the Princess of Dragonstone, marries Harwyn Greyjoy in a quick ceremony upon the Iron Islands. The King and Queen are forced to accept the marriage and make apologies to the Martells. The Martells promptly refuse to help end the Incursion in the Stepstones.

the second battle of the stepstones, 248 ac

King Haemon I rides at the forefront of his army as he takes on the remaining forces within the collection of islands. He slays the Sealord of Braavos in single combat, putting an end to the presence of the Essosi Alliance on the Stepstones. Taking the Stepstones for Westeros, he renames them 'Vaella's Embrace' for his late niece.

beginning of the construction of dragonpits, 250 ac

After having taken the Stepstones, the late Queen Vaella's dragon took to roosting on the islands, prompting Haemon I to begin construction of dragon pits on the islands. It was a tribute to his late niece, for she had so loved dragons herself, and a means of ensuring no one else would again try to take them. Dragons whom had lost their riders and hatchlings without riders would go on to live there.

death of king haemon, 251 ac

King Haemon I Targaryen passes away, though some will later believe he faked his death and lived the rest of his life freely in Essos. One monarch leaves and another rises, with King Haemon's daughter, Baela, becoming Queen.

unworthy of the blood, 252 ac

As one of her first acts as Queen, Baela issued an order for all dragonseeds to be collected and brought to the Red Keep to be executed. She viewed them as impure and unworthy of the Targaryen blood that flowed within their veins. She succeeded in only one instance and delighted in having her dragon burn the young dragonseed. These actions were put to a halt by her small council and the words of her uncle, Aurion Targaryen, whom she was rumored to be in love with.

iron reavers attack western shores of westeros, 255 ac

With the Queen being wed to a Greyjoy and not at all concerned with ruling so much as she is with sailing the seas with her husband, the Iron Islanders grow bold and begin attacking the shores of the Westerlands, Riverlands, North, and Reach. The Council calls for action, but Queen Baela refuses to act, calling it a problem for those regions to deal with. "If they want to live, let them fight for it." - This line is recorded as her opinion on the matter and causes much anger from the lords of those regions.

the iron reavers are subdued, 257 ac

Lords of the Westerlands, Riverlands, North, and Reach all banded together to suppress the Ironborn, taking with them captives that were subsequently executed. Prince Maelor Targaryen, grandson of the late King Haemon Targaryen, was killed along with his dragon during a battle with the Ironborn. The Great Lords of Westeros and Targaryen relatives call for justice to be done, for the Greyjoy to be further punished, if not exterminated. When King Consort Harwyn Greyjoy heard of this, he pleaded with his wife to be lenient towards his family. Queen Baela, in her usual fashion, ignored the matter rather than punish the Ironborn more or let them go free. She simply did not make a decision. This further enraged the lords of Westeros.

new lands to be explored, 259 ac

The Dornish sail to Sothoryos. There, they manage to establish an outpost that will one day become a colony for them. They are the first Westerosi to do so and they stake their claim of Sothoryos, making it clear to the Targaryens that they expect no competition.

losing my religion, 260 ac

Queen Baela tried to emulate her Targaryen cousins of Pyre's Helm and go back to the Valyrian Gods, having proclaimations made that this was her new religion. She had a building built within the Red Keep for the purposes of her worship to these gods. But Baela took it too far, with it being rumored that she had begun to bath in the blood of young maids she'd killed as sacrifices to her gods in that very building she'd had built. It is no rumor, however, that during her reign, young servants of the crown did, in fact, go missing.

all who oppose the queen die, 261 ac

Influenced heavily by her newfound religion, Baela served out harsh (and unjustified) punishment to anyone that she saw as opposing her; after throwing them in the dungeons and depriving them of light and food for several days (a day for each Valyrian God), she'd have them dragged out and fed to a dragon of the pits.

burning of the high septon, 262 ac

After her character was called into question by the High Septon, Baela rode to Oldtown on dragonback and burned the man alive without a trial or questioning. Lords protested in silence. Her own siblings implored the Council to find a reason to remove her. And so they did, with the assistance of Westerosi lords and unsettled Targaryens alike.

queen baela I targaryen is forcibly removed from the throne, 263 ac

Considered cruel and not fit to rule, Baela is removed from the throne and replaced with her fifteen year old son, Viserion. The coronation of the young king is rushed, leading many to think the King's Council will rule with the young king as a figurehead. As for the deposed Baela, she is held in captivity within a grand Sept in Oldtown.

harlon greyjoy is taken as a hostage by the mainlanders, 263 ac

It is the unanimous decision of the council that House Greyjoy must suffer consequences for their actions against Westeros, effectively rebelling against the crown. Harlon was ten at the time he was taken over into the custody of the House Lannister. It is said Lord Reyne called for the death of the boy, for the Lord had lost a nephew to the Ironborn. Lord Lannister did not do this, instead pitying the boy for having been sent in spite of his affliction with greyscale.

marriage of ships and crowns, 264 ac

King Viserion is married to Melara Velaryon, the daughter of the Master of Ships. It is a grand event, full of tourneys and feasts. It is said that the Master of Coin complained of it being a waste of funds. He was promptly replaced with someone new.

the school for advanced healing opens, 267 ac

King Viserion, having been interested in the healing arts himself, opens a school for the healing arts of Westeros to be further developed. He invites scholars of the subject, along with healers from Essos, to attend for lectures. Some rumors say he is seeking a cure for his mother's madness.

the death of the young hostage, 268 ac

Harlon Greyjoy, ward and hostage of House Lannister, dies at the age of fourteen, just three days shy of his fifteen birthday. The Greyjoys claim he was murdered, however, House Lannister says it was the greyscale that took him into the arms of the Stranger. Harlon's body was burned, denying the Greyjoys the chance to give him a watery grave. This fuels anger within the Iron Isles, angered over their belief that the young Greyjoy was murdered.

the attempted eradication of house crane, 269 ac

Visitors to House Crane - wayfarer's that had been kindly welcome by the lord - discovered whilst staying at the home that the Lord Crane and a daughter of his were both skincahngers. They went on to report this to others and it eventually reached the ears of the High Septon. He appeared with a guard and demanded the Lord Crane, along with the rest of his family, come forward to face the judgement of The Seven. A crane flew overhead them while they waited at the gate and when a guard went to shoot it down, Lord Crane ran out. He instead was shot, executed on the spot.

The High Septon and the guard moved into the castle, the guard ordered to slay the rest of the family. The screams of the servants, his wife, and other children drew the dragon Cloudfyre from his lair. Cloudfyre burnt the High Septon and at least half the guard he'd brought with him. The dragon put a stop to the execution of further members of the House and stayed the hand of the Faith of the Seven from future public hunts of Skinchangers. However, there still remains a distrust of skinchangers, and people - sometimes families - still go missing every now and then.

the birth of an heir, 271 ac

The realm celebrated in 271 at the birth of Princess Rhaelle, their future queen. She was declared Princess of Dragonstone but a day after her birth.

rhaelle claims her dragon, 279 ac

In spite of having a dragon egg placed in her cradle at birth, it did not hatch. Rhaelle was something of a fearless child, much to the dismay of her parents, and wanting a dragon very much, she took her opportunity when on tour with her parents at Vaella's Embrace. There she claimed the dragon of the former Queen Vaella, a dragon that had not taken a rider in over 30 years. She rode the dragon back to King's Landing, shocking the smallfolk that remembered seeing Vaella upon the very same dragon. It was then that she began to be referred to as 'Vaella Reborn'.

green fever takes a royal, 280 ac

Princess Dorea Martell contracted Green Fever after flying off to Sothoryos on dragonback against the wishes of her parents. It is said to be an event that caused her parents great grief.

down goes the fleet, 284 ac

During a summer storm that brought about great catastrophe to the eastern shoreline of Westeros, most of the ships of the royal fleet were either damaged beyond repair or sank to the bottom of the ocean. The rebuilding of the fleet continues in the current day. It is a constant pressure on the royal budget.

heir ceremony, 286 ac

Though Princess of Dragonstone since birth, the formal proclamation of Princess Rhaelle being her father's heir must come with pomp and ceremony. All the Lords of the Realm were summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to her.

the blue wedding, 289 ac

Though offers came from Houses Lannister, Tyrell, Baratheon, and Martell, it was an Arryn that was chosen to be wed to the next heir to the throne. The two families had an amiable history with one another, which only made the choice that much easier. Leoric Arryn was presented in blue at the wedding and his bride herself wore a complimentary blue dress to match his own, thus it became known as the blue wedding.

the festive wedding, 290 ac

Princess Rhaenys, second daughter of King Viserion, is wed to Prince Nymor Martell in a decidely less lavish ceremony compared to that of her sister the year before. The wedding is held in King's Landing, though it is short and the true celebrations begin once the couple reaches Dorne. There they are wed again, with a festival held in their honor by King Olyvar Martell.

securing the essosi line, 291 ac

Princess Helaena Targaryen is born to the Crown Prince of Pyre's Helm, Daemon Targaryen and his wife, Princess Consort Calla targaryen. The princess has a dragon egg placed in her cradle and it is said that her family is hopeful it will hatch.

the bandits come for the hounds, 292 ac

The Draconian Hounds clash with the Invincible Bandits of Braavos along the Braavosian Coastlands, resulting in losses on both sides. This significantly weakens both mercenary companies for a time. Queen Jaenara of Pyre's Helm drafts young men of Pyre's Helm to replace the lost hounds.

securing the westerosi line, 293 ac

Prince Maegor Targaryen is born on Dragonstone. To celebrate his birth, soup kitchens within the city are filled with food harvested from the New Gift (a tribute from House Nightingale) and coin is distributed to the smallfolk of King's Landing and Dragonstone alike.

a tragic death, 295 ac

After an altercation within the dragonpits of King's Landing in which Prince Daegon Targaryen's presumed lover was burned to death by the dragonfire of Prince Mors Martell's dragon, Daegon asked for a trial by combat with Mors. The Dornish Prince accepted and won the fight against Daegon. An uproar occurred after when Mors made scathing remarks about Daegon, resulting in a minor scuffle and King Olyvar of Dorne making concessions to King Viserion Targaryen. Mors Martell was banned from ever setting foot within the Six Kingdoms again.

death in starfall, 299 ac

The King of Dorne, Olyvar Martell, passed away unexpectedly during a visit to Starfall. There were suspicions as to the cause of his death, with eyes landing upon members of House Dayne as the culprits. Maesters confirmed that the king seemed to have passed of natural causes, though they could not say what exactly it was other than that they had been treating him for a time due to a pain in his chest.

slaver's bay has come to play, 305 ac

Fearful the Targaryens will come for them once they are done with the Free Cities, the cities of Slaver's Bay join together with the Essosi alliance, promising that they will oppose the dragonlords and provide slaves to fight them, so long as it is ensured they can continue their slave trade uninterrupted.

death of the dornish heir, 309 ac

The only trueborn son of King Dagon Martell of Dorne, Prince Qoren Martell, passed away from a summer illness. Reports from Dorne claimed that the boy had been born weak in health. His other, Morra, was inconsolable after having lost her only child.

abdication of the throne, 310 ac

Wishing to live out the rest of his days unburdened by the crown, King Viserion abdicates the throne to his daughter and heir, Rhaelle. She is pronounced Queen Rhaelle, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Lady of the Six Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.

assassination in sunspear, 312 ac

King Dagon Martell is assassinated by an unknown assaliant whilst asleep in his bed. Fingers are pointed as the the culprit is suspected to be various lords, but it remains unknown who committed this crime of high treason.

rise of a king to tear cities down, 313 ac

Queen Jaenara Targaryen of Pyre's Helm passes away of an unknown illness the Maesters and Healers relate to inflammation in her body (it's really complications of diabetes) and her son Daemon rises to the throne.

the failure of desert crops, 313 ac

Though crops grew well in the arid areas of Dorne for a while, due to the water mages creating a channel from the Greenblood, that channel has begun to dry up and the crops it was supplying with water are dying. The Dornish face the problem of attempting to restore the water that flows to the crops, but water mages have grown very weak in Dorne. Dorne faces problems as food supplies for the smallfolk begin to dwindle.

death of a good king & a great man, 315 ac

Though a retired monarch, the death of King Viserion is treated as the passing of a ruling monarch. There are wailers in the streets and though the former king had not wanted a grand procession for his funeral, people still flock to King's Landing to say their goodbyes and mingle.

Tradesmen, fighters, and vagrants are the ones most likely to find themselves travelling, given their lifestyles. But nobles will inevitably be traveling as well. Here are general guidelines when helping you determine how long a trip might take for your character. Your time does not have to be exact. The link below is a tool to help you figure out your timing; it provides great estimates for horseback, dragon, and sea.

  • North to South, Westeros is approximately ~3,000 miles / ~4800km
  • West to East at its widest, Westeros is approximately ~900miles / ~1450km
  • The Wall is 100 leagues long, or 300 miles / ~480km
  • in Essos, the Smoking Sea (west-east): 520 miles
  • On foot: 24 miles / 28 km per day
  • On horseback: 30-40 miles / 50-65 km per day
  • With pack animals or carriages: 20-30 miles / 30-50 km per day
  • 170 miles / 270 km per day (sailing day AND night)
  • presumably halve that if not sailing at night
  • 500 miles / 800 km per day at max speed
  • ravens may leapfrog from keep to keep unless highly trained
  • 35-60 miles / 60-100 km per hour with a rider
  • Kingsroad - to Winterfell or Storm's End
  • Roseroad - to Highgarden
  • Goldroad - To Casterly Rock

dragonriders of the six kingdoms

The riders listed here are those that call the Six Kingdoms home. Some are spread throughout the Six Kingdoms, though most call King's Landing proper home; these do not include the Dornish dragonriders. The dragons from the Six Kingdoms are smaller than their Essosi cousins for the simple fact that the Targaryens of the Six Kingdoms house their dragons within dragonpits. Though their dragonpits have grown and been reconstructed over the years, they still inhibit the growth of the dragons in that dragons kept outside of pits grow larger by comparison.

Dragons without coloring are displayed in the Crownlands membergroup colors - they will change once claimed!



Dark navy scaling

TEMPERAMENT Never knowing a person's touch outside that of Queen Vaella I Targaryen, Stormsheer sticks to the highest peaks and cliffs of Dragonstone, and has a nest deep within the mountain where the air is acrid and hot; though his more preferred spot to nest is the courtyard of the Targaryen holdfast, the Nest, where his rider had her funeral pyre. He will venture to the spot in quiet hours, when no one is around, and it's believed he goes in search of Vaella's spirit. He is a rare sighting for most and has claimed the life of at least one Targaryen that's tried their hand at claiming him. He is one of only a handful of living dragons that has seen war. Stormsheer was claimed by Crowned Princess Rhaelle Targaryen in 279 AC after the young Princess of Dragonstone had won over the dragon's trust through repeated visits. They have been together as dragon and rider for 36 years, and the bond they share is of comfort to the dragon that had once missed his previous rider.


King's Landing

sex Male ( confirmed )

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch N/A

hatched for Queen Vaella Targaryen

former rider(s) Queen Vaella Targaryen

95 years

279 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (1)

rhaelle targaryen




Black scales with that sort of oil slick kind of sheen to them, and gold eyes.

TEMPERAMENT Maegor had a bond with his dragon - Onyx - that was so deep even from a young age that it resulted in Maegor not verbally speaking until he was closer to three or four years of age. It is clear now that it was the influence of Onyx, who to this day remains on the quieter side as far as dragons go. The noises that he does make are not quite normal and the Keepers suspect there to be some sort of defect in his larynx.

location Dragonstone

sex Male ( speculated )

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch N/A

hatched for Prince Maegor Targaryen

former rider(s) N/A

22 years

293 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (2)

maegor targaryen




A deep shade of violet with a very light gray underbelly. Her spikes and horns are black. There are silver dots all along her body and they gleam in the moonlight.

TEMPERAMENT A highly docile dragon, she has been coddled by the Princess from a young age. She lived within the Red Keep until she became too big to keep within the castle and now lives in the dragon pits, though she is often free to roam the skies, either on her own or being ridden by Jaehaera. She is highly protective of her rider and tends to nip at those she does not like.

location The Wall

sex Queen ( speculated )

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings Sister

clutch N/A

hatched for Princess Jaehaera Targaryen

former rider(s) N/A

21 years

294 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (3)

jaehaera targaryen




A shimmering seafoam teal with vibrant pink speckling along the edges of some scales

TEMPERAMENT Known for her love of flying, Seashell has been a delightful sight within the Vale of Arryn for over ten years. Due to her never knowing the inside of a dragonpit, she tends to become agitated when within King's Landing and has been known to snip at and threaten the Keepers that usher her within while Baelor visits his family; she has also grown larger than others in her time within the Vale, only ever knowing the girth of the sky and clouds. She is generally a talkative dragon, making it easy to know when she's welcoming of a presence, happy, or otherwise irritated; her vocal cues are strong. Some have said that is displays the opposite demeanor of her rider, whom tends to lean toward the quieter and more obedient side, which is a telling of his true spirit and heart, as Seashell is energetic and without restraint.

location The Vale

sex Queen ( speculated ) / male in truth

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch N/A

hatched for Prince Baelor Targaryen

former rider(s) N/A

18 years

297 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (4)

baelor targaryen




Midnight blue scales and wings, which glisten in the rain and moonlight. Her horns, wing bones, and spinal crest match its scales, a mostly dark-colored dragon with few accents and hints of light blue. Her wing membranes are also lighter blue, with flames of the opposite contrast, a golden fire that illuminates the night sky. Her eyes are also a lighter version of blue, beautiful to behold in the moonlight.

TEMPERAMENT Urrax is older and experienced, an endurer of numerous storms and intense weather conditions, giving her a fierce and aggressive nature. To ride her, one must display strength and assertiveness. Urrax only submits herself to someone brazen enough to tame her, and her rider must rise to the task. A hunter, she only feeds on meat, including lambs, cattle, and other prey of carnivores.

location The Stormlands

sex Queen ( confimed )

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch x clutch ( year )

hatched for Princess Alysanne Targaryen

former rider(s) Princess Alysanne Targaryen, King Haemon Targaryen, Prince Maekar Targaryen

120 years

295 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (5)

maelarr targaryen




Pearlescent teal that is almost silver upon first glance, with spines and horns that almost look as if they're made out of jadeite.

TEMPERAMENT Sister has a lovely, if not loving, temperament. She could almost be considered friendly, though this is only if Jaehaerys is near as she seems to feed off his energy. If he's calm, she's calm, and in turn she can become quite monstrous if he's agitated and furious. She has seen battle and has even been the cause of death for Ironborne, so as friendly as she may seem, she is not without her ire at her core.

location Traveling

sex Queen ( confirmed )

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings Moongleam

clutch Clutch laid 9th moon, 307 AC, ( Synora )

hatched for Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen

former rider(s) N/A


284 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (6)

jaehaerys targaryen




Meleys has scarlet scales and pink membranes on her wings, for which she received her alias, the Red Queen. Her crest, horns, and claws are bright as copper. The dragon has been described as "splendid" and "magnificent".


location Summerflame

sex Queen ( confirmed )

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch to be rolled

hatched for Princess Alyssa Targaryen

former rider(s) Princess Alyssa Targaryen, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen

240 years

302 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (7)

viserion targaryen


open name




location TBD

sex TBD

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch N/A

hatched for Princess Dalla Targaryen

former rider(s) N/A

40 years

302 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (8)

dalla targaryen




The scales seen upon Leaf are a beautiful mixture of deep yellow, russet brown, and burnt orange resembling the shades that leaves turn during the fall. This was what inspired the name of the dragon, for the scaling that resembles the color of those leaves. Leaf has many horns upon its head, with a long neck. It is a larger dragon, having been kept out of the dragonpits most of its life. The ridges along Leaf's back are all russet brown, with the dragon's wing membranes being a deep yellow. The eyes of the dragon are a deep maroon, whilst the flames that come froth from its mouth are very much like flames one would see from a campfire.

TEMPERAMENT Leaf is believed to be a male dragon, having never laid any clutches thus far. Even the dragon's rider refers to the creature as a male. Rather than tempermental, it can be said that Leaf is serene. The dragon is adventurous, much like its rider, and yet has a serene characteristic in that it has never harmed those that venture too near its nest. With its rider, Leaf is affectionate in offering deep, rumbling chirps as responses to words spoken. The dragon does not share when it comes to food, however, and prefers to roast all meals in flame before devouring them.

location Kingswood

sex Male ( speculated )

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch N/A

hatched for Princess Alysanne Targaryen

former rider(s) N/a

45 years

302 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (9)

alysanne targaryen




A glimmering shade of crimson that bleeds to black at the edges of his thickly armored scales. They had been given their namesake for the rain of embers that come before his spray of fire.

TEMPERAMENT Embershaud is distrustful of strangers, especially those attempting to handle him. He is reminded of those that snatched him away as a hatchling and proceeded to lock him away in the dragonpits. It was when Baelon snuck into his enclosure and freed him that a bond was reestablished. After all those years the child had not forgotten the dragon. Embershaud is prone to snapping at those that get to close for his liking, yet is ever careful to avoid injury. He enjoys the fact that Baelon lets him stretch his wings plenty and his traveling means less times in the pits, which he is ever thankful for.

location King's Landing

sex Male ( speculated ), Queen in truth

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch N/A

hatched for Baelon Waters

former rider(s) N/A

19 years

296 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (10)

baelon waters




With scales the color of black smoke and underbelly the color of dark red, it's almost hard to Azantys among the clouds billowing from the volcano that resides on The Nest. That same dark red covers the underside of her wings as well.

TEMPERAMENT Much like her rider, Azantys was once a friendly and cheerful like dragon. She was often known to be playful towards others that she allowed close enough to her. In the past eight years, she's become a bit more aggressive towards others and very protective of Rhaegal. Known for growling at those who come close to her who aren't her rider or don't have food for her. Whatever you do, don't mention a certain Targaryen's name or you might find her snapping at you (as she seems to share her rider's dislike for the man)

location Dragonstone

sex Queen ( speculated )

parentage TBD

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch N/A

hatched for Prince Rhaegal Targaryen

former rider(s) N/A

33 years

282 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (11)

rhaegal targaryen




Largely silver all over, with glimmers of golden coloring along the spine and in the wings, with an iridescence under the sun's light giving an appearance of electrum

TEMPERAMENT Feral since the day he was born, Shrike became known as a terror among the Mountain clans and travelers along the mountain paths. Named for the bird of a similar habit, the dragon gained a reputation in the Vale for pilfering livestock, mainly sheep, and the occasional unfortunate traveler. Things changed for the dragon on the day it met sixteen-year-old Lark Waynwood as he stood in its way of grabbing a few sheep for lunch. Due to having been left wild for a few decades, Shrike is considered quite large for his age and though bonded with Lark, Shrike still has a tendency to roam freely but doesn't attack as often as he used to. Shrike does not take kindly to being caged, chained, or imprisoned, and his rider hesitates to even try. He and his rider exist in a state of absolute devotion but eternal conflict as each would prefer to be the more dominant party to the dragon-rider relationship.

location Traveling

sex Male ( confirmed )

parentage unknown

same clutch siblings TBD

clutch N/A

hatched for Natural Hatching

former rider(s) TBD

85-89 years

297 ac

Winds of Change -> Guidebook (12)

lark waynwood



There are those born of Valyrian blood said to be dreamers. It is not a common ability, but neither is it unique. For Targaryens, it is known as Dragon Dreaming. Rules and explanation for this can be found under the Divination tab.

Valyrian magic is said to be rooted in fire and blood. Skilled and powerful mages stood alongside the Dragonlords of Old Valyria, but their art was lost with the Doom. No Valyrian knows the secrets of Valyrian magic and/or spells, and thus their mages are no more.

Otherwise known as

The Dragon

is the innate trait of fire resistance of flesh and body. Not every Valyrian or dragonrider is born with this trait.

  • This is a rare and unique trait of a dragonlord.
  • Players cannot decide that their dragonrider has this trait.
  • Simply because they're resistant to fire does not mean they are immune to smoke. They still need air to breathe and can easily die of suffocation.
  • Laena Targaryen, Neyrelle Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, and Mance Rayder are the only ones with this trait as of right now. No other exceptions will be made.

The north or the North is one of the constituent regions of Westeros and was a sovereign nation ruled by Kings in the North before Aegon's Conquest. The largest region of the Six Kingdoms, the dominion of House Stark extends from the border of the New Gift, which is controlled by the Night's Watch, to the southern edge of the Neck far to the south.

The north has been ruled by the Starks for thousands of years from the castle known as Winterfell. The only city in the region is White Harbor, while the most prominent northern towns are the winter town and Barrowton. Notable bannermen of the region include Bolton, Cerwyn, Dustin, Flint, Glover, Hornwood, Karstark, Manderly, Mormont, Reed, Ryswell, Tallhart, and Umber.

Bastards of noble origin raised in the north are given the surname Snow.

This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the North, please read up here: The North Wiki

George R. R. Martin has indicated that Scotland is an inspiration for the north. While some say the vast north is nearly as large as the rest of the Six Kingdoms combined, in actuality it is roughly a third of the landmass controlled by the Iron Throne. The region is sparsely populated, with vast wilderness, rising moorlands, high plains, forests, pine-covered hills and snow-capped mountains, speckled with tiny villages and holdfasts. The cold north is much less fertile than provinces in southern Westeros. Its harsh climate is deadly in winter and occasionally it will snow even in summer. The north has two major land barriers, the Wall to the north and the Neck to the south. The north is bound on each side by major seas, the Shivering Sea to the east and the Sunset Sea to the west.

In the Bay of Seals are several islands, including Skagos and uninhabited Skane. The largest, Skagos, is said to be inhabited by cannibals and unicorns and is only nominally controlled by the Starks of Winterfell.

Winterfell and Moat Cailin are along the kingsroad, which connects Castle Black at the Wall with the riverlands to the south. There are farms, holdfasts, inns, and villages along the road.

The land of the north is not seen as valuable by many south of the Neck.

The north is strongly affected during the long winters, with thousands of people killed and famine a common occurrence due to poor harvests before winter or the inability to raise crops during the longer winters that last for years on end. Some greater lords maintain greenhouses at their castles, such as the glass gardens of Winterfell.

Once autumn is declared by the Citadel, the lords of the north store away a part of the grain they have harvested. How much is a matter of choice; between one fifth and one fourth seems prudent, however. Additionally food is smoked, salted, and otherwise preserved ahead of winter. Coastal communities depend on fish and inland ice fishing is common on the rivers and Long Lake. Poor harvests before winter will mean famine, however.

In winter, snows can fall forty feet deep. Rain falls cold and hard, and sometimes turns into ice that can send men running for cover and ruin crops. Even during summer, snowfalls are not unusual but tend to be brief and not particularly damaging to agriculture.

The constant cold and the iron grip of winter set apart the northerners from the people of the kingdoms south of the Neck. The north's terrain and climate do not easily yield the necessities of daily life. Northmen place less of an emphasis on courtly ritual and culture, and instead prefer hunting and brawling. Many northmen disapprove of tourneys and gambling. Northern competitions rarely feature jousting, preferring instead dangerous melees, and northmen also make up their own rules for tourneys.

Guest right is treasured in the north. Northmen have long memories, and a lord who does not seek his rightful vengeance threatens to have his own men turn on him. A northern custom is that when someone is condemned to death, he who passes that sentence should swing the sword.

Most of the north's people still follow the old gods and their heart trees, and have little inclination for newer religions. There are only a few houses who follow the Faith of the Seven, with House Manderly the most prominent.[34] Due to its religious aspect, most northmen refuse to take holy orders and thus cannot become knights, although some northern cavalry are knights who still follow the old gods instead of the Seven. Most knights of the north live in the region's southern lands, such as White Harbor and the barrowlands. Heraldry in the north is simpler than that in southern Westeros, showing the lesser influence that chivalry has had there.

Northmen hold the Night's Watch in high regard, and many lords send annual gifts to support the black brothers.

As the north is largely uncultivated, there are few roads of import there. Most of the inland trade passes by either the kingsroad or the rivers. Trade items from the north include wool, hides, and timber. White Harbor, the main port town of the north, contains silversmiths and the Old Mint. Food can be shipped from the south through the narrow sea to the northern city.
The north's exact military strength has not yet been revealed. According to a semi-canon source from 2005, the north can perhaps raise forty-five thousand soldiers, although it takes a long time for armies to be gathered from such a large region. According to George R.R. Martin, the north's military strength is about equal to that of the Vale of Arryn, and Dorne. During Aegon's Conquest, King Torrhen Stark raised an army of thirty thousand men. Nearly twenty thousand can be raised on short notice near the start of autumn, while thousands more might be raised from more distant houses, such as the mountain clans, if more time is allowed.

A semi-canon source from 2005 places the infantry-to-cavalry ratio at four to one. House Manderly, of southron origins, is known to command the most heavy horse north of the Neck. Mail is the most common armor found in the north. As knighthood is associated with the Faith of the Seven, and the majority of the northmen holds to the old gods, knighthood is rare in the north.

The north has had no strength at sea since Brandon the Burner set fire to the remaining fleet of his father, Brandon the Shipwright.

The Iron Islands is one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms. Until Aegon's Conquest it was ruled by the Kings of the Iron Islands and then briefly the Kings of the Isles and the Rivers.

The Iron Islands are home to a fierce seafaring people who call themselves the ironborn. While some say the archipelago is named after the abundant iron ore on the islands, the ironmen claim it is instead named after their own unyielding nature.[1] It is often said that every captain is a king aboard his own ship, so the islands are also called "the land of ten thousand kings".

The isles are ruled by House Greyjoy from their castle of Pyke. Notable houses have included Blacktyde, Botley, Drumm, Goodbrother, Greyiron, Harlaw, Hoare, Merlyn, Stonehouse, Sunderly, Tawney, and Wynch.

Bastards of noble origin from the Iron Islands receive the surname Pyke.

This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the the Iron Islands, please read up here: The Iron Islands Wiki

The Iron Islands is an archipelago in Ironman's Bay, located in the Sunset Sea off the western coast of Westeros. They are roughly west of the riverlands, northwest of the westerlands, and south of the north.

The main grouping of islands numbers thirty-one, with the seven major isles being Pyke, Great Wyk, Old Wyk, Harlaw, Saltcliffe, Blacktyde, and Orkmont. Eight days sail northwest of Great Wyk is a smaller grouping of thirteen clustered around the Lonely Light. Some of the Iron Islands are used for sheep grazing or are uninhabited. The islands are ruled from Pyke, the seat of House Greyjoy on the island of the same name.

The Iron Islands is the smallest of the regions of the Seven Kingdoms. Dorne is the least populous of the Seven Kingdoms according to Doran Martell, but it is unclear if he is also including the Iron Islands in this estimate.

The Iron Islands are small, barely-fertile rocks with few safe harbors. The seas around the isles are stormy, frequently wreaking havoc with their considerable force.

The inhabitants of these harsh isles are known as ironmen, especially by the rest of Westeros, but they also call themselves the ironborn. The ironborn are a seafaring people, and some do not like to be far from the sea. The priests of the Drowned God likewise seldom stray far from the sea. The ironborn are considered independent, fierce, and sometimes cruel. They live in a harsh land and hold no love for the peoples of the mainland Westeros, whom they consider green and weak.

The Faith of the Seven and the old gods find small favor with the ironborn, as their allegiance is given to their native Drowned God. Because of the scarcity of the Faith, there are few knights in the islands; known knights include Ser Harras Harlaw and Ser Aladale Wynch. Some ironmen believe in returning to the Old Way of reaving and paying the iron price.

The islands are sparse and rocky with a thin, stony soil that makes it hard for the smallfolk to farm, often having to do without the animals that might make their job easier, such as oxen or horses. While their mines do not produce the precious metals of the westerlands, iron is abundant on the isles. Lead and tin can also be obtained. Most ironborn feel the dangerous and backbreaking labor required to mine these metals is work suitable only for thralls. With so little wealth on the islands themselves, it is not difficult to understand why the ironborn of old turned to raiding. Archmaester Haereg suggests that need for wood was what first drove the ironborn to raid the mainland.
According to a semi-canon source from 2005, the Iron Isles can raise approximately twenty thousand men and five hundred longships. The Iron Fleet alone consists of one hundred ships which are three times larger than the standard longship. A longship such as Sea Bitch has fifty oars, while Great Kraken and Iron Victory are larger. George R. R. Martin has indicated that the major lords of the ironborn can each float around a hundred ships. The only fleets comparable to those of the Iron Islands are the royal fleet in the crownlands and the Redwyne fleet at the Arbor.

The riverlands or Riverlands is a central region of the Six Kingdoms of Westeros, consisting of the rich, fertile, and populous areas around the three forks of the Trident and the northern Blackwater Rush. At the time of Aegon's Conquest the riverlands and the Iron Islands were ruled by House Hoare, the Kings of the Isles and the Rivers, although native river kings ruled centuries earlier.

Because of their central position in Westeros and lack of natural boundaries, the riverlands have been a frequent battleground. The people of the riverlands are known as "rivermen" or occasionally "riverlanders", and they are a mixture of hardy warriors, peaceful fisherfolk and devout smallfolk. Their lords have a reputation for being notoriously quarrelsome, and are referred to as "river lords". Noble bastards born in the riverlands are given the surname Rivers.

The riverlands are ruled from Riverrun by House Tully, the Lords Paramount of the Trident. Notable houses of the region have included Blackwood, Bracken, Darry, Frey, Lothston, Mallister, Mooton, Mudd, Piper, Ryger, Strong, Vance, and Whent.

This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the REGION HERE, please read up here: Riverlands

The riverlands encompass a region of plains, forests, hills, and endless rivers, and borders on every single region of Westeros except Dorne. Their northern border is near the swamplands of the Neck, the southernmost region of the north. To the east, the riverlands extend to the Vale of Arryn's Mountains of the Moon and Crackclaw Point in the crownlands. A stream forms part of the boundary between the riverlands and the crownlands, with the hills of House Wode in the former and the lands of House Hogg in the latter. To the south the riverlands border the crownlands and the Reach. The riverlands extend west to Ironman's Bay and the mountainous westerlands. The heavily fortified Golden Tooth guards the entrance to the riverlands but belongs itself to the westerlands. Some of the eastern hills of what are now the westerlands were once ruled by Kings of the Rivers and the Hills, such as the Mudds and Teagues. Some river kings also fought over territory with the Kings of the Reach to the south.

The riverlands are named for the number of rivers which are present. The Red Fork runs from its source in the western mountains to Riverrun where it combines with the Tumblestone and then runs to the east. The Blue Fork flows southeast from its sources near Seagard, while the Green Fork runs south from swamps in the Neck, near the kingsroad. The three forks come together a short distance from Lord Harroway's Town to form the Trident, which then pours into the Bay of Crabs at Saltpans. The northern Blackwater Rush and a river from the Gods Eye run through the southern riverlands.

The riverlands do not contain any major cities, but have a number of towns, such as Fairmarket, Harrentown, Harroway, Maidenpool, Saltpans, and Stoney Sept. Their major castles include Darry, Harrenhal, Raventree Hall, Riverrun, Seagard, Stone Hedge, and the Twins. Additional noteworthy places in the riverlands are the old ruins at Oldstones, where in ancient times House Mudd had its castle, and the Gods Eye lake with the Isle of Faces in it. The Lady of the Leaves lives in a village hidden in trees, while a ghost is said to be at High Heart. The Quiet Isle is located at the mouth of the Trident.

The river road runs from Casterly Rock in the westerlands to Riverrun and then on to the crossroads, where it meets the kingsroad and the high road. The Duskendale road connects Maidenpool with Duskendale in the crownlands.

Although they are Lords Paramount of the Trident, the Tullys have historically fielded fewer men than the Blackwoods, Brackens, Freys, and Vances. The Mallisters have a more prestigious lineage, while the Mootons are wealthier. The River Lords are known to fight with one another often over petty and old squabbles alike. House Bracken and Blackwood are notorious for having an ongoing feud, though no one can say what it originated over now.
The riverlands are rich and fertile and populous. The numerous rivers that run across their expanse are used for trading and the transport of goods. In times of peace fisherfolk in skiffs and grain barges pole downstream and merchants on floating ships sail on the rivers. With so much trade on the rivers, villagers will haul their grain and other goods to it to see it sold and carried elsewhere by the merchants.[20] Wine can be made from small, tart grapes grown in the riverlands.
While the riverlands are rich, fertile and populous, the region lacks natural borders and suffers from divided leadership. This affects the military strength House Tully of Riverrun can field. According to a semi-canon source from 2005, the riverlands can field perhaps some forty-five thousand men, with an estimated infantry-to-cavalry ratio of three to one. However, the number of soldiers who have been described in the field have been far less. When Aegon I Targaryen marched against the Reach during the Conquest with a host of eleven thousand men, most of these soldiers came from the riverlands. During the Conflict with Dorne, more than a hundred years later, the Lords of the Trident raised an army on two occasions: one of sixty-six hundred men, and one of nearly four thousand. It is unknown whether the same men made up part of the armies in battle on both occasions, or just one.

House Frey alone is capable of raising at least four thousand men, including one thousand knights and three thousand infantry.

The Vale of Arryn or the Vale is one of the constituent regions of the Six Kingdoms of Westeros. It was formerly a sovereign nation ruled by the Kings of Mountain and Vale before Aegon's Conquest. The Mountains of the Moon surround the smaller Vale proper, although the valley's name is often applied to all of House Arryn's realm.

The Vale is ruled by the Arryns from the castle known as the Eyrie. Notable houses of this region include Baelish, Belmore, Corbray, Egen, Grafton, Hersy, Hunter, Melcolm, Redfort, Royce, Templeton, and Waynwood.

Bastards of noble origin raised in the Vale are given the surname Stone.

This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the Vale of Arryn, please read up here: Vale of Arryn Wiki

The borders of the Vale are held to be the Bite to the north, the Bay of Crabs to the south, the Mountains of the Moon and then the riverlands to the west, and the narrow sea to the east. The Vale consists of various regions: the Vale of Arryn itself; the Mountains of the Moon; the snakewood; the Fingers; and the islands of the Three Sisters, the Paps, and Pebble.

The Vale is located on the eastern shore of Westeros, a land of fertile soil, rivers, and lakes, protected by its largely impassable Mountains of the Moon. The Vale tends to be slightly isolated from the rest of Westeros. Its harsh winters make travel only possible through the mountains during warmer years, and rebellious mountain clans make travel even more dangerous. The Vale can be reached through the high road, which connects the Vale and the riverlands, and is protected by the Bloody Gate.

The mountainous border of the Vale of Arryn proper appears to include the Bloody Gate in the west and the Eyrie and Longbow Hall to the north. The fertile lands within the valley include Ironoaks, Old Anchor, Redfort, and a peninsula containing the city of Gulltown and Runestone. The town of Wickenden is located along the Bay of Crabs, in the mountains south of the valley. Castles north of the Vale proper in the valleys of the Mountains of the Moon and the snakewood forest include Coldwater, Heart's Home, Snakewood, and Strongsong.

The Valemen, the people of the Vale, are known as reliable warriors steeped in honor and the worship of the Faith of the Seven. The knights of the Vale consider themselves the finest in the Six Kingdoms, and the Valemen consider the Eyrie to be the most beautiful castle of the realm. The island people of the Three Sisters are known as Sistermen.

Some of the people living in the foothills of the Mountains of the Moon have rejected the authority of the Eyrie and live by their own rules. These mountain clans, such as the Black Ears and the Burned Men, are descendants of the First Men who raid unwary travelers and skirmish with the knights of the Vale.

The valley's rich black soil allows the Valemen to grow wheat, corn, and barley. Not even in Highgarden do the pumpkins grow any larger nor is the fruit any sweeter. House Waxley is known for producing scented candles in Wickenden. The candles can be scented with nutmeg and other costly spices. There is at least one rock quarry in the Vale, which produces “white stone” suitable for use in castle walls.
According to a semi-canon sources from 2005, the Vale can raise perhaps as many as forty-five thousand men. Their strength is comparable to the North and Dorne, according to George R. R. Martin. The houses Royce of Runestone, Waynwood, Hunter, Redfort, Belmore and Templeton together are able to raise twenty thousand men, while House Royce of the Gates of the Moon can field only three hundred.

It is said that the Kings of Mountain and Vale did not neglect their fleets when they still reigned, which might have counted hundreds of ships at Gulltown.

The westerlands is a region in the west of the continent of Westeros. Before Aegon's Conquest, it was known as the Kingdom of the Rock. People from the westerlands are known as westermen.

The westerlands is ruled from Casterly Rock by House Lannister. Notable bannermen have included Banefort, Brax, Broom, Clegane, Crakehall, Farman, Lefford, Lydden, Marbrand, Payne, Prester, Reyne, Serrett, Swyft, Tarbeck, and Westerling.

The customary surname of bastards of noble origin born in the westerlands is Hill.

This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the the Westerlands, please read up here: The Westerlands Wiki

The westerlands is known for its rugged hills, rolling plains, fertile fields, and broadleaf forests. The land contains lakes and rivers, and the hills conceal systems of caves and caverns.

The region lies along the coast of the Sunset Sea, with Ironman's Bay and the Iron Islands to the north. A salient of the northeastern westerlands extends near the ruins of Oldstones and the Blue Fork. Castles on the northwestern coast include Banefort and the Crag. Faircastle is located on Fair Isle, while Feastfires and the market town of Kayce are found on a peninsula jutting into the sea.

Also along the coast is Casterly Rock, the seat of House Lannister, a fortress carved out of a massive hill of solid rock. Near the Rock is Lannisport, a port and one of the largest cities of Westeros. Three days ride from the Rock is the village of Oxcross.[10] Inland castles near the Rock including Ashemark and Sarsfield, as well as the ruins of Castamere and Tarbeck Hall.

The headwaters of the Tumblestone and the Red Fork begin in the westerlands and flow east into the riverlands. The main pass through the eastern hills is guarded by the Golden Tooth, a castle which controls access to the river road leading to Riverrun. Further south is the Goldroad, which runs east to King's Landing. Deep Den watches this road, with Hornvale to the north and Silverhill to the south.

The southern westerlands contain more flatland than the rest of the country and includes Cornfield and the forest by Crakehall Castle. The Ocean Road leads south from the Rock past Crakehall to Old Oak and Highgarden in the Reach. Also located in the westerlands are Greenfield and Wyndhall.

The westerlands are not the largest, most populous, or most fertile part of the realm, but they are the richest. Full of hills and crags, the land is dotted with mines from which pour gold and silver in astonishing quantities. There are gold mines at Casterly Rock, the Golden Tooth, Castamere, Nunn's Deep, and the Pendric Hills. Besides farming, there is also some fishery in Lannisport and on Fair Isle.
A semi-canon source from 2005 estimates the military strength of the westerlands to be fifty thousand men strong, though this count includes even green boys, and depletes most castles of any protection. During Aegon's Conquest, King Loren I Lannister marched a host of twenty-two thousand from the westerlands to battle. The westerlands contributed ten thousand men-at-arms and one thousand knights during the War of the Ninepenny Kings.

The crownlands is one of the eight constituent regions of the Six Kingdoms of Westeros. It was never a sovereign kingdom, instead being contested by river kings, Storm Kings, and local petty kings until Aegon the Conqueror seized control of the area during his Wars of Conquest and made it his primary foothold on the continent. Since then, the crownlands have been ruled directly by the Iron Throne, through House Targaryen

Some notable houses of the crownlands include Bar Emmon, Celtigar, Massey, Rosby, Rykker, Stokeworth, Sunglass, and Velaryon.

Bastards of noble origin raised in the crownlands are given the surname Waters.

This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the the Crownlands, please read up here: The Crownlands

The crownlands are based around Blackwater Bay, with the capital of King's Landing built where the Blackwater Rush meets the bay. King's Landing, the largest city in Westeros, contains the Great Sept of Baelor and the Red Keep, the home of House Baratheon of King's Landing. Settlements north of King's Landing include Antlers (seat of House Buckwell), Rosby (seat of House Rosby), Stokeworth (seat of House Stokeworth), and Duskendale (seat of House Rykker), the region's secondary port. Near Duskendale are the ruins of the Hollard castle. Farther north are Rook's Rest (seat of House Staunton) and Crackclaw Point, a rugged peninsula of insular folk whose castles include the Dyre Den (seat of House Brune), Brownhollow (another seat of House Brune), and the Whispers (formerly of House Crabb). North of Crackclaw Point are the Bay of Crabs and the Vale of Arryn.

The crownlands are bordered to the northwest and west by the riverlands. A stream forms part of the boundary between the two regions, with the hills of House Wode in the riverlands and the lands of House Hogg in the crownlands. An unnamed river flows south from Gods Eye into the Blackwater Rush in the western crownlands. Southwest of King's Landing are hills around Tumbleton in the Reach. North of Duskendale are hills, fields, and woods.

South of King's Landing is the kingswood, the royal hunting forest, and the stormlands. The Wendwater flows through the kingswood into the bay. East of the kingswood is Massey's Hook, another peninsula that with Crackclaw Point forms the inlet of Blackwater Bay. Castles on Massey's Hook include Stonedance (seat of House Massey) and Sharp Point (seat of House Bar Emmon).

Islands within Blackwater Bay include Dragonstone (another seat of House Baratheon), Driftmark (seat of House Velaryon), and Claw Isle (seat of House Celtigar). Also sworn to the Baratheons of Dragonstone is Sweetport Sound (seat of House Sunglass). Massey's Hook is separated from Driftmark by the Gullet. East of Blackwater Bay is the narrow sea.

The kingsroad connects King's Landing with Storm's End to the south and the crossroads to the north, while the capital is connected to Lannisport by the goldroad and to Highgarden by the roseroad. The Rosby road runs from King's Landing toward Duskendale, and the Duskendale road heads north to Maidenpool in the riverlands.Snow is infrequent at King's Landing

The metropolis of King's Landing is the driving force of the region, with the largest population and harbor in the realm. Trade and taxes flow into the capital from every corner of the realm acknowledging the Iron Throne, and many foreign vessels ply their wares as well. Virtually every craft and trade is practiced here, from metalsmithing and shipbuilding to alchemy. Elsewhere, fishing and farming are the norm, with a smattering of the common professions.

Along the kingsroad north of the capital, a traveler goes "past woods and orchards and neatly tended fields, through small villages, crowded market towns, and stout holdfasts."

According to a semi-canon source from 2005, the mainland lords of the crownlands can raise ten to fifteen thousand men. At the time of Aegon's Conquest, Houses Darklyn and Mooton combined were able to raise an army of three thousand men, while Prince Aemond Targaryen managed to raise an army from the crownlands of four thousand man within a fortnight.

King's Landing's main defense are the City Watch. In 298 AC, they numbered two thousand. As of 315 AC, the City Watch numbers three thousand men and women.

Dragonstone, the island east of Blackwater Bay, can field its own military strength, but compared to the regions in Westeros, can field the least amount of soldiers. Its garrison is made up out of thirty knights, a hundred crossbowmen, and three hundred men-at-arms.

The crownlands is also home to the royal fleet, which is one of the main three forces at sea in Westeros. The exact number of ships of the royal fleet are unknown; the royal fleet was mostly destroyed in 284 AC during a summer storm, though some ships from the fleet might have survived. The fleet is still being rebuilt, albeit rather slowly as the coffers of King's Landing run low on funds due to a lack of recent wars.

The Reach is one of the constituent regions of the Six Kingdoms on the continent of Westeros. It was formerly a sovereign nation ruled by the Kings of the Reach before Aegon's Conquest. It is the second-largest of the kingdoms behind the north and is considered the most fertile and heavily-populated part of Westeros.

The Reach is considered the home of chivalry in Westeros. It is the place where knighthood is looked upon with the greatest reverence and esteemed the most. It is also the place where the rules for tourneys are the most stringent and managed.

The Reach is ruled from the castle of Highgarden by House Tyrell. Notable houses have included Ashford, Caswell, Crane, Florent, Fossoway, Gardener, Hightower, Merryweather, Mullendore, Oakheart, Redwyne, Rowan, Tarly, and Vyrwel. Noble bastards born in the Reach are given the surname Flower

This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the REGION HERE, please read up here: Reach

The Reach is the most fertile part of Westeros and has numerous and well-populated villages and towns. The Sunset Sea is found to the west, while the hills of the westerlands are to the northwest and the Blackwater Rush of the riverlands is to the north. The Reach borders the crownlands to the northeast, while to the east and southeast are the stormlands and their Dornish Marches. South of the Reach are the Red Mountains of Dorne and the Summer Sea. The Roseroad links Oldtown with King's Landing by way of Highgarden, while the Ocean Road links Highgarden with Lannisport.

The Reach is watered by the immense river Mander and its tributaries, including the Blueburn and the co*ckleswhent. The Reach proper is centered around the Mander. Oldtown is located at the mouth of the Honeywine. The region also includes several islands, including the Shield Islands near the mouth of the Mander and the Arbor south of the Whispering Sound and the Redwyne Straits.

Most of the houses of the Reach live in relative comfort, rich off their land or other thriving interest. It is said that even the smallfolk that live there have no worry for coin. Bride and groom traditionally exchange gifts on the morning of their wedding in the Reach.
The Reach is the second wealthiest region in the Seven Kingdoms behind the westerlands, but it is the most fertile region. Among the products it produces are melons, fireplums, peaches, apples, and grapes. The Arbor is said to make the finest of rich wines, from reds to a golden vintage. Woodharps made in Oldtown are highly sought after.

Before Aegon's Conquest, the golden coins of the Reach were known as hands. They still exist in some number, with each hand coin roughly half the value of a dragon coin.

While some describe the military strength of the Reach to be fifty thousand swords, the Tyrells can field at least some seventy thousand soldiers. Of their bannermen, House Florent can field two thousand men at best, while House Hightower, at least during the early 100s AC, was able to field much more than nine thousand men.

Plate armor is commonly used in the Reach.

The naval strength of the Reach is made up mostly out of the Redwyne fleet of the Arbor, which contains two hundred warships. Further naval strength can be found at the Shield Islands, and the coastal lords.

The stormlands or Stormlands are one of the constituent regions of the Six Kingdoms on the continent of Westeros. The Kingdom of the Storm was a sovereign nation until Aegon's Conquest, in which the last Storm King was slain. The region is so-named for the savage and frequent autumn storms that batter the coast after beginning in the Summer Sea.

The stormlands are ruled from the castle of Storm's End by House Baratheon. Notable bannermen of the region include Buckler, Caron, Connington, Dondarrion, Errol, Estermont, Penrose, Selmy, Staedmon, Swann, Tarth, and Wylde. Noble bastards raised in the stormlands are given the surname Storm.

This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the REGION HERE, please read up here: Stormlands

he stormlands are bordered to the north by the crownlands, west by the Reach, south by Dorne and the Sea of Dorne, and east by Shipbreaker Bay and the narrow sea. They are one of the smaller regions of Westeros, a land of harsh mountains, stony shores, and verdant forests, including the kingswood and the rainwood along Cape Wrath. Major rivers include the Slayne and part of the Wendwater.

The windswept plains and grasslands of the Dornish Marches, located in the south-west in a long salient along the Red Mountains, serve as an effective buffer zone between the stormlands and their old enemies of the Reach and Dorne.

A few islands, including Tarth and Estermont, are also considered part of the stormlands. Ships coming across the narrow sea avoid the notorious Shipbreaker Bay and its storms, though the seas along the stormlands can be clear and blue. The waters around Tarth are particularly famed for their clear blue color, earning Tarth the name "Sapphire Isle".

The stormlands are thinly populated compared to most of the Seven Kingdoms, and their people have a reputation for being stormy like their weather. The province is known for its fierce warriors and sailors, and for moss-covered cottages among its rainy woods and green hills. Many smallfolk in the stormlands claim descent from a promiscuous Storm King, Ronard Storm.
Although it is rainy, the region is fertile enough. The Weeping Town is a thriving port on the Sea of Dorne. The kingsroad runs north from Storm's End to King's Landing in the crownlands.
According to a semi-canon source from 2005, the population of the stormlands is diffused, and the region can perhaps raise some thirty thousand men.

The Dornish Marches of the stormlands were the first line of defense against Dornish incursions from the south, so they have strong martial traditions and a number of strong castles, especially the marcher lords. The marcher lords are acclaimed for their bowmen.

Dorne is the large peninsula which makes up the southernmost part of Westeros, and is its own independent nation, separate from the Six Kingdoms united underneath the Targaryens. The lords of the ruling House Nymeros Martell style themselves "King/Queen" and "Prince/Princess" to show themselves equal to the Targaryens of King's Landing.

The Martells rule from their capital, Sunspear, outside of which sprawls the shadow city. Notable houses include Allyrion, Blackmont, Dayne, Fowler, Jordayne, Qorgyle, Santagar, Toland, Uller, Vaith, Wyl, and Yronwood.

This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the REGION HERE, please read up here: Dorne

Dorne is the hottest region of Westeros. The region is rocky, mountainous, arid and dry, and features the only desert on the continent. Dorne is bordered by the Sea of Dorne to the north, the islands known as the Stepstones to the east, and the Summer Sea to the south. Stretched between them is the mountain range known as the Red Mountains, which separates Dorne from the stormlands to the north and the Reach to the northwest and west. There are two major passes, the Boneway and the Prince's Pass, which go through the Red Mountains to the Dornish Marches of the stormlands. The Prince's Pass leads to Nightsong, while the Boneway leads to Summerhall. Sunspear and the Water Gardens, both controlled by the ruling House Martell, are located in southeastern Dorne.

Most of Dorne south of the Red Mountains is an arid wasteland. Eastern Dorne largely consists of dry, stony soil ill-suited for agriculture, while western Dorne contains deserts of red and white sand. The lords of House Vaith, for instance, are known as the Lords of the Red Dunes, while nobles of old who settled desert oases called themselves the Lords of the Wells. Sand dogs live in the desert.

Dorne's rivers provide some fertile lands and even during a long summer there is enough rain and other supplies of water to keep Dorne habitable. Inland water is almost as valuable as gold, and wells are jealously guarded. The major Dornish river is the Greenblood in southeastern Dorne, which is formed by the Vaith and the Scourge near Godsgrace. The trading port called Planky Town is located at the mouth of the Greenblood along the Summer Sea. The Brimstone in southern Dorne flows past the Hellholt to the Summer Sea. The Torentine has its source in the Red Mountains of western Dorne and ends at Starfall along the Summer Sea. The Wyl flows across the Boneway in northern Dorne to the Sea of Dorne. There is another river in northern Dorne which flows near Yronwood to the Sea of Dorne, but its name is as yet unknown.

The southern coast is some four hundred leagues long. It is ridden with cliffs, whirlpools, and hidden shoals, with few safe landings.

According to George R. R. Martin, Dorne is partially inspired by Wales, Spain, and Palestine.

Dornishmen differ both culturally and ethnically from other Westerosi due to the historical mass immigration of Rhoynish people and their relative isolation. Dornishmen have adopted many Rhoynish customs on top of their First Men and Andal origins. Dornishmen have a reputation for hot-bloodedness and sexual licentiousness, and are still viewed with some mistrust and rivalry by the people of the neighboring Dornish Marches and the Reach. Dornish bastards of noble origin are given the surname Sand. Dornish paint their silks instead of sewing coats of arms.

Dorne contains septs for the Faith of the Seven and red temples for followers of R'hllor.

In the Sothori Colony established, many there live in less than ideal conditions. They are mostly prisoners of small crimes sent to work off their sins, with some governance from the Martells themselves and other nobles of Dorne that choose to venture to the colony. These nobles are offered a payout for living in the Sothori Colony.

In Dorne, the descent from the Rhoynar is strongest. The Rhoynar were a slender people with smooth olive skin, black hair and dark eyes. Their impact on the Dornish gene pool is strongest along the coast, and grows faint farther inland. Dornishmen with more Andal and First Men blood are larger and fairer than those with more Rhoynish blood.

There are four groups of Dornishmen and they are as follows:

  • Salty Dornishmen live along the coasts, mainly along the Broken Arm region, where the Red Mountains stretch out into the Sea of Dorne. These Dornishmen are lithe and dark, with smooth olive skin and long black hair, having been most strongly influenced by the Rhoynar. The Martells of Sunspear would be considered salty Dornishmen. All Salty Dornish houses are as follows: Jordayne, Toland, Santagar, Martell, Dalt, and Gargalen. *The admins of WOC would like to see Indian/Middle Eastern (or mixed faces with either/both of these two ethnicities) used for these characters, unless otherwise stated that they have other ethnicities mixed in.
  • Sandy Dornishmen live in the deserts and the long river valleys. With faces burned brown by the hot Dornish sun, they are even darker than the salty Dornishmen. These may include the Ullers and Qorgyles, Houses which were founded by adventurers who braved the deserts. All Sandy Dornish houses are as follows: Allyrion, Vaith, Uller, Qorgyle. *The admins of WOC would like to see Middle Eastern or African faces used for these characters of Dorne, unless otherwise stated that they have other ethnicities mixed in.
  • Stony Dornishmen live in the passes and heights of the Red Mountains. They have the most Andal and First Men blood. Some stony Dornishmen might follow Andal rather than Rhoynar laws of inheritance. They are fair of skin, freckle or burn in the sun, and have brown or blond hair. These include the Yronwoods with their blond hair and blue eyes, the yellow-haired Fowlers, and the pale blond or dark-haired Daynes. All Stony Dornish houses are as follows: Yronwood, Wyl, Manwoody, Fowler, Blackmont, Dayne, and Drinkwater. *The admins of WOC would like to see Latin or Turkish faces used for these characters of Dorne, unless otherwise stated that they have other ethnicities mixed in.
  • Orphans of the Greenblood; Additionally, a fourth, smaller group exists. The orphans of the Greenblood are pure Rhoynar who ply the Greenblood in poleboats. Despite attempts by the Red Princes to extirpate it by outlawing it, they are said to still speak the Rhoynish language discretely. *The admins of WOC would like to see Indian faces used for these characters of Dorne.
  • Dornish culture has First Men and Andal origins, but is also strongly influenced by the mass immigration of the Rhoynar who settled in Dorne during the Rhoynar migration. Their influence can be observed in many Dornish customs, including the laws of inheritance. In Dorne, unlike the other six kingdoms, no distinction is made between sons and daughters. Instead, children inherit in order of birth regardless of gender, as per Rhoynish custom. In the case of an inheriting female, her last name will be passed on to her children, instead of the name of her husband.

    Furthermore, views on bastardy are milder in Dorne compared to the rest of Westeros. Especially when a child is born to a paramour, the Dornish are not greatly concerned if a child is born in wedlock or out of it. Many lords and some ladies in Dorne have paramours, and hom*osexuality is more accepted.

    Dorne provides many exotic products which are uncommon in the rest of Westeros. These products include olives, lemons, pomegranates, plums, cloth, spices, and blood oranges. Lemon orchards, and presumably other plants as well. These plnats are watered by a spider's web of canals. Because of the hot climate, in the deserts of Dorne water is most valueble, and every well is zealously guarded. Famous is also the use of spicy dragon peppers.

    The Dornish produce their own wines, often called "Dornish reds". These wines are generally sour, though they occasionally can be more rich of taste. Strongwines from Dorne are as dark as blood, with a sweet taste.

    Fabled are the sand steeds bred by the Dornish. These horses are slim and swift, with elegant heads, long necks, and flowing manes. They are considered to be the most beautiful horses in the Seven Kingdoms. Though they are smaller than regular warhorses and lightboned, unable to bear the weight of armor, they can run for near two days and a night before tiring, needing only a few drinks of water over the course of a day and a night.

    Dornish yew is used to make bows.

    In Sunspear's shadow city, numerous bazaars can be found. Before crossing the deep sands of the Dornish desert for the Prince's Pass, caravans take on supplies at Sunspear. Ships from across the narrow sea find the Planky Town a convenient harbor and come there to trade. As the port is located at the mouth of the Greenblood, often the orphans of the Greenblood come to trade, spreading the goods up and down the river.

    The Martells are believed to be able to raise fifty thousand soldiers; this is said both by Dornishmen and people from other provinces of the Seven Kingdoms. This is highly exaggerated, however. House Martell has never corrected this claim, in order to make Dorne appear stronger. Dorne's true military numbers have not yet been revealed, though George R. R. Martin has previously stated that Dorne is roughly equal in military strength to the North and Vale.

    In the time before the Andals, King Ferris Fowler led ten thousand men against King Garth VII Gardener, during the Golden Reign. At the time, House Fowler ruled one of the three most powerful kingdoms in Dorne, the other two being House Dayne of Starfall and House Yronwood of Yronwood. In 37 AC, a rebel known as the Vulture King gathered a following of thirty thousand. During the Conflict with Dorne, four thousand soldiers were lost, though it still did not make Dorne bend the knee to the Targaryens. This has led to the belief that Dorne has many soldiers to spare.

    Dorne had no strength at sea after Princess Nymeria of the Rhoynar burned her ten thousand ships, but since the mid-200s, they have been steadily building up their naval power once again. It has allowed them to travel to Essos better, to trade there, and to found the Sothori colony. But it had an adverse effect upon the coffers of Dorne, resulting in them seeking out investments from the Tyrells.

    Essos, often simply called the east, is the largest of the four known continents in the world. It lies east of Westeros and north of Sothoryos and Ulthos, stretching from the Shivering Sea in the north to the Summer Sea in the south, and from the narrow sea in the west to the lands surrounding the Jade Sea in the east, if not farther. Essos is populated by many different peoples and has a vast and varied geography.

    In the novels of A Song of Ice and Fire, the continent is simply called the eastern continent, beyond the narrow sea, or the east; George R. R. Martin first referred to it as Essos in mid-2008 in an interview, and later officially confirmed it. The Appendix of A Dance with Dragons officially refers to the continent east of the narrow sea as Essos.

    This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the REGION HERE, please read up here: Essos

    Essos is considerably larger than Westeros, though its true extent is unknown as no map of the entire continent currently exists. The north coast of the mainland is separated from the polar cap by the Shivering Sea. To the south, across the Summer Sea, lies the uncharted continent of Sothoryos. In the extreme east, across the Jade Sea, sit Asshai, Yi Ti, and the mysterious region called the Shadow Lands. South of the Shadow Lands is the continent of Ulthos.

    The geography and climate of Essos varies greatly. Being separated from the polar cap of the Land of Always Winter and located farther to the south, it is affected by winters to a lesser extent then Westeros.

    The western coastline appears to be temperate in the north, becoming drier and hotter to the south, and is characterized by green rolling hills, the massive Forest of Qohor, and extensive island chains such as Braavos and Lys. The middle of the continent is covered by the flat grasslands plains of the Dothraki sea and, to the east, the arid wasteland of red sand known as the red waste, where nothing grows. Beyond this desert, the city of Qarth sits beside the Jade Gates that lead to the Jade Sea. The south is dominated by dry rolling hills and has a Mediterranean climate with a coastline along the Summer Sea connecting Volantis with the Valyria peninsula and the great inlet known as Slaver's Bay. Essos is dominated by the Bone Mountains and the Krazaaj Zasqa, longitudinal mountain ranges separating the western half more familiar to the Westerosi and an exotic eastern half of which less is known.

    Essos is home to a much larger and more diverse set of races and cultures than Westeros. They are descendants of old cultures ranging from the Andals, the Rhoynar, old Ghis, and Valyrian Freehold. Unlike Westeros, which is unified under the Seven Kingdoms, Essos is divided into many different sovereign regions and city-states and has had no dominant power since the Valyrian Freehold fell almost four centuries ago. Its peoples include:
    1. Dothraki, a copper-skinned race of warlike nomads with their own language and unique culture.
    2. Ghiscari, a mongrel race that populates most of Slaver's Bay, that speak a bastardized version of High Valyrian. Descendants of old Ghis.
    3. Peoples of the Free Cities, descendants of the Valyrian Freehold and their slaves. They speak a distinct form of High Valyrian, though the Common Tongue of Westeros is also used.
    4. Lhazareen, a peaceful people with bronze skin, flat faces, and almond eyes. They are predominantly shepherds who worship the Great Shepherd and are called the 'Lamb Men' by the Dothraki, who frequently prey on them.
    5. Qartheen, the inhabitants of Qarth.
    6. Ibbenese fishing colonies in the north.
    7. Jogos Nhai, renowned for capturing zorses.
    8. N'Ghai, kin to the more nomadic Jogos Nhai, the inhabitants of Nefer the Secret City.
    9. Sarnori, or Tagaez Fen meaning "Tall Men", the brown-skinned, black-haired people of Sarnor, whose last survivors occupy Saath.
    10. YiTish, the bright-eyed people of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti, the oldest and largest civilization of Essos.
    11. Lengii, perhaps the tallest race, with teak-colored skin, golden eyes, long legs, slender build, inhabiting the island of Leng.
    12. Mossovians, demon hunters and other peoples of the Kingdom of Mossovy.
    13. Guardians of the Forest, a race of people that are cousins to the Children of the Forest and reside within Mossovy.
    14. Vanquished or vanished cultures include the Jhogwin, the Mazemakers, and the Ifequevron. The Rhoynar largely fled the Rhoyne for Dorne in Westeros.
    PYRE'S HELM Pyre's Helm is the conquered lands of the Targaryens of Essos, which they have formed into a kingdom. It consists of the coastal cities of Pentos and Myr, along with the island ports of Lys and Tyrosh, as well as the formerly Disputed Lands. Areas around these cities, along with small islands, have also been absorbed into the groing kingdom. Highly developed and mercantile, the cities remain relatively the same as they did before being conquered by Targaryens. However, the worship of Valyrian Gods is now more widely spread among them, often contending with the Faith of the Seven and followers of the Lord of Light.

    THE FREE CITIES The Free Cities were once nine independent city-states located on the western coast of Essos. They are now six independent city-states. Three of the cities are coastal (Braavos and Volantis) or island ports (Lorath), lying on the narrow sea, whilst two others (Norvos and Qohor) are located inland. Except for Braavos, which was founded by refugee slaves, these cities are former colonies of the destroyed Valyrian Freehold; as such they retain elements of its culture. They are more developed and mercantile than the cities of Westeros, even King's Landing. Each of the Free Cities controls a certain amount of territory surrounding it, including smaller towns and villages. The region of the Free Cities extends from the western coastline to the Forest of Qohor and the mighty River Rhoyne in the east, which separate them from the Dothraki sea and the Kingdom of Sarnor.

    In the northwestern corner of this region, between Braavos and Pentos, are the hills of Andalos, the ancient homeland of the Andals and, according to legends, the source of the Faith of the Seven.

    KINGDOM OF SARNOR East of the Forest of Qohor and north of the Dothraki sea are the grasslands of the Kingdom of Sarnor, which are watered by the great River Sarne and its tributaries. Most of the kingdom has been left in ruins by the Dothraki.

    THE DOTHRAKI SEA East of the Free Cities and Sarnor, the vast grassland plain known as the Dothraki sea covers much of inland Essos. It is inhabited by the Dothraki people, a copper-skinned race of warlike nomads with their own language and unique equestrian culture. While the Dothraki do not trade, their slave raids are a driving force of Essos's economy. There are numerous ruined cities of older cultures in and near the Dothraki sea.

    THE SHIVERING SEA North of the Dothraki sea along the shores of the Shivering Sea are the Kingdom of Sarnor, Omber, and the forested Kingdom of the Ifequevron. North of mainland Essos are the islands of Ibben.

    VALYRIAN PENINSULA The Valyrian peninsula is a large headland extending south from Essos into the Summer Sea. Once the heartland of the Valyrian Freehold and the location of the city of Valyria, it was partially destroyed in the Doom of Valyria, during which many islands formed, low-lying areas flooded, and Valyria fell into ruin. The peninsula and the Smoking Sea that surround its remnants are considered to be demon-haunted and rife with poisonous fumes; with few exceptions, those who travel there seeking the ruins of Valyria or its treasures never return.

    SLAVER'S BAY AND GHISCAR South of the Dothraki sea, east of Valyria, and west of Lhazar are Slaver's Bay and Ghiscar. The region holds many small city-states and the three great slaver port cities of Yunkai, Meereen, and Astapor. The cities were built from the rubble of Old Ghis and the Ghiscari Empire, an ancient rival of the Valyrian Freehold which crushed and superseded it thousands of years ago. The slaver cities are still connected to the Free Cities by the Valyrian road network. The city of New Ghis sits on an island south of Ghiscar, but the novels reveal little about it. The Skahazadhan is the largest river of the region.

    LHAZAR Lhazar is located southeast of the Dothraki sea and northeast of Slaver's Bay. It is a semi-arid land of pastures and hills. The horselords consider the Lhazareen, its shepherding people, easy targets and good slaves, calling them haesh rakhi ("Lamb Men").

    QARTH Qarth is an ancient city in the distant east, beyond the red waste, on the shores of the Jade Sea. It is home to warlocks and merchant princes. Its position at the Jade Gates makes it the gateway of commerce and culture between the east and west (such as the Free Cities and Slaver's Bay), and more eastern lands (such as Asshai, the Shadow Lands, and Yi Ti). Brimming with wealth, and priding themselves on their sophistication, the Qartheen engage in unending intrigue between the many powerful factions of their society.

    South of Qarth is the large island Great Moraq, located between the Summer Sea and the Jade Sea.

    EASTERN ESSOS Little is known of the lands of Essos found east of the Bone Mountains and the Krazaaj Zasqa. The southern lands along the Jade Sea include Yi Ti, Asshai, and the Shadow Lands. North of Yi Ti are trading cities encircling the Great Sand Sea, as well as the Plains of the Jogos Nhai. Farther east are even more exotic lands - the Thousand Islands in the Shivering Sea, Mossovy, the Grey Waste, the Land of the Shrykes, the Mountains of the Morn, the Cities of the Bloodless Men, the Hidden Sea with Carcosa and the City of the Winged Men, the Five Forts, etc.

    Beyond the Wall is a general term for the northernmost area of Westeros, the lands north of the Wall

    This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at Beyond the Wall, please read up here: Beyond the Wall Wiki

    he lands beyond the Wall are primarily wild, untamed and uncharted. The climate is harsh and bitter, especially in the far north in the Lands of Always Winter. The region immediately north of the Wall includes the haunted forest, a vast taiga-forest which covers most of the area, extending from the Wall to the furthest lands of Thenn. While no true roads exist, numerous game trails, paths, and old streambeds, called "ranger roads", are used by the Night's Watch and free folk alike.

    The haunted forest extends from the eastern coast to a large mountain chain in the west, the Frostfangs. These inhospitable mountains extend an unknown distance to the north. Notable features include the Giant's Stair and the Skirling Pass. The Milkwater, the great river beyond the Wall, has its origins in the Frostfangs. Thenn is a hidden valley in the mountains.

    Southwest of the Frostfangs is the Frozen Shore, a narrow strip of land between the mountains and the Bay of Ice. Along the east coast is the Antler River, which flows into the Shivering Sea. The easternmost region beyond the Wall is the forested peninsula Storrold's Point, which contains the ruins of the only free folk town, Hardhome.

    Beyond all of these areas, in the furthest north, is the Land of Always Winter. The haunted forest ends and gives way to these polar regions, which are unexplored.

    Animals living beyond the Wall include deer, eagles, elk, hares, rams, shadowcats, snow bears, and wolves.

    Flowers include coldsnaps, frostfires, piper's grass, and wildflowers. Trees include chestnuts, ironwoods, oaks, sentinels, soldier pines, and weirwoods

    The people inhabiting the land refer to themselves as the "free folk", but are known by the people of the Six Kingdoms as "wildlings". The lands beyond the Wall are bitterly cold year round, but many free folk reside from the furthest reaches of the haunted forest to the hidden valleys of the Frostfangs, including the valley of Thenn. The Thenns are surrounded by cave dwellers, Hornfoots, giants, and the ice-river clans. Other tribes include Nightrunners and men of the Frozen Shore.

    Some free folk are little more than savage and primitive raiders, but other groups live in small, settled communities and villages. Due to the impracticality of agriculture in the far north, many of them are hunters.

    Maesters believe that giants are extinct, but some still live beyond the Wall. A group of children of the forest reside within the cave of the three-eyed crow. The Others are rumored to originate in the depths of the Land of Always Winter.

    Sothoryos or Sothoros is one of the four known continents in the world. It lies to the southeast of Westeros and is south of Essos across the Summer Sea. East of Sothoryos is the southern Jade Sea.

    This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at the REGION HERE, please read up here: Sothoryos

    Sothoryos is a large continent, covered in jungles, plague-ridden, and largely unexplored. The northern coast has been mapped, with the ruined cities of Zamettar, Yeen, Gogossos and Gorosh noted, but little else is known of them. Wyvern Point is in northeastern Sothoryos near Lesser Moraq. Explorers of the Summer Isles may have mapped southern Sothoryos, and may know the continent well. If so, they keep these maps a close guarded secret.

    Ghiscari believed the continent to be as large as Westeros. Qartheen maps showed the continent as an island twice the size of Great Moraq, but their ships never managed to find the bottom of the continent. The Valyrian Jaenara Belaerys flew her dragon to explore Sothoryos from the air, but after a year and a half turned back, returning to Valyria to report that the continent was at least as large as Essos, possibly "a land without end".

    The northern coast has many islands, such as the Basilisk Isles. Naath also lies off the coast of the continent, to the northwest in the Summer Sea.

    The Sothoryi, also known as Brindled Men, have been described as "brindle-skinned half-men". Their skin is thick, brindled in patterns of brown and white. They are big-boned and massively muscled, with long arms, sloped foreheads, huge square teeth, heavy jaws, and coarse black hair. Their broad, flat noses suggest snouts, and together with their skin patterns, make them seem more hog-like than human. Sothoryi women are said to be unable to breed with men from Essos or Westeros, only bringing forth stillbirths or malformed offspring.

    The Sothoryi mostly known to the corsairs of the neighboring Basilisk Isles are those who dwell closest to the sea on the northern shore, who have learned the Trade Talk. The Ghiscari consider them to be slow of wit, but fierce fighters that make good slaves. Farther south, the Sothoryi are more savage, known for cannibalism and worshiping dark gods with obscene rites. There are also unproven reports of other races and forgotten peoples that were driven out, destroyed, or devoured by the Brindled Men, as well as lizard men and eyeless cave-dwellers.

    On the northern coast of the continent lie a score of small trade towns, described as wet, humid, and full of misery, where adventurers, rogues, and whor*s from the Free Cities and the Seven Kingdoms go seeking fortune. Corsairs prey on these settlements, carrying off captives to their holding pens on Talon and the Isle of Tears, before selling them to the flesh markets of Slaver's Bay or the pleasure houses of Lys.

    Besides the savage Brindled Men, particularly the ghouls and cannibals from the deep jungles, Sothoryos is home to many fatal diseases, including blood boils, green fever, dancing plague, sweetrot, bronze pate, the Red Death, greyscale, brownleg, wormbone, sailor's bane, pus-eye, and yellowgum.

    The Zamoyos and other streams are home to crocodiles and swarms of carnivorous fish capable of stripping a man's flesh in minutes. The continent swarms with stinging flies, venomous snakes, wasps and worms that lay their eggs beneath the skins of horses, hogs, and men alike. Basilisk Point is full of the eponymous animals, some of which are twice the size of lions.

    Sothoryos contains hairy apes in its jungles, and the forests south of Yeen are said to be the home of apes that dwarf the largest giants, capable of killing elephants with a single blow.

    Farther south, in the Green Hell, there are reports of white vampire bats that can drain the blood of a man in minutes, tattooed lizards that run down their prey and rip them apart with long curved claws on their hind legs, snakes fifty feet long, spotted spiders, and terrible wyverns. There are monkeys that walk like men, basilisks, and a hundred different kinds of deadly snakes. The jungle also contains flies, whose bite results in a fatal disease with symptoms including bleeding from all orifices and the skin sloughing off. Even the freshwater contains minuscule parasitic worms that lay eggs within anyone who drinks it.

    Long having known of Sothoryos and the small trade towns along the northern coast, the Dornish sought to create a colony of their own on the continent. It was the hope of the Martells and other Dornishmen that this would provide them with more wealth and resources. And so they set off in 255 AC, managing to establish a small foothold colony for themselves along the northern shore in 259 AC. There were a terrible number of years spent negotiating with already established Essosi trade towns, and facing attacks from disease and beasts, as well as the people that lived within the jungle. Finding their coffers lacking of coin, they reached out to House Tyrell of the Reach in 275 AC, knowing that the Tyrells were highly wealthy. Olenna Tyrell was in charge of the house at the time, though her husband and later son held the title of Lord of Highgarden, and she was told by Olyvar Martell's son, Rymund, that riches awaited them in Sothoryos, if they could just get the colony stabilized. Her son Mace had overhead of this offer and the young man was highly excited by the prospect. Olenna was skeptical, but looking to get in bed with the Martells, she gave coin to the Martells for more ships to be built and sellswords to be hired. This has indebted them to the Tyrells, to whom they gave a Dornish bride.

    Despite the many years spent in Sothorys, it has only just become somewhat profitable. Fighting with the brindled men and monstrous beasts in the area took place first, with the Martells fighting on dragonback and foot, carving out a spot for themselves. Along the way, they reached agreements with eastablished trade towns that allowed them to use their harbors for trade of any goods they came across as well as to dock their ships. They have settled in the abandoned cities of Yeen and Zammettar, as the fleeing Rhoynar once did, along with the land in-between the two. Expeditions are made to places deeper within the continent only when lead by a brindled man.

    The brindled men are still distrustful of the Dornish, but they have come to live alongside them and to teach them some of their ways to keep safe in the jungle, though this only applies to brindled men of the northern region of Sothoryos. And it is not all of them, either. Many continue to be hostile to the Dornish, but they fear the dragons that have burned so many of their people and homes already. There are sometimes Summer Islanders that visit and seem to get on much easier with the brindled men. They offer their services to the Dornishmen to help them communicate with the natives of the continent and in the process, earn coin for themselves.

    The Sothori colony has started to produce emeralds, gold, and spices to be sold and add some coin to the Dornish coffers; however, the majority of profit remains unseen as it goes into Mors Martell's personal coffer, leaving his brother's kingdom wanting. There is also trade of captured animals happening with the nobles of Slaver's Bay. Recently, there has been trade of humans, though the Martells of Sunspear do not know of this.

    Once called the Stepstones are a chain of islands between the southern narrow sea and the northwestern Summer Sea. The islands are east of Dorne in Westeros and west of Pyre's Helm in Essos. These islands were claimed by the Targaryens after two hard-fought battles, and in 248 AC they were renamed Vaella's Embrace, after Queen Vaella I Targaryen. They were once full of pirate dens, but no longer.

    This section will only serve as a glimpse of the area; for a more in-depth look at Vaella's Embrace, please read up here: The Stepstones Wiki

    There are a little over a dozen islands in Vaella's Embrace, along with smaller islets. Bloodstone is the largest island, and at several points in history has been the unofficial capital of larger pirate fiefdoms that have risen in the chain.

    Other known islands are Grey Gallows and Torturer's Deep.

    Physically, the small islands of the Stepstones are described as "bleak and stony". The chain is often wracked by large storms coming up from the warm waters of the Summer Sea to the south, which sweep over the isles as they pass north to slam into the aptly named Shipbreaker Bay.

    Under Targaryen rule, Bloodstone was chosen as the island that would house the newest dragonpit. It was built grander than the one in King's Landing to accommodate the growing population. It was also structured to be more open, allowing dragons to come and go without need for chain (if they listened to their keepers.) Due to this, the dragons kept in this dragonpit have grown larger over the decades than those kept in the dragonpit of King's Landing.
    The only people that live in the settlement upon Bloodstone and other neighboring islands are the keepers. They tend to the dragons, train them, feed them, take care of them. They are the closest people to the dragons other than their riders, and they're fiercely protective of their islands. Outside their own councils, these are the most trusted people in the Targaryens circle, for they are the guardians of both dragons and their eggs. No one is allowed without invitation. Anyone caught with the intent to steal an egg is put to death.

    dragons of vaella's embrace

    These are the dragons of House Targaryen that are without riders. They are taken care of by keepers on what was once the Stepstones. Vaella's Embrace is home to the largest of the dragon pits of either Targaryen house. To read more about Vaella's Embrace please read here.

    Favors can be purchased for some of the dragons with points earned through posting! Favors make the act of claiming easier.



    Vivd green scales with a cream underbelly

    TEMPERAMENT Having not been ridden in fifteen years, he has grown restless waiting in the pits for a new rider. He has begun to terrorize the younger dragons, making it so that he has to be kept separate from all others. The keepers fear he will become a wild dragon if not soon claimed.

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Princess Dorea Martell

    former rider(s) Princess Dorea Martell

    claim roll modifier !roll 1d100-15

    48-51 years

    known as
    the restless

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (13)





    Tanned brown scaling with black flecks scattered

    TEMPERAMENT Settled near an inactive volcano within Vaella's Embrace, the keepers have given up on having him stay within a pit. He will listen to all other commands, but he will not go within a cage. Territorial of his area, he has been known to nip at other dragons that come near his volcano.

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Natural Hatching

    former rider(s) TBD

    claim roll modifier !roll 1d100-5

    18 years

    known as
    the uncaged

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (14)





    Bright yellow scaling with a pearlescent orange underbelly

    TEMPERAMENT Named for her love of grassy areas, especially after it has rained. Still young and developing her personality, so far it is seen that she loves to fly. She requires a strong hand when it comes to commands, as she often does not listen to the keepers. That is, unless they bribe her with offerings of daffodils. There seems to be a growing playfulness to her, as she nips like a kitten; though she isn't always careful or gentle. Like a true baby, she doesn't understand her own strength and that humans are far more fragile than herself.

    sex Queen ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Natural Hatching

    former rider(s) N/A

    claim roll modifier !roll 1d100-5

    3 years

    known as
    the sweet

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (15)





    Grey with a shimmer of silver

    TEMPERAMENT The youngest of all the unclaimed dragons on Vaella's Embrace, Duskvale is also the smallest (even for his age) and.. the chubbiest. He's a gluttonous little thing, being only the size of an adult direwolf, and is quite round; he tends to out-eat some of the older dragons and has even gone as far as picking a fight with some of the others to steal their food. The more docile of them tend to let him eat their scraps.

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Natural Hatching, keepers went into the hatchery one day and duskvale was munching on his own shell and sniffing around other eggs

    former rider(s) N/A

    claim roll modifier !roll 1d100-5

    1 years

    known as
    the gluttonous

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (16)





    Pearlescent pink scaling with a shimmer of lilac undertones

    TEMPERAMENT Morningdove is a mild-mannered she-dragon with a penchant for hoarding shiny things. She has a pile where she's nested of things she's collected over the years, ranging from coins to cups to swords. She only allows certain keepers near her, due to others trying to take from her hoard.

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage Morning x Vyraxes

    same clutch siblings Nightingale

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Lord Aemon Nightingale

    former rider(s) Lord Aemon Nightingale

    claim roll modifier !roll 1d100-5

    59 years

    known as
    the hoarder

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (17)





    Light green with a shimmer

    TEMPERAMENT Birdsong was named for the trilling noises she makes to get attention. And she makes the noises often, though it is hard to determine what for. She is just as likely to bite a hand off as she is to accept affectionate scratches. This has resulted in the use of metal gloves when touching her. Birdsong likes the shiny metal and has taken to tapping it with her nose, often alarming the keeper feeding her. She is the sister to Hellborn, born of the same clutch.

    sex Queen ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings Hellborn

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Natural Hatching

    former rider(s) TBD

    asoiaf catonic egg hatched from the egg in asoiaf which contained vermax

    claim roll modifier !roll 1d100

    15 years

    known as
    the tempestuous

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (18)





    A blue-gray color, with a rose points to his wings

    TEMPERAMENT Stubborn and headstrong, he often attempts to escape the confines of the pits. Since he was a hatchling he was spitting yellow flames at the keepers and had an uncanny sense of aggression towards them. Some thinks his anger stems from the loss of his rider just after he'd hatched. His wings are weak due to being restrained. But due to his reluctance to obey, the keepers are afraid he will fly away and turn into a wild dragon if they release him to fly. He is the brother to the dragon Birdsong, born of the same clutch who seems to be the only company he tolerates.

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings Birdsong

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Princess Melara Targaryen

    former rider(s) TBD

    asoiaf catonic egg hatched from the egg in asoiaf which contained arrax

    claim roll modifier !roll 1d100-10

    11 years

    known as
    the stubborn

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (19)





    Black scales with deep purple swirls all over

    TEMPERAMENT Synora hatched for the Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen who did not live long enough to ride her. She has since resided upon the Stepstones. The calmest young dragon in the pits, the keepers believe she will not kill any whom may attempt to claim her. A dragon with strange eating habits, she only eats fish and lamb.

    sex Queen ( assumed )

    parentage Sister

    same clutch siblings Single egg laid.

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen

    former rider(s) TBD

    claim roll modifier !roll 1d100+25

    8 years

    known as
    the calm

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (20)





    Dark red scaling

    TEMPERAMENT Originally hatched for a Targaryen prince who is now dead, Zahak awaits his next rider. He dislikes visitors unless it is the keepers arriving to feed him. His behavior can be erratic at times, which is attributed to his age and lack of a rider. He is known for a strong temper, but does not seem to like to attack, instead preferring to stay deep within his pit and breath out small puffs of fire as warning.

    sex Male ( confirmed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Prince Corrys Targaryen

    former rider(s) Prince Corrys Targaryen

    claim roll modifier !roll 1d100-20

    73 years

    known as
    the erratic

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (21)



    claimed/held eggs

    • one oblong green egg with black specks; held by rhaella targaryen
    • one half green and half yellow egg; claimed for maegor targaryen's child
    • one deep blue egg; held be elaera nightrayder
    • one golden egg with dark spots; petrified, held be elaera nightrayder
    • one sapphire egg; claimed for alaena targaryen's child
    • one light purple egg; claimed for alaena targaryen's child
    • one silver pink egg; claimed for daenora syndor's child
    • one deep amethyst egg; claimed for daenora syndor's child
    • one brown with cream spots egg; claimed for vaelor targaryen's child
    • one iron gray egg; claimed for viserys targaryen's child

    dragon eggs in king's landing

    eggs of unknown origins
    • one black and green egg; petrified
    • cream egg
    • cream egg
    • cream egg
    • black and red egg
    • black and red egg
    • one black egg with blue streaks
    • one oblong green egg with black specks, held by rhaella targaryen
    • purple and gold egg
    • purple and gold egg
    • one marble like grey and green egg
    • one dark brown egg; petrified
    • one half green and half yellow egg, claimed for maegor targaryen's child

    dragon eggs on dragonstone

    eggs of unknown origins
    • one light pink egg
    • dark red egg
    • dark red egg
    • one gray egg that shimmers
    • bright orange egg
    • bright orange egg
    • bright orange egg
    • one vibrant blue and black egg

    dragon eggs in nightingale hall

    clutch by nightingale x vyraxes ( laid in 240 )
    • one deep blue egg, held be elaera nightrayder
    • one golden egg with dark spots; petrified, held be elaera nightrayder

    dragon eggs in sunspear

    eggs of unknown origins
    • one golden egg with red stripes; petrified
    • dark gray egg
    • dark gray egg
    • one bright green egg
    • one red egg mixed with orange

    dragon eggs in pyre's helm

    clutch by moonlight x ??? ( laid in 231 )
    • iron gray egg
    clutch by sunsetea x ??? ( laid in 264 )
    • bronze egg
    clutch by moonlake x ??? ( laid in 288 )
    • cobalt blue egg
    • cobalt blue egg
    clutch by wavedancer x morghul ( laid in 292 )
    • light purple egg
    clutch by vaerax x tyraxes ( laid in 305 )
    • light purple egg
    • iron gray
    clutch by wavedancer x morghul ( laid 312 )
    • brown with cream spots egg, claimed for vaelor targaryen's child
    • brown with cream spots egg
    clutch by dipper x vagrant ( laid 4th moon in 315 )
    • speckled yellow-red shimmering egg
    • purple-orange shimmering egg
    • speckled pink-silver shimmering egg held by vaera of myr
    • speckled yellow matte egg
    • red matte egg
    eggs of unknown origins
    • bronze egg
    • sapphire egg, claimed for alaena targaryen's child
    • light purple egg, claimed for alaena targaryen's child
    • iron gray egg, claimed for viserys targaryen's child
    • iron gray egg
    • iron gray egg

    dragon eggs in yi ti (the yellow dynasty)

    eggs of unknown origins
    • silver pink egg, claimed for daenora syndors's child
    • silver pink egg
    • one obsidian black egg
    • deep amethyst egg, claimed for daenora syndors's child
    • deep amethyst egg
    • deep amethyst egg
    • one bright sapphire egg
    • crimson egg
    • crimson egg

    dragon eggs in old valyria

    • one translucent egg
    • hoards of silver eggs
    • red egg
    • red egg
    • red egg
    • two dozen green eggs
    • black egg
    • black egg
    • black egg
    • black egg
    • black egg
    • black egg
    • black egg
    • black egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg
    • golden egg

    stolen/missing eggs

    • one obsidian egg; petrified
    • one deep green with golden spirals egg
    • one light red mixed with cream egg
    • one silver-green egg
    • one bright yellow with orange spots egg; petrified

    character creation

    REGISTERING Please register with your OOC ACCOUNT first; this will be your parent account to connect all your characters to via the sub-account function. All accounts - whether OOC or character - must be registered in PROPER CAPS.
    Example: Sansa Stark

    CHARACTER ALLOWANCE We have no limit to how many characters a person can make. Be reasonable with reservations, but otherwise, have fun and creative!

    CHARACTER APPLICATION There is no standard application here on Winds of Change. Most everything you need for acceptance is through your SETTINGS - PROFILE INFO. We are working off basic information and plot hooks, so everything should be simple and sweet!


    • OOC Information - your information as the writer, including your contact, what you're comfortable writing, and what you'd like to avoid
    • Profile Images - your large avatar, profile aesthetics (x3), mini-profile gif that will also be displayed in your discord taggings
    • Traits - four traits and their percentages
    • Relationship Status - small text, big text, relationship image
    • Basic Information - moniker, location religion, character age, etc
    • Detailed Information - three development questions, family information, likes, dislikes, 6 plot hooks
    • Portrayal - due to our face claim rules, we'd like specifics and to know which role(s) you're claim with said face claim.


    • Timeline Information - this is for your personal use to help keep track of your character's events
    • Top Profile Images - three images just for flavor displayed at the top of the profile
    • Posting Banner - an image that will be displayed when post; their regional banner is displayed by default
    • Character Development - additional info including height, weight, etc, and including connections as well as head canons
    • House Sigil - if not filled out, this will be be defaulted to the regional banner for your character's member group. Just provide a link to their house sigil!


    FACE CLAIMS (a) We are working off player discretion with our face claims and not enforcing age rules. If they look like they can play the part/age, then everything is good. We only ask you be as reasonable with this as possible. Viggo Mortenson would not be an acceptable choice for a 20 year old. Face claim reserves are made automatic when registering an account.

    FACE CLAIMS (b) We encourage diversity here and love to see it! Minor Houses may be POC even if canonically they are not. The only thing we will enforce in this area is no white-washing. As far as canons go: Dornish characters must be POC; House Targaryen of Pyre's Helm must have face claims of East Asian descent. There are beautiful and rich cultures across Essos and Sothoryos, so with the exception of certain areas within Essos (Mossovy, Lorath, Thousand Islands, etc.), we will expect POC face claims to be used for characters coming from Essos and Sothoryos. If you are uncertain, please contact the admin team.

    FACE CLAIMS (c) Due to limited resources for proper and/or specific aesthetics, we have a two-part doppelganger rule.

    • PART-ONE Actors that have played various roles in period pieces can have more than one character claim. An example of this is Henry Cavill. Paige claims Henry Cavill's role of The Witcher for her character Draqos Syndor. Hana claims Henry Cavill's role of The Tudors for her character Criston Wylde.
    • PART-TWO We will allow characters to share the same face claims, from the same media source, without being twins; this is a true doppelganger. The person that first has the claim has the right to decline the request, so permission must be asked and granted.

    CANONS Claiming a canon will happen upon acceptance in the Discord! No need to for you to do anything - for the most part. Canons that have dragons will need to fill out extra information the claims forum, here. Reserves last ten days, and can be found here.

    MEMBER DIRECTORY Our member directory is automatic. No need for you to do anything.


    • HEAD OF HOUSE If you're claiming a house as a player, then we'll consider you the head of house. You will have a separate template to fill out and post prior to acceptance. You can find that template in the claims forum here.
    • MEMBER OF HOUSE If your character is the member of an already established house, then there's nothing you need to do in terms of claiming unless your character is also claiming a minor house (for example, if your character was wed into another family that's not yet been established.)


    Greenseers had the greensight and were wargs as well. The First Men believed that they were responsible for carving faces into weirwoods, creating heart trees. Stories describe the greenseers seeing through the faces of their weirwoods, influencing animal and plant life, and possibly seeing into the past and future. Maesters are skeptical of some feats of the greenseers.

    During the war of the First Men and the children of the forest, greenseers are said to have turned trees into warriors and sent beasts against humans. As the tales go, they used the hammer of the waters to shatter the Arm of Dorne into the Broken Arm and the Stepstones, but the First Men continued to settle throughout Westeros. The Neck was also flooded by their magic. The greenseers and wood dancers of the children agreed upon the Pact with the First Men at the Isle of Faces.

    The Starks of Winterfell slew the greenseers allied with the Warg King at Sea Dragon Point. During the Andal invasion, Erreg the Kinslayer is said to have defeated greenseers at High Heart, although True History insists that the children had already left the riverlands before the Andals arrived. Gwayne IV Gardener, King of the Reach, sought assistance from greenseers in anticipation of Andal attacks.

    Only one in a thousand is born a skinchanger and only one skinchanger in a thousand is born a greenseer. While most children have golden eyes, the eyes of greenseers are red or green. They are not robust or long lived, but can linger within weirwoods. It is also known that humans can be born greenseers just as they are born wargs.LIMITATIONS

    • Since it is old magic tied to the Old Gods, no character within Westeros (including Starks or Stark descendants) may be a Greenseer. Admin are limiting this to the Free Folk only.
    • Players cannot decide that their character is a Greenseer. At this time, admin are allowing only one character to be a Greenseer and they must be a Wildling. This slot is currently filled by Bellflower.
    • Due to their extreme nature of magic, Greenseers do not live as long as others; it is as if their magic draws directly from their lifeforce. A Greenseer is generally weaker - physically - than others and may have some sort of physical ailment or handicap.
    • Once a month the Greenseer's player may roll for a prophetic dream in Discord. The rules for this follow the rules in Divination.

    The interaction between the skinchanger's and animal's minds influence both personalities, with detrimental effects to the human if the animal's influence is not fought. It is much easier for a skinchanger to do so if a bond exists between the two parties. An untrained skinchanger may unconsciously enter the mind of an animal, especially while sleeping, particularly if a bond exists. It is traumatic if an animal is killed while its mind is inhabited by a skinchanger. If a skinchanger is killed while inhabiting a creature, a part of his consciousness will remain in the creature. The greatest skinchangers were greenseers, who among many other things were also wargs. The greatest greenseers could wear the skin of any beast.

    According to Haggon, dogs are easy to bond with, because they live in close proximity to humans and are trusting; it becomes easier with time to enter a dog. Wolves are harder, as one has to forge a lasting bond, much like a marriage. Birds are tempting, but a skinchanger may soon lose contact to the mundane things of earth and want only to fly. Cats are cruel and vain beasts and cannot be easily controlled, only forced. Elk and deer are prey whose skins can cause a man to become cowardly.

    An unwritten code for free folk skinchangers, as told by Haggon, forbids them to eat of human meat and to mate as wolf with wolf. Seizing the body of another man is considered the worst abomination.

    A skinchanger can experience many deaths while in another body. It is only when the person's human body dies that the "true death" occurs. It is possible for the warg to live a type of second life, a much simpler life inside the mind of an animal he controls. In the second life, the skinchanger's memory slowly fades until nothing of the man is left and only the beast remains.

    Skinchangers and wargs are feared and honored by free folk, while people of the Six Kingdoms hunt them.

    tier one

    • CAPABILITY: A low tier skinchanger will not have full awareness of what they're doing or their abilities, so much of their skinchanging would be by happenstance and mistake. This is what makes this magic so dangerous for the untrained.
    • ANIMALS: Dogs, fish, horses, pigs, for example. Basically, if it is domesticated and/or are naturally okay with and gravitates toward humans, or simple of mind (fish), then a low tier skinchanger will have an easier time bonding with the animal and skinchanging into them.
    • HOW MANY: Max three animals.

    tier two

    • CAPABILITY: A mid tier skinchanger will have more awareness than a low tier skinchanger. They'll be able to skinchange more at their own will, though it will be tiring for them to do so after a while; skinchanging by accident still might happen more often than not.
    • ANIMALS: Cats, wolves, deer, hares, etc; animals that are less tolerant of humans and far more fearful or predatory, or simply obstinate.
    • HOW MANY: Max three animals, one of which may be a TIER 2 animal.

    tier three

    • CAPABILITY: A top tier skinchanger is fully aware of their abilities and in control. They change easily and with purpose each and ever time.
    • ANIMALS: Special animals that pertain to their region; these animals are not at all tolerant of humans and tend to be vicious and volatile in nature. To bond with one and skinchange into them would take immense skill.
    • HOW MANY: Unlimited TIER ONE animals, max three TIER 2 animals, max one SPECIAL ANIMAL

    special animals

    • BEYOND THE WALL: snow bears, shadowcats, direwolf
    • THE NORTH: direwolf, shadowcat, lizard-lion, unicorn
    • THE VALE OF ARRYN: shadowcat
    • ESSOS: firewyrm, white lion
    • SOTHORYOS: wyverns, tattooed/walking lizard, basilisk, white vampire bat


    • OBTAINABILITY: Skinchangers are born, it is not a learned magic and it must come from down a character's bloodeline.
    • REGIONS: Skinchangers can be found all over the Known World, however the most affected region when it comes to the safety and prevalence of skinchangers is WESTEROS. Due to the heavy presence of the Faith of the Seven, skinchangers don't have a huge presence in WESTEROS outside of the the NORTH, where they're accepted and protected.
    • ERADICATION: Skinchangers are hated and actively hunted; throughout the history of the Six Kingdoms, families known for skinchanging have been eradicated (to the best of people's knowledge). It is considered justified to kill a skinchanger as they are more beast than person by the standards of the Six Kingdoms. The only region known to harbor skinchangers and not bring them harm is the NORTH. Due to the fear of being hunted, skinchangers within the Six Kingdoms hide their true nature.
    • UNTRAINTED: Untrained or young skinchangers will particularly struggle to keep the animal's influence from them; due to this, they will have noticeable effects on them that should be played and perceived as such. Other characters may even see them as particularly feral, but uncertain as to why.
    • TRAINED: Training can only take a skinchanger so far and while they can fight the influence of their animals a bit better, long-term skinchanging still has detrimental effects upon the skinchanger. The more a person skinchanges, the more they lose parts of their being, and no amount of training can stop this; it can simply prolong the inevitable.
    • DEATH: It is traumatic if an animal is killed while its mind is inhabited by a skinchanger.If a skinchanger is killed while inhabiting a creature, a part of his consciousness will remain in the creature.
    • OC SKINCHANGERS: Skinchanger OCs are allowed, especially within the FREE FOLK, ESSOSI, and SOTHORYI, however OC skinchangers within WESTEROS are only allowed if you can provide canon proof of their house having a tie to skinchanging.
    • TIER THREE: TIER THREE skinchangers can only be played by FREE FOLK, ESSOSI, or SOTHORYI. No WESTEROSI character may obtain TIER THREE.
    • GREENSIGHT: No skinchanger may also have the ability of greensight/greendreams.
    • SPECIAL ANIMAL EXCEPTION: Certain animals can be bonded with by lower tier skinchangers with canon proof or admin approval (such as Starks bonding with/to direwolves).
    • AQUATIC MAMMALS: Due to the fact that a bond has to be established for someone to skinchange, staff are writing off aquatic life for most cases; if there is interest, please bring it to staff's attention and it can be discussed.
    woods witch

    Herbalists, midwives, and sometimes gifted with prophetic divination – woods witches are seen as the helpers and practitioners one seeks out when Maesters or the mercy of holy men is denied. Notable woods witches have been cited to help women in need of succor with the brewing of moon tea when discretion is paramount or in fear of judgment from the Seven by faithful Septa. Powers such as divination and spells differ for each individual practitioner.

    Woods witches have a natural affinity to flora and though they have no real prowess over nature itself, herbs and the like seem to grow easier for them and they have extensive knowledge about plant-life.

    tier one

    • HEALING:
      • The healing of a low tier woods witch is nothing exceptional, but it is still more than can be said of a non-practitioner. Healing times of their patients are cut in half, infections are manageable, but that is the extent of their capabilities.
      • They are unable to prevent death in anyone seriously injured and cannot do more for a mortally wounded person than someone not a woods witch; at that point, it is hope and prayer, nothing more.

    • POTIONS:
      • Still in the midst of learning, a low tier woods witch is not yet able to brew their own potions, but they can utilize ones given to them.

    • HERBS:
      • A low tier woods witch may sense certain properties of some plants over others. Even an untrained woods witch can easily avoid harmful and poisonous vegetation.
      • If a low tier woods witch has a mentor, they are able to make low-grade/weak poultices that can aid in the healing of those injured or sick; this is their stepping stone to making potions.

    • SPELLS:
      • Still in the midst of learning, a low tier woods witch is not yet able to weave spells.

    tier two

    • HEALING:
      • A mid tier woods witch, under the guidance of a mentor, is able to mend minor wounds. Cuts that would take a week to heal are healed instantly, while gashes that would take weeks take days at most, with application of herbs and use of spell. They can easily mend sprains, torn ligaments, and muscles at this stage through evocation of spell. Though they're pulling no one back from the edge of death yet, they are able to help out with more serious injuries.
      • WITHOUT A MENTOR: This level of healing simply is not obtainable without a mentor. A self-taught woods witch will never be able to have this type of know-how or power.

    • POTIONS:
      • Under the guidance of a mentor, a mid tier woods witch can make simpler potions, which usually only consist of low-grade healing potions that can be used by players in combat that are in need of some health replenishment.
      • WITHOUT A MENTOR: This level of potion brewing is simply is not obtainable without a mentor. A self-taught woods witch will never be able to have this type of know-how or power.

    • HERBS:
      • A mid tier woods witch has a knack for finding and knowing the spots that helpful herbs grow.
      • Poultices made by a mid tier woods witch, made from herbs they've collected or grown, are stronger than a low tier and at least two times as strong as any made by a non-woods witch.

    • SPELLS:
      • With the guidance of a mentor, a mid tier woods witch can begin to weave spells. They must speak clear their intention when adding ingredients, or when grinding herbs together. For example, when adding an ingredient/herb, they would say something along the lines of, "For fortitude and strength."
      • A mid tier woods witch is still in the process of learning and growing, so their spells are low-grade/weak at best and cannot provide any modifiers for players in battle, but they can aid in the healing time of their patients.
      • WITHOUT A MENTOR: A self-taught woods witch is unable to weave even the simplest spells as they simply do not know how.

    tier three

    • HEALING:
      • The healing of a top tier woods witch is incomparable, especially if they've had a mentor guiding them for ten or more years.
      • Most - if not all - minor wounds are managed and healed instantly with the application of poultice and spell. The muscles of a man will ache for weeks yet, but the non-life threatening stab wound was mended within minutes under the care and spell of the woods witch. Infections are non-existent for them and even death may elude the majority of their patients as they're able to peel people back from the worst injuries that would otherwise be fatal. Such power does take from the woods witch, however. Just because they can does not always mean that they should, and it is incredibly taxing upon their person. They may be able to pull one man back from the brink of death, but to do so again soon after would be difficult without hurting themselves (causing them to faint, zapping the strength of their spells/healing, rendering them magicless for a time if they push their limits). However, a woods witch with a mentor almost always knows their limits and does not push nor test it.
      • WITHOUT A MENTOR: This level of healing simply is not obtainable without a mentor. A self-taught woods witch will never be able to have this type of know-how or power.

    • POTIONS:
      • Top tier woods witch have the potential to create incredibly potent potions. Their potions can range from mixtures that invigorate, or embolden/strengthen, or heal. These can be use in combat threads and can be applied as temporary modifiers for warriors, or to replenish fallen health, in the midst of battle - should a woods witch have gifted them any such potion.
      • Other potions are more subtle. They may be used to loosen tongues and spill truths (rendering someone from being able to deceive or lie for a time) or see someone have the luckiest day of their life where everything simply lands in all their baskets.
      • WITHOUT A MENTOR: This level of potion brewing is simply is not obtainable without a mentor. A self-taught woods witch will never be able to have this type of know-how or power.

    • HERBS:
      • Herbs grown by a top tier woods witch will always yield stronger potions and poultices than wildly grown/picked ones.
      • Any poultice put together by a top tier woods witch will have a stronger effect than a poultice made by any other, even if the ingredients used are the same; this is a great asset for a woods witch, as they can pass it along and it can be used by anyone once made.
      • This is the only area in which it does not matter if a woods witch has a mentor or not, as a woods witch simply has a natural affinity for herbs.

    • SPELLS:
      • Spells are an invocation of a woods witch's inner thoughts and feelings, a manifestation of their heart and will. It is not creatively spinning together words that rhyme and hocus pocus happens. For a top tier woods witch, they need only think of their intention as they brew a potion or imbue an item with certain qualities; however, anything spoken will always be stronger. This may look like mumbling or praying on the woods witch's part.
      • A top tier woods witch may enchant or imbue items with certain qualities to help the user in battle. Depending on what the item is, and what the enchantment is, it may apply as a temporary battle modifier.
      • WITHOUT A MENTOR: This level of spell weaving is simply is not obtainable without a mentor. A self-taught woods witch will never be able to have this type of know-how or power.


    • OBTAINABILITY: A woods witch is not taught but born. You are either a woods witch or you are not. There is no exception to this.
    • DIVINATION: Once a month your woods witch may roll for a prophetic dream in Discord. This is a 1d20 roll to be done in the dream rolls channel. Your woods witch will also need a dream thread started for themselves in the appropriate channel.
    • SELF-TAUGHT: A witch that is self-taught has gone through life without a guiding hand, and is therefore likely to be weaker than mentored witches even if they have a natural affinity for their gifts.
    • MENTORED: A witch that has been mentored in their gifts and likely other areas, giving them a leg up in their gifts compared to their self-taught counterparts. A witch that has studied under an instructor knows their limits and the consequences that comes with use of magic.
    • DEATH: A woods witch cannot bring anyone back from the dead, but depending on their strength they can prevent death in an injured or sick person and even bring them back from the edges of it.
    • CURSES/HEXES: For the most part, a woods witch has benign powers and they focus on healing rather than harming, though some may throw out some bad luck if they're feeling especially spicy. Their curses/hexes deal mostly in inconveniences in the lives of others. A person might find themselves having an incredibly unfortunate day if they've managed to ring in themselves the ire of a woods witch. A woods witch does not dabble in matters of blood however, so powerful curses and hexes are off the table for most.
    • POISONS/POTIONS: Woods witches are herbalists by nature and have strong knowledge of plants and their uses. Most can and do concoct potions and brews, and some the odd poison or two.
    • REGIONS: Woods witches can be found anywhere within the known world (any continent, any region), though they're most notable within the Shapechangers, Free Folk, the North of Westeros, and Essos where the Seven are not present and the High Septon is not a stifling presence. No matter where in the world they're found, their role is always the same.
    • GENDER: Anyone can be a woods witch, however males may choose to go by the term hedge wizard over woods witch; or if a male is known to be a woods witch, this is what society may refer to him as, but all the same, he is a woods witch at his core and may even refer to himself as such.
    • TIER THREE: Only Free Folk,Crannogmen and Shapechangers can obtain TIER THREE. Free Folk and Shapechangers may start out as TIER THREE, but Crannogmen would need to put in the work to get there through threading and practicing their powers; they simply have the potential for it, due to their closeness and blood with the Children of the Forest.

    The ability to bind shadows to one self's and to do their will, and most are known to work their magic at night when darkness is at its fullest. The shadowbinders of Asshai typically wear lacquered masks, hiding their faces. They have been known to give cryptic, prophetic advice but often times people feel these are just riddles meant to drive a person mad. Some of the magic requires a sacrifice, as is the price of all darker magic.

    tier one

      • The first trick any shadowbinder learns is the art of glamoring. No item is used but instead the manipulation of shadows upon one's features. It is a trick and play of light but effective in seeming to change the shadowbinder's outward features just enough to make them seem someone else. Even a low tier shadowbinder has mastered this art as it is their first step in mastering shadows.

      • Another trick a low tier shadowbinder learns first is that of manipulating shadows just enough to move them. This can, for example, look like shadows enlarging, stretching, or moving even in stationary light. At this low tier level, it is almost entirely used as an intimidation tactic or party trick.

    tier two

      • A mid tier shadowbinder can conjure a more physical form of shadow, though nothing sentient. This is mostly a conjuration of weapons in battle, which can be applied to combat threads, but not always. For example, mid tier shadowbinder could gather shadows into a ball and blast it at a locked door to see it open. If a shadowbinder conjures weapons then there are rules that must be adhered to. A mid tier shadowbinder must first roll to see if they're successful in their conjuration; a 1d20 with a roll of 10 or higher is a success.
      • SMALL WEAPONS: Think daggers. They can be conjured up to five times per battle. Player can roll a 1d3 for damage per conjuration.
      • MEDIUM WEAPONS: Think short sword. They can be conjured up to two times per battle. Player can roll a 1d10 for damage per conjuration.
      • LARGE WEAPONS: Think battleaxe. It can be conjured only once per battle. Player can roll a 1d15 for damage upon conjuration.

      • Shadows begin to move more to the will to a mid tier shadowbinder and begin to affect the physical world (outside conjuration). For example, a mid tier shadowbinder can draw upon shadows and darken a room they are within, or even snuff out candlelight. A mid tier shadowbinder might even be able to mask their own footsteps in the dark.

    tier three

      • A top tier shadowbinder shadowbinder is not merely one with darkness - they are darkness. They do not bind shadows to their will but become them, and through this lose corporeal form. While in this changed state they seemingly teleport to the naked eye as they use shadows to travel.

      • Through the spilling of their own blood as a sacrifice, or other means of sacrifice, a shadowbinder is able to reach through the veil of darkness and pull forth a shadow creature/being. It may take whatever form the shadowbinder wishes, though generally the bigger the sacrifice, the bigger the form and/or the strength of the creature. A top tier shadowbinder may conjure/summon several small creatures (think the size of dogs), a couple medium sized creatures (the size of a human), or one large creature (think the size of a full-grown direwolf). The duration of their existence will be based on a 1d5 roll in combat threads (1 being they exist for one post and 5 being they exist for five posts). Creatures may be summoned once per battle and do not require an attack roll to inflict damage upon enemies.

      • A top tier shadowbinder is now a master of shadows, and shadows have become their servants in full. They are now the eyes and ears of the shadowbinder. Within a sizeable radius, a shadowbinder is able to detect other life forms around themselves through means of shadows.


    • OBTAINABILITY: Shadowbinding is a learned magic, meaning it must be taught. Shadowbinding is only taught in Asshai, and it requires at least ten years of experience to even be considered a fledgling.
    • DIVINATION: A shadowbinder on their own is not prophetic nor capable of divination; those that wield such powers are practitioners of more than one magic (a Red Priest, a blood mage, are a woods witch, etc)
    • REGIONS: Shadowbinders outside of Essos are an incredibly rare sight, but some may travel the world. For the most part, however, they can and will only be found in Essos.
    • GENDER: Anyone can be a shadowbinder.
    • TIER THREE: To keep our incentives as such - incentives - only those within Essos may play as a TIER THREE shadowbinder. If at any point they cross over to Westeros, their power will diminish, resulting in the loss of their TIER THREE abilities. Players may start off with a TIER THREE shadowbinder, but only in Essos.


    Bloodmagic or blood sorcery is a type of magic rooted in the use of blood and sacrifice. It is considered the darkest and most powerful sorcery. Practitioners of bloodmagic are known as bloodmages, as well as maegi.

    With a drop of blood on the tongue, some futures can be seen; if the blood is offered to fire, the chances of this form of divination has a higher chance of being a success.

    Practitioners of bloodmagic have dark spells to save a man from death, though some say death is cleaner. Blood mages and maegi live under one rule: only death can pay for life.

    Due to the strength of their magic (though mainly, only because of its source), a blood mage / maegi's curse is not only more obvious, but far more dangerous; if not, deadly.LIMITATIONS

    • Maegi are mistrusted and feared in Essos, especially by the Dothraki. They're more likely to be met with death if found out in certain areas of Essos, so they must be extremely careful.
    • Admin will not be allowing blood mages to bring people back from the dead, or to prevent death from happening; death is the far cleaner outcome, after all.
    • Players are unable to go around hurling curses at other characters. A curse will be rolled with a !roll 1-20. The outcome of the curse is dependent on the roll.
    • With as dark as the magic is, there has to be a cost, and that cost is life; a blood mage / maegi has all but sold their soul and it's corrupt and rotting. Their lifespans are shortened and most search for an escape from this death, which only results in a quickening of their end.
    • Once a month the player may roll for a prophetic dream in Discord. The rules for this follow the rules in Divination.


    Legend has said that the Rhoynar had their own magic — a water magic very different from the sorceries of Valyria, which were woven of blood and fire. It was said the Mother Rhoyne herself whispered to her children of every threat, that the Rhoynar princes wielded strange, uncanny powers, and that their cities were protected by "watery walls" that would rise to drown any foe.

    Water wizards are present in Dorne, though only among the Orphans of the Green Blood. It is their presence that attributed to the independence of Dorne. Targaryen dragons are unnerved by water wizards and make any attempt to invade troublesome for dragonriders.LIMITATIONS

    • Only Orphans of the Green Blood may be water wizards, as they still worship the Mother Rhoyne and have not steered from her course
    • Being far from the river Rhoyne, water wizards are not what they once were in terms of their magic. They cannot command spires or walls of water, but they can make rivers swell and flood, as well as bring life to Dornish soil.


    Red priests are the clergy of the religion of R'hllor, called so because of the loose, crimson robes they wear. Red priests, who may be male or female, administer the last kiss to deceased followers of the Lord of Light.

    They are a common sight in Essos, as the faith of R'hllor's influence is widespread and children are sometimes given to temples of R'hllor to be raised into the priesthood. Red temples also buy children to serve as slaves of R'hllor and raise them as priests, temple prostitutes, or warriors known as the Fiery Hand. In cities like Volantis where slaves are branded with facial tattoos, slave red priests have flames tattooed across their faces. There are few followers of the Lord of Light in Westeros, but red priests can be found in Dorne, Dragonstone, King's Landing, and Oldtown.LIMITATIONS

    • Most Red Priests are tricksters. They lean heavily into the dramatics and flare and illusion. While it may seem they can set a sword aflame, it's nothing more than slight of hand.
    • Red Priests must learn how to handle pyrotechnics or otherwise they'll burn; most do, especially in training.
    • Players cannot have their character perform the Last Kiss without rolling for it; bringing someone back from the dead is not a given, so all parties must be in agreeance.
    • The faithful are rewarded! Players may purchase favor from the Lord of Light in the store, to aid them in their rolls.
    • Once a month the player may roll for a prophetic dream in Discord. The rules for this follow the rules in Divination.


    Alchemy is a diverse range of practices involving the creation of substances or materials with magical powers. The Alchemists' Guild in Westeros specializes in this, claiming that they are able to transmute base metals into gold, along with other powers. In recent centuries their power has waned, and they focus on creating the incendiary substance known as wildfire, which burns much hotter than pitch and cannot be extinguished by water. They claim that wildfire's power is magical in nature, though the exact ingredients are a closely guarded secret.

    The Alchemists' Guild, also called the Guild of Alchemists, is an old order of pyromancers. The pyromancers claim to posses vast secret stores of knowledge.

    A full member of the Alchemists' Guild is called a wisdom. There are also apprentices and acolytes to assist them. The order is led by a wisdom known as the grand master.

    Through spell they can work flame, within reason, but their true power resides in spellwork that enhances, changes, and combines properties of materials.LIMITATIONS

    • An alchemist is not immune to fire; they can and do burn, greatly. There's not been a single alchemist alive that's not borne a horrendous scar from either their learning or a mistake.
    • They cannot produce flame, they can only manipulate what's already there. They cannot shoot it across the room, but they can make the fire in a hearth burn brighter and hotter; it's most useful when working with their apparatuses.
    • Only men are taught to become alchemists and are welcome in the guild.
    • They mostly stick to themselves and their labs; they're not power hungry, but knowledge hungry, and have beef with maesters.

    Dragons are scaled, reptilian creatures. They have four limbs: two wings, which are used as forelegs like bats and pterosaurs, and two rear legs. The color of the dragons has no bearing on their character.

    Dragons have strong jaws, sharp teeth and claws, leathery wings and long necks] and tails, with horns on their heads. As young hatchlings, they are around the size of a cat. If it has enough food and freedom, a dragon never stops growing. A dragon given such freedom can reach a span width of twenty feet within a year and a half. Dragons which are locked up, e.g., the Targaryen dragons housed in the Dragonpit in King's Landing, do not grow as large as dragons left free to fly as they wish.] Although increasing age means increasing size, a larger size does not always show a higher age (e.g., the younger Meraxes was larger than the older Vhagar). Balerion, the largest Targaryen dragon, was large enough to swallow an aurochs or a mammoth from Ibben whole.

    Dragons, demons, and other creatures are said to inhabit the cliff caves above the Ash north of Asshai. Sea dragons in the Sunset Sea and ice dragons in the Shivering Sea are recalled in legends and folklore, but scholars have no proof of their existence, or how closely related they are to dragons.characteristics

    Newborn dragons are known as hatchlings; dragons that are older but not full-grown are known as drakes. Unbonded and unridden dragons are referred to as wild dragons, whereas dragons that have lost their riders are sometimes referred to as castle dragons.

    Dragons presumed to be female are known as she-dragons or Queens.

    It is said that dragons are fire made flesh. Great heat emanates from dragons' bodies, to the point that they steam during cold nights. Dragons only eat cooked meat, and use the extremely hot dragonflame which they breathe to cook their meat before eating it.

    A dragon's scales are largely, but not entirely, impervious to flame as well, and serve as protection for the more vulnerable flesh and musculature beneath. As a dragon ages, its scales thicken and grow harder, affording even more protection, leaving dragons nearly immune to fire, although they can still be wounded by dragonflame (e.g., Moondancer's eyes being blinded by Sunfyre's fire during the Dance of the Dragons). Similarly, as dragons age, the fires they breath become hotter and fiercer. Where a hatchling's flame can set straw aflame, the flames of older dragons, like Balerion and Vhagar in the fullness of their power, could melt steel and stone.

    The lifespan of dragons is many times that of a human, though their maximum natural lifespan is difficult to determine: as beasts of war, most of the known examples died in battle. Balerion, the largest and oldest Targaryen dragon, already alive when House Targaryen moved from Valyria to Dragonstone in 114 BC died of old age in 94 AC during the reign of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen. Balerion was near two hundred years old when he died, but as the only known example of a dragon who died of old age, it is unclear if this should be considered typical. Dragons are not invulnerable; a scorpion bolt through the eye killed Meraxes. When Balerion returned with Princess Aerea Targaryen before Aerea's death, the dragon had large new bloody wounds from an unknown cause.

    Dragons are believed to be intrinsically tied to magic in the world.

    Dragonbone is as strong as steel, but lighter and far more flexible, and impervious to fire. It has been used to make brooches, bows, hilts of Valyrian steel daggers, and whip handles.dragonriders

    Dragons are intelligent creatures which can be trained to serve as battle mounts and understand vocal commands. They are said to be capricious in nature,and have to be trained to keep them from laying waste to everything around them. However, dragons will not allow everyone to mount them. In Valyria, the noble-born dragonriding families, the dragonlord families, frequently married brother to sister to keep the bloodline pure, and it is generally believed that Valyrian heritage plays a part; Having Valyrian blood (no matter how directly) is not a guarantee that bonding with a dragon will be successful.

    Once a dragon has bonded with a rider, that dragon will not allow anyone else to mount it alone while its rider lives, no matter how familiar said person might be to the dragon. But when the person bonded to the dragon is on the dragon's back, they may take a passenger. When the rider of a dragon dies, that dragon can bond with a new rider. No rider has ever ridden a different dragon while their current dragon was alive. However, when Prince Viserys Targaryen's dragon Balerion died, according to Martin, "[Viserys] did not take a second dragon", leaving the possibility that a rider might bond with a new dragon after his/her first dragon has died. Dragons who have had a rider once before are easier to bond with than wild dragons.

    A dragon might to be able to sense when its current rider is in distress or has died. This is implied in the case of the dragon Dreamfyre, who, despite being locked and chained in the Dragonpit, is said to have sensed when her rider Helaena Targaryen committed suicide in Maegor's Holdfast, at the other side of King's Landing. A dragonrider has also screamed out when his/her dragon was hit by a spear.limitations

    • One must have dragonlord's blood to be able to bond with a dragon. Outside our canons, there is a list of characters that may be able to bond with dragons. Some will have a higher chance than others. They are broken into those bearing the Targaryen name, ones that have Targaryen blood, and those that do not have Targaryen blood.
    • Targaryens may claim a dragon upon Vaella's Embrace by royal invitation, or they may attempt to claim a wild dragon. It is also possible for them to be gifted an egg to see if it might hatch. They must bear the name of Targaryen by birth for this possibility to happen.
    • Those that do not bear the Targaryen surname will have to claim a wild dragon, unless given special invite to Vaella's Embrace. These are the characters that may claim a wild dragon who have Targaryen blood and do not have the Targaryen name: Marsella Arryn (b. 267), Leoric Arryn (b. 267), Lorent Baratheon (b. 269), Ravella Baratheon (b. 272), Triston Baratheon (b. 291), Cassandra Baratheon (b. 295), Alara Bar Emmon (b. 290), Cynthea Blackwood (b. 276), Lucas Blackwood (b. 281), Eleyna Lannister (b. 267), Corrys Lonmounth (b. 277), Daeron Martell (b. 292), Elia Martell (b. 297), Lewyn Martell (b. 280), Morion Martell (b. 278), Oberyn Martell (b. 293), Jynessa Martell (b. 297), Sylvenna Martell (b. 273), Armeil Mo Dhazkazn (b. 291), Elaera Nightingale (b. 292), Aerea Nightingale (b. 295), Vahaelyx Nohaeris (b. 280), Daenysa Nohaeris (b. 284), Visegon Nohaeris (b. 288), Melaria Piper (b. 295), Mara Sand (b. 289), Yorick Sand (b. 293), Myra Strong (b. 250), Jalara Xano (b. 290), Janaro Xano (b. 294), Malthar Xano (b. 267), and Corwyn Wendwater (Alara Bar Emmon's half-brother).
    • Those that do not have Targaryen blood may also make attempts at claiming wild dragons, though their chances of risk are far greater.
    • The blood has to be strong. Targaryens and children of Targaryens have the strongest claim. Unless they marry inward, the blood dilutes (however for the fun of play, anyone with any blood tie to Targaryens gets a standard +5)
    • Anyone without dragonlord blood may make an attempt to claim a wild dragon with the knowing that their character will have a -120 modifier to tally onto the claim roll; the outcome of the roll must be accepted, and there's a great chance of death, maiming, and overall an unsuccessful attempt for the character depending on their score. The chance of a person without dragonlord blood claiming a dragon is slim to none - as is seen in the masses of Targaryens that have all been slain in their own attempts. This ensures only a 10% chance at a successful claiming with all dragon favor modifiers bought (a +70 with dragon negation) to the roll.
    • Just because a character has the blood does not mean that they'll be successful. We do not mean to say we'll not allow characters to bond with an unclaimed dragon, we simply ask that players be realistic and reasonable with these expectations, as well as follow and accept our rules. Claiming a dragon is dangerous and deadly. A person has to be willing to sacrifice their life as there is a long history of Targaryens (and other people) that have died doing just this. The rules for claiming a dragon are below.
    claiming a dragon

    Many Targaryens - and non-Targaryens - have died in the process of trying to claim a dragon. It is an unfortunate, and can be seen as unlucky, to not have a dragon egg hatch in the cradle, and might push Targaryens to try their hand at forging a bond with an unclaimed, or even wild, dragon. Any person that wishes to claim a dragon on Vaella's Embrace must have a Royal invite from either Daemon Targaryen, of Pyre's Helm, or Rhaelle Targaryen, of King's Landing. If either ruler is in play, players must contact them and plot it out, at the very least. No one can simply decide to go to Vaella's Embrace, not even the Royal children.

    Dragon claiming will be done via dice, and there will be many things factored into the dice roll, so please make sure you read through everything and prepare your dice roll appropriately.

    The claiming will be done 1-100, with ranges that give a vague scenario and outcome. Rolling low could see your character not only without a dragon, but could very well see them harmed or even maimed. You must accept this outcome to roll for a chance with a dragon.

    90 - 100: Dragon bond is immediate

    70 - 89: Dragon is hesitant, but accepts the rider

    60 - 69: Dragon gives warning and seems like they might strike, but accepts the rider

    50 - 59: Dragon does not seem willing to obey the rider and gives them a harrowing ride, but in the end accepts the bond

    40 - 49: Dragon attempts to harm the rider, but the rider manages to escape harm and persevere in claiming the unruly dragon

    20 - 39: Rider manages to escape harm from an enraged and disobedient dragon; they do not claim a dragon

    10 - 19: Dragon is enraged and causes harm in some form to the rider, but the rider narrowly misses death or any permanent injury; they do not claim a dragon, and any attempt in the future will come with a disadvantage

    1 - 09: Rider is left maimed, disfigured, or disabled, if not dead (if player wishes to leave that as a possibility); they do not claim a dragon, and any attempt in the future will come with with a serious disadvantage

    Each dragon will have its own standard roll, which will be listed below, as well as advantages/disadvantages for rolls.dragon rolls

    Each scenario will be different, and different things will be taken into account that might not apply to everyone (such as, if a prospective rider might already know the dragon). This might make an attempt easier, or harder. Staff will let you know if modifications need to be made to your rolls to account for variances.

    Each dragon has their own modifier applied to them which reflects their nature and the difficulty claiming them. Each dragon card holds their modifier as well as basic roll, without any other modifier applied! modifiers

    Modifiers will be/can be tacked on to dice rolls. These can either be purchased in the discord store, or are given by staff to winners of an event. Some are simply applicable depending on the character trying to go for the dragon.

    TARGARYEN BLOOD: If your character's grandfather or grandmother was a Targaryen ruler, this applies to them. +20 to their roll. This is null if your Targaryen has attempted to claim a dragon and failed.

    DRAGONLORD BLOOD: If your character has dragonlord's blood in them, however distant. +5 to their roll. This is null if your character has attempted to claim a dragon and failed.

    COMMONER'S BLOOD: If your character does not have a drop of dragonlord blood in them. -120 to their roll.

    HISTORY OF FAILURE, FAILED WITH A 10-19 ROLL: If your character tried to claim a dragon before and was not seriously harmed, and/or rolled a 10-19. -20 to their roll.

    HISTORY OF FAILURE, FAILED WITH A 1-09 ROLL: If your character tried to claim a dragon before and was seriously harmed, and/or rolled a 1-09. -30 to their roll.

    DRAGON'S GIFT: Won in an event. +50 to their roll.

    DRAGON'S AFFECTION: Purchased from the store for 500 points. +10 to their roll. You may only buy this once per character.

    DRAGON'S FAVOR: Purchased from the store for 1,000 points. +25 to their roll. You may only buy this once per character.

    DRAGON'S BLESSING: Purchased from the store for 2,000 points. +35 to their roll. You may only buy this once per character.

    DEWDROP'S DAFFODILS: Purchased from the store for 200 points. +10 to a roll toward DewDrop.

    DUSKVALE'S SNACKS: Purchased from the store for 200 points. +10 to a roll toward Duskvale.

    MORNINGDOVE'S TREASURE: Purchased from the store for 200 points. +15 to a roll toward Morningdove.

    example roll

    Here is an example roll with modifiers applied. Daenora Targaryen is going for the dragon, Whytefire. Daenora naturally gets a +20 to her roll for her lineage. Her player also purchased dragon's blessing and dragon's affection. Her roll will look like this:

    !roll 1d100+20+20+55+10

    dragonriders of pyre's helm

    The riders listed here are those that call the kingdom of Pyre's Helm home. They're spread throughout the kingdom (Pentos, Tyrosh, Myr, the Dragon Marshes). The dragons from Pyre's Helm are bigger than their Westerosi cousins for the simple fact that the Targaryens of Pyre's Helm do not believe in the use of dragonpits. Their dragons roam the endless skies, living free and reigning from above like the dragons of old.

    Dragons without coloring are displayed in the Pyre's Helm membergroup colors - they will change once claimed!



    Morghul's scales are a dark, matte gray that reflects no light, though the silver-chased tips of the scales will sometimes catch the moonlight on cloudless nights. The scales darken as they approach his spine, turning fully black upon reaching the spines and ridges that line his back. His one-remaining horn, the other lost during a scuffle with a wild dragon in his youth, is black. The softer scales of his underbelly and the lining of his wings are a pale gray, and his eyes are a shimmering silver.

    TEMPERAMENT Having gone the majority of his life without a rider, he was more or less feral until Daemon took him as his bondmate. When not around Daemon, Morghul remains temperamental, bordering on violent, if challenged, though his temper has lessened somewhat with age. In Daemon's presence he is far more docile, though never completely. Despite the force of Daemon's will, Morghul will still often push boundaries, looking for signs of weakness.

    location Pentos

    sex Male ( confirmed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Princess Visenya Targaryen

    former rider(s) Princess Visenya Targaryen

    around 200 years

    282 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (22)

    daemon targaryen




    Pale blue body, scales that shift lighter in the light. Deeper blue horns, wingbones, and crest. Wings are the color of seafoam. Eyes are pale blue-green.

    TEMPERAMENT Playful and freespirited, though she is capable of reigning in her propensity to wander. Wavedancer grew alongside her rider, spending time mostly within Pentos aside from when Calla went on trips with others within her family. She is extremely protective of her rider and prefers to stay as close as possible. Wavedancer favors horses, but enjoys flying low to the ocean to catch fish. Wavedancer has laid two clutches of eggs, one in 292 AC and the other in 312 AC.

    location Pentos

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch clutch one, clutch two

    hatched for Queen Calla Targaryen

    former rider(s) N/A

    41 years

    274 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (23)

    calla targaryen




    Moonlake is described as having gold scales with scarred navy accents. Her wings are a simple lime color, whilst her eyes are a light pink. She has a stocky body type.

    TEMPERAMENT Moonlake is said to have a venomous personality, which is quite the opposite from her rider. She is loyal to her rider and has a strong bond with the person that mounts her.

    location Pentos

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch clutch one, clutch two

    hatched for Lady Aerea Targaryen

    former rider(s) Lady Aerea Targaryen

    50-55 years

    301 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (24)

    helaena targaryen


    grey ghost


    Pale grey-white, the color of morning mist. Scales that are smooth and shining, reminiscent of grey moonstone.

    TEMPERAMENT Stoic and sage but fearsome, Grey ghost was a wild dragon of the Dragonmont who was notoriously shy and avoided man for nigh two centuries until he inexplicably sought out Prince Viserys Targaryen during a visit to Dragonstone and claimed the young prince as his rider. Grey Ghost prefers to feed on fish, and is often glimpsed flying low over the narrow sea, snatching prey from the waters.

    location Pentos

    sex Male ( confirmed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Prince Viserys Targaryen

    former rider(s) Prince Viserys Targaryen

    near 200 years

    310 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (25)

    viserys targaryen




    Very deep purple scaling, almost black, with swishes of lighter purples, blues and pinks all around the body. High shine, resembling a night sky with thousands of stars adorning it. On his wings and head he has thin threads of blood red colour cutting through all the purple, like bloody marks upon the firmament.

    TEMPERAMENT Unlike his rider, Nightscar is very temperamental and rather easy to provoke when around strangers; he was always vocal about his grievances and moods. He does not trust easily, and hardly lets anyone but Vaelor close. When with his rider, Nightscar changes completely — becomes more docile, just content to fly around or lay in a grass somewhere far away from people. He can be pretty playful when around some of the other dragons and their Targaryen riders; but like Vaelor himself, Nightscar prefers solitude and will guard himself from unwelcome company very effectively.

    location Pentos

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage Wavedancer x Morghul ( 292 Clutch )

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Prince Vaelor Targaryen

    former rider(s) N/A

    18 years

    297 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (26)

    vaelor targaryen




    Silver-white, the color of the moon at it's highest and brightest point. There is a metallic sheen to the scales around the edges of them.

    TEMPERAMENT Most unlike Laena, Vaerax is calm in nature and has a way about her that brings Laena down from the height of her emotions. She is quiet, rarely ever making a sound outside that of her wings and movements, and does not seem to get agitated when there are others around. Though she is protective of Laena, Vaerax has a gentle nature to her that would not see her threatening harm upon others without absolute provocation for it. She was determined to be a she-dragon in 305 AC when she laid a clutch. One of her eggs was laid in the cradle of Laena's own son, Aegon.

    location Pentos

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage Sunsetea x Unknown ( 265 Clutch )

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBD

    hatched for Prince Laena Targaryen

    former rider(s) N/A

    35 years

    280 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (27)

    laena targaryen




    Dark grey scales that greatly resemble the color of iron when found within mines. The dragon sports a cream-colored underbelly. Tyraxes has black claws, ridges, and horns. His pupils are light green in color.

    TEMPERAMENT Tyraxes does not like being bothered by others dragon, people, or even keepers. He does not like restraints of the use of saddles. This has made it so that Aegon has had to adapt to using a very light leather cloth covered in fur as he rides the dragon. There seems to be an intelligence to the dragon in the way he knows when a storm is near and refuses to take flight, instead seeking shelter. It does not seem that Tyraxes likes loud noises such as thunder and lightning strikes, much like his rider. He is a swift dragon and not overly hefty, but more lean. The only other dragon Tyraxes has shown interest in is Vaerax and it is believed he is perhaps the father of her first clutch of eggs.

    location Pentos

    sex Male ( confirmed )

    parentage Moonlight x Unknown ( 231 Clutch )

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBD

    hatched for Prince Aemon Targaryen

    former rider(s) N/A

    34 years

    281 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (28)

    aegon targaryen




    A white dragon with a silvery blue shine; along her spine, however, it's almost a midnight blue black. This makes her hard to spot when flying high within the sky as she can blend in with the clouds. At night the she-dragon and her rider use the moon to their advantage as she practically vanishes in the moonlight if the moon is behind her.

    TEMPERAMENT She hatched in 208 AC to Valena Targaryen just moments after the egg was placed next to the infant. Not much is known about her; she is quiet and standoff-ish with most, but is over protective of her rider. She is a large yet an oddly thin-framed silver white she-dragon. She is a skilled speed flyer. Her tail is longer then most, making it easier for her to move through the skies as she cuts corners faster and sharper then any others. She and her rider are known for their speed and agility in the skies. It is believed she has had a clutch before but no eggs had ever been found.

    location Pentos

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch one clutch, two clutch

    hatched for Princess Valena Targaryen

    former rider(s) Princess Valena Targaryen

    107 years

    308 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (29)

    maekar targaryen




    The dragon's scales are primarily turquoise with copper on the underside of the scales. Vaessia's eyes are a molten copper, with the muscle fibers on her wings and tail shimmering copper in the sunlight.

    TEMPERAMENT Vaessia is quiet and intelligent, often happy to follow Naerys' lead when it comes to flight or fight. This is mostly due to to her size; she's a smaller dragon, but her body and tail are quite long. And so, if her rider wishes to fight, she could outmanuever others swiftly, but she'd also be good at making a quick escape.

    location Pentos

    sex Queen ( assumed )

    parentage Moonlake x Unknown ( 288 Clutch )

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBH

    hatched for Princess Naerys Targaryen

    former rider(s) N/A

    17 years

    298 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (30)

    naerys targarayen




    Indigo with a shimmering shade of teal. Their eyes are red and the membrane of their wings is a darker shade of purple.

    TEMPERAMENT Baelon's most trusted ally in battle. Stareater is a large dragon with an energetic personality to them. They are all to eager when it comes time to fly, practically scooping Baelon up before he has a chance to climb on himself from time to time. Their gentle demeanor matches that of Baelon but when it comes to battle they are fierce and unforgiving using tooth and claw to tear their enemies asunder before covering the battlefield with their fiery breath.

    location Myr

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBH

    hatched for Prince Baelon Targaryen

    former rider(s) N/A

    50 years

    265 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (31)

    baelon targaryen




    Golden scales with a sheen to them, they are lightened in the sunlight and dark when night falls. There is an orange under tint to the scales that is said to resemble a setting sun. This orange is seen in the wings of the dragon, the more tender part of the bottom of the wings etched with orange stripes. The horns, claws, and ridges of Sunsetea are a very light brown color.

    TEMPERAMENT Sunsetea shares the same temperament as her riders. She is calm and soothed by the sound of music that is well played. There is an appreciation for sights found in the dragon as she makes chirping noises of joy when soaring high over mountains, in low valleys full of flowers, or over the sea as her wingtips touch the water. The she-dragon is not easily provoked, but has never allowed a rider outside of the ones she has seemingly chosen for herself. It was in 264 that she was discovered to be a she-dragon, having laid a clutch of eggs.

    location Myr

    sex Queen ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch clutch one ( Vaerax, Dipper, one unhatched egg )

    hatched for Queen Jaenara Targaryen

    former rider(s) Queen Jaenara Targaryen

    80-89 years

    313 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (32)

    jacaerys targaryen




    Scales of a deep blue similar to sapphires, that turn to dark navy at its pinnacle. Every scale is flecked with this darker shade of navy, almost as if they were the dragon equivalent to freckles. His scales are smooth and curved, and his flame is a blue as vast as the ocean. Eyes are iridescent yellow. .

    TEMPERAMENT He got his name from the fear of the god’s he placed in his rider when it was discovered how he likes to play in the water as he flies. Soaring as close as he can to it, and either dipping his wings or toes as he goes. It’s been witnessed that he careened into the waves once when he dipped too far, but he thankfully had been riderless on that flight. He is a playful boy, and loves the water and wherever he flies; he always stops to test the local water sources. Social by nature, Dipper loves the company of other dragons. And will always investigate others when they are near. This has led him to some scrapes over the years, but he is docile by nature and always submits to his opponent before a real fight could ensue. Often you can hear him chirping to dragons, queens in particular, wanting their attention.

    location Myr

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage Sunsetea x Unknown ( 265 Clutch )

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch clutch one ( 5 unhatched eggs )

    hatched for Princess Rhaena Targaryen

    former rider(s) N/A

    25 years

    290 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (33)

    rhaena targaryen




    Pale pink, almost iridescent and translucent in coloring on her scales, with yellow-gold eyes.

    TEMPERAMENT A gentle soul much like her rider, Blossomfall is not known to be particularly ornery or violent, but quite friendly and surprisingly playful. Sometimes the she-dragon is even known to play with her food.

    location Myr

    sex Queen ( assumed )

    parentage Moonlake x Unknown ( 288 Clutch )

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Princess Daenerys Targaryen

    former rider(s) N/A

    19 years

    296 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (34)

    daenerys targaryen






    location Pentos

    sex Male ( confirmed )

    parentage Moonlight x Unknown ( 231 Clutch )

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Prince Aemon Targaryen

    former rider(s) Prince Aemon Targaryen

    40-49 years

    301 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (35)

    aemond targaryen




    Mielikki has a bright green scaling that shifts its colour into copper-bronze depending on the light, and turns a darker green shade on her wings. Her horns are dark brown and have a coarse, almost tree bark-like texture.

    TEMPERAMENT Mielikki is a very friendly dragon and loves to spend her time around others of her kind. She's quite playful and lively, but will sometimes get a bit somber, especially if Aeryn is feeling down. She loves to sit and listen to Aeryn play his lute, and while she's always wary of people, she also trusts Aeryn's judgment. Mielikki isn't violent and being ordered to burn Tregicho Votyris was a painful experience for her.

    location Myr

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Prince Aeryn Targaryen

    former rider(s) N/A

    28 years

    287 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (36)

    aeryn targaryen


    open name




    location Tyrosh

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage Moonlake x Unknown ( 288 Clutch )

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch N/A

    hatched for Lord Vaemond Velaryon

    former rider(s) N/A

    20-29 years

    287 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (37)

    vaemond velaryon


    Dragon eggs are large eggs with tiny scales, which shimmer like polished metal in the sunlight. Dragon eggs come in a variety of rich colors. The color of the eggshell appears to indicate the coloring of the dragon within: from the deep green egg, with burnished bronze flecks hatches Rhaegal, a dragon with jade-green scales and wings, and bronze eyes; from the pale cream egg streaked with gold and bronze hatches the dragon Viserion, who has golden eyes and cream-colored and golden-colored scales; from the black egg with scarlet ripples and swirls hatches the dragon Drogon, whose scales and teeth] are black, and whose horns, spinal plates, and eyes are red.

    Eggs that may hatch are warm to the touch, although other people do not feel the heat.

    Dragons have been known to lay eggs in a clutch of up to at least five, and a dragon may lay several clutches during its lifetime. Although the subject of dragon mating habits is debatable, some maesters believe that if a dragon never laid an egg in its lifetime, it must be male. Whether an egg has to be fertilized by a male dragon in order to hatch is not known.HATCHING OF THE EGGS

    There are dragon hatcheries on the islands of Vaella's Embrace and Dragonstone, where eggs and young hatchling dragons can be found.

    Some dragon eggs do not hatch, but instead turn to stone.

    Dragon eggs are more precious than rubies and some seek to steal them.TARGARYEN TRADITION

    It is considered a sign that the child is a true Targaryen if the egg placed within the cradle hatches. If the egg does not hatch, or if the dragon born is weak and dies quickly, it is considered a bad omen. The tradition of placing an egg in the cradle of a newborn royal has continued throughout the centuries of their rule. These dragon eggs are cherished possessions of their owners.LIMITATIONS

    • Getting an egg is not a guarantee that it will hatch.
    • Eggs may be given to characters with the right blood for it, by admin.

    member lore

    When claiming a minor house, we require people to fill out our minor house template and post them in our member lore forum. This puts your house on display and adds to the overall lore of our site, with a detailed look into your character's house and a brief history on them!

    This also includes a section for free folk. They're a people of many cultures, of various clans and tribes, and we would love to see the culture of our wildlings brought to life beyond what the Wiki can lend us. While it isn't mandatory for free folk, it is encouraged to post!

    Our member lore can be read here. The thread for claiming a minor house (and thus, submitting your own lore) can be read here.

    wild dragons

    When a dragon loses their rider, they're sent to Vaella's Embrace. However, not all dragons can be kept. These are the dragons that have either broken free or have never had riders to begin with; they're the only dragons out in the wild and most are named by the smallfolk that live within the areas they frequent. They can be claimed, however they may prove harder to bond with than those cared for by the keepers of Vaella's Embrace.



    His scales are a pearlescent white with a deep shade of gold trimming the edges. That same gold makes up the coloring of the spikes and ridges along his spine. His horns are a pale bone-white while the underside of his belly is the same shade of gold trimming his scales; it shines in certain lighting or angles of the sun.

    TEMPERAMENT Vyraxes is a prideful and loyal creature. For years he allowed no one to ride him; still loyal to the ghost of his original owner, the late Princess Gael Targaryen of Pyre's Helm. Princess Gael was married to Daegon Nightingale, a lord of a Targaryen branch house in the North. Upon her dragon she flew across the Narrow Sea for her marriage. There Vyraxes found himself adjusting to the new environment, though not taken as a kindly sight by the northerners. He now roosts within a cavern of hot springs he has claimed for himself.

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage N/A

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBD

    former rider(s) Princess Gael Targaryen

    96 years

    known as
    the truehearted

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (38)

    northern mountains




    Seasmoke is a pale silver-grey dragon.

    TEMPERAMENT Seasmoke has long been ridden by members of House Velaryon, seeming to prefer to remain loyal to the bloodline from which he hatched (so long as they have Targaryen blood within them). It is presumed that Seasmoke is a male dragon given that there have been no clutches laid and all refer to the dragon with the term ‘he’. With the riders that came to claim Seasmoke, the dragon has seen many battles and survived each one, living to this day. Seasmoke now rests upon the island held by the Velaryons; it has been noted that he’s begun to bury himself in the sand in his old age (keepers suspect he does this to keep warm), and a few unlucky people have died from accidentally stepping on him. Thus, the beaches near southwest to Spicetown are avoided to keep people from becoming victims of the dragon.

    217 years

    known as
    the battle-hardened

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (39)



    the cannibal


    The Cannibal is black as coal, with menacing green eyes.

    TEMPERAMENT He is the largest and oldest of the wild dragons located within Westeros, and dwells upon Dragonstone. The Cannibal has never been ridden. The smallfolk of the island have long called him the Cannibal because he practices cannibalism, feasting on dead dragons, newborn dragons, and dragon eggs. This is not so common in recent years, as the Targaryens and the dragon keepers have been more protective over their dragons and their eggs. The Cannibal has taken to feasting upon the livestock of the island as well as any that happen upon its territory (at the back of the Dragonmont, on the eastern side). The dragon generally does not bother people, however, so long as they do not bother it and leave it alone.

    290 years

    known as
    the feared

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (40)

    dragonmont, dragonstone




    Seagreen scaling

    TEMPERAMENT Rumored to come from one of Silverwing's clutches, Cloudfyre is among the oldest dragons alive and has made a lair out of the stony isle within the center of Red Lake. He is a sleepy old man that spends his days curled within his nest, or idly snacking on herons. He leaves the Cranes alone, but he is most unfriendly to outsiders that come within their neck of the woods

    132 years

    known as
    the loner

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (41)

    red lake




    Matte black scaling

    TEMPERAMENT Sirensong is a scourge to the Iron Islanders. She routinely hunts the larger creatures of the sea around the Iron Islands, and has felled ships both innocent and meaning her harm. The Iron Islanders have tried to dispose of her but have failed every time, which has only fueled her ire. No one knows where her lair is, and she strikes mostly at night.

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage N/A

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBD

    former rider(s) Princess Valenya Targaryen

    60 - 70 years

    known as
    the scourge

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (42)

    iron islands




    Light orange scaling

    TEMPERAMENT Drathal hatched in the Dragonpits of King's Landing and has always been the most unruly of those held within her confines. In recent years, he has managed to escape and take flight, landing in the regions of the Dornish Marches. It's thought that perhaps a Targaryen Prince or Princess felt pity for the creature and set him free, or perhaps one of the keepers grew tired of the constant shrieking. Drathal is young and unpredictable, though has yet to harm anyone.

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage TBD

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch x clutch ( year )

    hatched for Natural Hatching

    former rider(s) N/A

    23 years

    known as
    the unruly

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (43)

    dornish marches




    Silver-blue scales

    TEMPERAMENT Mistfall keeps to herself, well away from others, and has hunted a few men that have dared venture into her territory. After the death of her rider, she claimed the area around Alyssa's Tears as her own; it was her rider's favorite place to visit. She had only been claimed for around 10 years, making her more wild than the dragons that live upon Vaella's Embrace and have never been claimed.

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage N/A

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBD

    hatched for Prince Rhaegar Targaryen

    former rider(s) Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, Elinor Waters, Prince Gareth Targaryen, Prince Daegon Targaryen

    90 years

    known as
    the territorial

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (44)

    alyssa's tears




    Silver scales with dark grey embossing

    TEMPERAMENT Named purely for the storms s/he likes to fly in, Starscream is actually one of the more docile of the wild dragons. While s/he may claim a cave within the mountains home, s/he allows travelers to pass on the roads without worry; so long as they stick to the road and do not attempt to venture into his/her cave.

    15 years

    known as
    the stormchaser

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (45)

    the vale




    Bright red scaling with a silver underbelly

    TEMPERAMENT Raqiros first hatched in 248 AC in the crib of Prince Viserion Targaryen who would go on to become King Viserion. The dragon was named by the young Prince, who is known to have spoken only in High Valyrian until the age of eight. In High Valyrian, Raqiros means 'Friend'. Raised within the Dragonpit of King's Landing, Raqiros has one of the larger caverns to himself. He is known to be highly vocal. Upon losing his rider, Raqiros has not left the dragonpit of King's Landing. He stays deep within his personal cavern and it appears to the keepers that the dragon is grieving. Though he comes to the forefront of the cavern enough to eat, he is quick to retreat. Loud groans that are akin to wails can be heard during the night from the dragonpit, often awaking the other dragons housed within.

    sex Male ( assumed )

    parentage N/A

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBD

    former rider(s) King Viserion I

    67 years

    known as
    the sorrowful

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (46)

    king's landing




    Caraxes is red, huge, and lean.

    TEMPERAMENT It is unknown when Caraxes hatched from his egg but by 72 AC he was a young dragon of rideable size. That year, Aemon Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone and heir apparent of the Iron Throne, claimed Caraxes for the first time. The Dragonkeepers considered him to be the fiercest of all the young dragons of the Dragonpit and nicknamed him the "Blood Wyrm". He was later claimed and ridden by Prince Aemon's nephew, Prince Daemon Targaryen, who went on to become King Daemon I of Pyre's Helm. In battle the dragon is formidable, fearsome, and experienced. Even now as an older dragon, Caraxes is considered ferocious and cunning dragon. He likes to eat sheep and breathe fire. Caraxes is mated to Syrax and the two are often seen nestled together, if not flying in search of food.

    sex Male ( confirmed )

    parentage N/A

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBD

    former rider(s) Prince Aemon Targaryen, King Daemon I Targaryen

    243 years

    known as
    the blood wyrm

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (47)

    pyre's helm




    Syrax has yellow scales, with bright green eyes. She is huge and formidable.

    TEMPERAMENT Rhaenyra first took Syrax as a mount in 104 AC, when the princess was seven years old. Syrax was described as a "young" dragon at the time, and Rhaenyra herself named her "Syrax" (after a Valyrian goddess). She was known to be a Queen, as Syrax laid "several" clutches of eggs during the reign of Viserys I Targaryen and King Baelor I Targaryen of Westeros. Each of the eggs that hatched for Rhaenyra's sons and daughter came from Syrax. Even after the death of her first rider, Syrax continued to fly into battle after battle alongside Caraxes, as well as those dragons that hatched from her clutches. She is an exceeedinly well-fed dragon, though it has been noted in her older age that she prefers to sleep. Often the dragon can be found curled up next to Caraxes, the two thought to be mates.

    sex Queen ( confirmed )

    parentage N/A

    same clutch siblings TBD

    clutch TBD

    former rider(s) Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen

    218 years

    known as
    the yellow queen

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (48)

    pyre's helm





    TEMPERAMENT Named for Naerys, whom carried his egg; hatched the day she died with speculation it was her mother's grief that shattered the egg, or the dragon within sensing Naerys' death; was named by Naerys' mother whom said she sensed her daughter in the dragon

    166 years

    known as
    the reborn

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (49)






    TEMPERAMENT Maimed by uprisers as a hatchling; generally skittish of men and groups of people as a result; has never flown; is often heard crying in the night

    32 years

    known as
    the crippled

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (50)



    collosus golden lady



    TEMPERAMENT Spiked tail; she-dragon; mutated due to the fallout of the Doom

    339 years

    known as
    the demonbane

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (51)

    old valyria


    old pearly



    TEMPERAMENT Two-headed; mutated due to the fallout of the Doom; one head spits an acid-like residue likely the result of mutated/missing/messed up glands that produce dragonfire

    249 years

    known as
    the monstrosity

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (52)

    old valyria





    TEMPERAMENT Gets drunk off rotted/fermented berries; generally docile, loves sleeping

    113 years

    known as
    the lush

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (53)

    yi ti





    TEMPERAMENT Of Valyria's clutch; often lurks in the sickly waters of Asshai

    14 years

    known as
    the river-fiend

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (54)






    TEMPERAMENT Mated with Valyria; got his name for hunting like a vulture

    210 years

    known as
    the defiler

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (55)

    the shadowlands





    TEMPERAMENT She-dragon; named for being the first sighting of a dragon in Eastern Essos after the Doom, now dubbed Worldeater for her gargantuan size

    320 years

    known as
    the world-eater

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (56)

    the shadowlands





    TEMPERAMENT Blind boy, mild tempered, mostly wants to be left alone; named for having been struck by a miner that mistook the sleeping dragon for an ore deposit; tunnels underground

    67 years

    known as
    the earthshaker

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (57)

    the grey waste


    The calendar system currently used in the Seven Kingdoms uses the start of the reign of King Aegon I Targaryen as the first year on their calendar, dating events using either AC (After the Conquest) or BC (Before the Conquest). Individual months do not appear to have specific names. When referring to a specific day in a specific month, maesters use the format "the twenty-second day of the fifth moon of the year 130 AC". No name for week-days (e.g., "Sunday" or "Wednesday") have been mentioned, and Martin has confirmed that they do not have those names. There is one mention of religious services held in a sept "every seventh day".

    It is said that the world's varied cultures, both ancient and modern, all reckon days and seasons and years very differently. Archmaester Walgram's book, The Reckoning of Time, covers this issue, but there is little consensus on what these world dates mean in Westeros reckoning. As an example, the Braavosi and Westerosi do not count days the same way.

    For the purpose of our site and managing what is considered present time for in-play, we're allowing a 12-month timespan. We will not be moving to the next year until we feel it necessary, as plots take time to be set up and threaded.

    first moon
    • The betrothal between Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Elaera Nightingale is broken
    • It is announced that Alaric Stark would wed Elaera Nightingale
    • Northern houses far from Winterfell begin their journey to Winterfell in order to witness the union between Alaric Stark and Elaera Nightingale
    • In the third week of the first moon, ravens fly bringing grim news that King Viserion, first of his name, has passed
    • Funeral preparations are made and King Viserion's pyre is to be lit in the fourth week of the first moon, after which preparations for his Celebration of Life begins.
    • Theon Greyjoy's ship is destroyed by an unknown dragonrider; the Ironborne survives at a major loss to his ego
    second moon
    • Houses Nightingale and Karstark arrive in Winterfell together
    • Northern games are held for a week before the union takes place in the Godswood, second week of the second moon
    • People across Westeros begin arriving in King's Landing during the second and third week of the second moon
    • Festivities for the Day of Founding begin the third week of the second moon and last until the first day of the third moon
    • A ball is held at the end of the fourth week of the second moon, beginning the Celebration of Life in honor of King Viserion
    • The Lord Reaper, Rodrik Greyjoy leaves the Iron Islands and sails for Sothoryos
    third moon
    • First day of the third moon is the Day of Founding in Pyre's Helm
    • Mance Rayder approaches Castle Black and demands entry, claiming he's brought proof that ancient dangers have awoken
    • A tourney is held during the first week of the third moon in King's Landing, continuing the Celebration of Life
    • Benjen Stark has an altercation in Winterfell with his brother and liege lord, Brandon Stark, in which he reveals that he was intimate with Lady Catelyn Stark and that some of her children might be his; this results in Benjen being sentenced to serve at the Wall for the rest of his days and rumors are quick to spread through the north.
    • In Sothoryos, an entire tribe of people have disappeared with only a handful of dead left behind; it's a mystery what's happened to them, but natives are determined to find out.
    • Meanwhile, Mace and Elia Tyrell discover Mors Martell is up to something in the jungles.
    • Aerea Nightingale reveals to Brandon Stark that her sister, Elaera, was pregnant before she married Alaric Stark and that the father of her child is Mance Rayder; Brandon speaks with Alaric about the punishment they will both deliver upon House Nightingale, Mance Rayder, and the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.
    fourth moon
    • Mance Rayder sets off from Castle Black with Erryk, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and Elaera Nightingale; they reach Skirling Pass and begin escorting wildlings back to the Nightfort.
    • Alaric Stark reaches Castle Black, searching for Elaera Nightingale; the First Builder tells him that she has gone beyond the wall with Mance Rayder and the Lord Commander; he awaits their return at Castle Black.
    • Brandon Stark executes Daegon Nightingale, the former Lord of Nightingale Hall; he oversees the wedding of his daughter, Mina Umber, to the new lord of the keep, Aemon Nightingale.
    fifth moon
    • Alaric Stark fights with Mance Rayder at Castle Black.
    • Rodrik Greyjoy and his sons (Erich, Warrick, and Varrick) are in Sothoryos, hunting down wyverns; Warrick and Varrick took natives captive and have them waiting on ships with the intention to sell them.
    • Nyala and Oberyn Martell have been tracking the Greyjoy twins and come upon Ironborn ships; they release prisoners from Rodrik Greyjoy's ship and then set about destroying it.
    sixth moon
    • Most members of House Stark make the journey to the Iron Isles in the company of Aoife Greyjoy to see Lady Alys Stark betrothed to one of the Greyjoy sons.
    • Rodrik Greyjoy returns to the Iron Islands with his sons and two wyverns in tow.
    seventh moon
    • tbd
    eighth moon
    • tbd
    ninth moon
    • tbd
    tenth moon
    • tbd
    eleventh moon
    • tbd
    twelfth moon
    • tbd

    Death is not the end and no one knows it better than a Necromancer, a person able to reach through the veil of death and bring back what was once lost. It is one of the most nefarious forms of magic, some claiming it to be even darker than blood magic, and at its highest tier, deals in the laws of equivalent exchange. If a person is of weak will, this magic can corrupt their soul and twist them into something non-human.

    tier one

      • Communication with the dead. A low-tier necromancer will only be able to make out whispers of the dead and they have no control over this. It is usually souls of the recently departed they hear, or a soul that is especially bound to an area and in pain.
      • The art of divination through bone reading, however divination through this means is not as simple for a low-tier necromancer - nor is it so clear cut as to say they dream, because they do not. A necromancer will have a small pouch upon their person filled with bones that they have obtained themselves, have cleaned themselves, and have carved upon them runes. Blood of the person for which the reading is done/meant for must be given and dripped over the bones before they're scattered into a low-burning fire. A low-tier necromancer will only be able to divine the past from this reading.
      • Through the touch of a person's hand, a low-tier necromancer might be able to see a person's impending death - or any death surrounding them - within the next several months.

    tier two

      • A mid-tier necromancer will have the ability to make out shadow forms with the whispers of the dead if they concentrate and focus their ability. If they're especially focused they may be able to dispel the presence of the spirit, but not always.
      • A mid-tier reading will allow the divinator insight into either the past or present of the person for whom they're giving a reading, or for whom it's meant for; the images they see, past or present, will be clear within their mind and might be limited to only two images that are somehow significant to the person for whom the reading is done.
      • A mid-tier Necromancer's prediction of death narrows to a window of several weeks to a couple months.
      • A mid-tier Necromancer not only can sense the presence of death, but life itself. For example, if a Necromancer is within the room of an inn, they'd be able to feel the presence of life of those within the inn down to the exact number. Concentration is absolutely needed.
      • A mid-tier Necromancer can summon the souls of those that have passed. They cannot do so without some momentum, personal item, or something biological (hair, bone, etc) of the deceased. The summoned spirit will not be whole and will have a ghostly, see-through appearance to them.

    tier three

      • A top-tier Necromancer can feel, see, and hear the souls of the most recently deceased, or the souls that have remained out of anguish (think ghosts, poltergeists, etc). They can dispel them with mere thought, release their souls from the earthly world, or disintegrate them.
      • A top-tier reading will allow the divinator insight into either the past, present or future of the person for whom they're giving a reading, or for whom it's meant for; the vision they see, past, present, or future, will be so clear to them that they are walking through an event that will last anywhere from thirty seconds to a minute at most. This event will be significant only to the person for whom they're doing the reading. Future events may or may not come to fruition.
      • A top-tier Necromancer's prediction of death narrows to a window of a couple to several weeks, and can feel impending dooms such as massacres if they are within the right place at the right time.
      • A top-tier Necromancer can feel life around them in full and have the ability to distinguish between sentient and non-sentient. They can also tap in and out of this at their leisure, as it can often times be overwhelming to the senses. The radius of their life sense is directly proportional to the strength of the Necromancer.
      • Soul summoning for a top-tier Necromancer is an ability that has various forms. Firstly, they do not need anything physical to summon a spirit and bring them back earthside. A given name will suffice, though this will vary from Necromancer to Necromancer. Some will seek some form of offering and what that is, is dependent upon the Necromancer. Though truly, the soul need only be a thought for them to pull someone from the veil of death.

        The souls that they are able to summon have a more physical presence to them. They can be touched, they feel solid, they look as they would have prior to dying. They are corporeal with the only thing to distinguish them from the living being a light, cool glow within their eyes. These souls may remain on their own for 6-10 hours, after which they will begin to fade if not bound. Once bound, they become revenants and are, physically, enslaved to the whims of the Necromancer. They come and go by the Necromancer's wishes. The binding can be dispelled by the Necromancer or broken upon their weakening or death. The strength of the revenant is in direct proportion to the strength of their Necromancer.

        A summoned soul at this stage can also be disintegrated. Instead of being released back to the deathly veil, a Necromancer can dispel the very essence of the soul. Once done, the soul cannot be brought back. It is a true death.

      • Different from soul summoning, a top-tier Necromancer has the ability to conjure and create thralls from the deceased. The souls are gone from within them but their earthly bodies belong to the Necromancer that has risen them. While thralls of one Necromancer cannot be overtaken by another, they can be dispelled through life absorb as the energies used to rise them can be absorbed by a different Necromancer. Thralls are mindless and act on the whims of their master. They can be harmless and merely shuffle with their master or perform mild tasks (pick up item, walk item somewhere, drop item). They do not feel pain and cannot be felled unless the Necromancer is killed, they're dispelled by either their master or a different Necromancer, or are put to the torch.
      • A top-tier Necromancer can draw life from around them. This allows them to gather lifeforce which is then turned into stored energy they can use to empower themselves instead of depleting their own stores. The life does not inherently have to be sentient; all life counts, be it grass, trees, leaves, etc. This stored lifeforce can be transferred elsewhere, in various forms, to either imbue items with mystical properties or to bring someone back from the verge of death.


    • OBTAINABILITY: Necromancy is a learned magic, meaning it must be taught. There are three places that a person can obtain the knowledge to learn necromancy: Qohor, Nefer, and Asshai.
    • REGIONS: To keep our incentives just that - incentives - we are not allowing necromancers to be played anywhere but in Essos. Any canon support of necromancers (for example, House Drumm) will be regarded as nothing but rumor and not be allowed in-play. Exceptions to this can be made for site-wide plot purposes, but admin permission must be granted.
    • OSTEOMANCY: Once a month players may attempt to bring on a vision with their character by rolling the dice in Discord. Any roll 15 OR OVER will be considered a successful roll and the admin team will post a dream. A NATURAL 20 roll will wield a stronger prophetic dream. You can increase your odds by purchasing a roll boost from the store.

    Known as beasts to the Demon Hunters of Mossovy, shapechangers are more a race of people, or magical beings, rather than a subset of magical power - in fact, their true name is Guardians of the Forest, kin to the Children of the Forest, however centuries of oppression has lead to this name being stripped from them by outsiders. Due to the nature of shapechangers, they're seen as extremely dangerous to the Demon Hunters and likewise, hold Demon Hunters in similar contempt. There is deep history between the two, and to read up on shapechangers as a people, please read here.

    features & innate abilities

    • EARS
      • A shapechanger is born with elongated ears that come to either sharp or gentle points. Their hearing is naturally better than a human's and is comparable to that of a cat's hearing.
    • EYES
      • A shapechanger is born with cat-like eyes, their pupils vertical slits that enhance their vision and allow them to see in spaces without light. They're particularly sensitive to sunlight, making shapechangers by chance more nocturnal beings, or favorable to darker places. The color of them are unnatural to humans and are often bright shades of orange, yellow, green, blue/green, blue, etc. The color of them may also shift depending on the shapechanger's emotion and mood.
    • TEETH
      • A shapechanger is born with elongated teeth: both canines and lateral incisors. The length and sharpness of them will vary from shapechanger to shapechanger; some may even get away with appearing more human than others.
    • SMELL
      • Shapechangers have a heightened sense of smell. It is not on par with a bloodhound, but they can definitely track through their smell to a degree - so long as tracks are an hour or less fresh.
      • Shapechangers have a natural affinity for the world and life around them. While some animals might see kinship within the shapechangers, they do have a passive ability that allows them to calm and soothe the beasts they come into contact with; it is an evolutionary skill, as the young shapechangers are unable to shift without touching. In more experienced shifters, their presence alone may calm animals while it may take more concentrating from younger shifters.
      • Shapechangers have a natural skill that comes from their mimicry though it is passive rather than something that needs to be exercised; a shapechanger needs only hear one word of a language be spoken for them to adapt and know the language being spoken to them.
      • The innate ability that was named by Demon Hunters for the bizarre nature of it. Shapechangers - when especially drawn toward a specific person/soul - become soul-bound. This is not an inherently romantic bond but rather the idea that soulmates come in all forms; a shapechanger's bonded is not always someone they love or will fall in love with, but is rather someone that has need of them in some form or is someone the shapechanger needs. A shapechanger has no control over this. Sometimes a shapechanger may experience a couple or a few bonds in their lifetime, as their needs change or the needs of their bonded have been fulfilled; this, however, is extremely rare as most remain bonded for the duration of their life.

        When the bond is enacted/formed, both the eyes of the shapechanger and their bonded glow bright for a few seconds.

        Through the bond, a shapechanger is able to feel the deeply felt emotions of their bonded. They're not privy to their thoughts, but if they're in great turmoil, great pain, etc, then it is felt by the shapechanger. If the shapechanger wishes, and their bonded willing, the shapechanger can concentrate and allow their bonded to feel for a brief moment what they're feeling.

      • Being a race of old, most shapechangers have an affinity for magic and take to learned magics rather well as a whole; akin to Children of the Forest greenseers, there are rare few with a true affinity for the arcane and these individuals seem to have magical naturally within them and seemingly absorb knowledge and wield it strongly. These individuals are born to the shapechangers as sorcerers/sorceresses, and their gift to the world - as greensight and skinchanging is a gift of the Children of the Forest - are woods witches when the power is claimed by a human.
      • Shapechangers have a natural weakness against silver. If they're bound by it in any form (a necklace, a ring, a bracelet, etc) they are are unable to shift; if they were shifted when it was put onto their person, they will be forced back into their natural state of being. While they can remove the silver themselves, they cannot do so without enduring excruciating burns.

    practiced abilities & skills

      • A shapechanger's most basic ability that must be practiced. They're able to take to form of any living creature. Less experienced shifters must touch that what they're wanting to shift into, while the more experienced need only see what they wish to take form. The less experienced shifters may also suffer the inability to control their shifting, meaning they may not be able to take the form they want, may not be able to easily revert back, may be shocked/surprised out of their taken form, as well as unable to keep their emotions from showing. Strong emotional responses may appear in the form of a shifter's eyes changing color, making the more experienced shapechangers the most dangerous as this does not come without practice and some level of deceit.

        The more experienced shapechangers are the ones able to take the form of other humans without any discrepancy in their form. There would be nothing to distinguish them from the person they've shifted into.

      • A shapechanger must truly practice with the gift of mimicry. Mimicking animal noises is easy, but humans are more challenging and only the most experienced are able to pull off completely mimicking a person's voice of their choosing. This is the gift that unsettles Demon Hunters the most as there are horror stories told to children of not following the voices that call from outside the gates of Mossovy, even if it sounds like your mother calling for help.


    OBTAINABILITY: A shapechanger is a being that is born. A full-blooded shapechanger parent is needed for a shapechanger child to be born. A shapechanger born to a human and shapechanger would be considered a half-breed, and their children will be born human with maybe some shapechanger features but no shapechanger abilities.
    REGION: Shapechangers are specific to Mossovy, the farthest known region in Eastern Essos. To keep our incentives just that - incentives - we are not allowing shapechangers to be played outside of Essos without admin permission for site-wide plot purposes.
    ice mage

    The Blood of the Gods, the ice mages of the Rhew Llywth. They are what the Night King and his White Walkers once were, born of a people that dwell in the Lands of Always Winter. For a more in depth look into the Rhew Llywth, please visit their lore page here.

    features & innate abilities

      • The telling sign of an ice mage is in their eyes. While the chosen among them boast ice-blue eyes, those deemed Blood of the Gods (the ice mages) have a glow to their eyes when they use their magic. The stronger the use of their magic, the stronger the glow of their eyes.
      • Every ice mage born has the ability to manipulate ice; even the most basic, unskilled mages have this ability within themselves. If there is ice about them, they can manipulate it by shifting it about, lifting it in the air, etc. Think of it as a form of telekinesis that is specific to ice; they can move it at their will.
      • The Blood of the Gods are exceptionally tolerant of the cold, to the point where there is a game among the lot of them to see who can endure the freezing cold the longest without furs and nothing but their naked form; even the weakest among them can last days without the necessity of furs while the strongest could likely go weeks before succumbing to the chill.
      • Long ago, when the Wall was first erected, the Children of the Forest blessed upon the ice mages of the Rhew Llywth the gift of ice that could withstand ages and shifting of temperatures. Their ice is more like stone, withstanding most of the natural world around them. This unlocked potential is passive and only applies to those within the ice mages that can generate ice of their own. This does not apply to naturally formed/made ice of the world around them and their manipulation of it.

    practiced abilities & skills

      • With practice, an ice mage is capable of further manipulating the ice around them. They are not merely able to move the ice, but are able to shape it to their whim. Walls of ice can rise from the ground so long as the ice upon the ground is deep enough, ice can be broken apart and shaped into shards, or spears, etc; if the ice mage can imagine it, and there's enough resource for them to do so, the ice that they manipulate has endless possibilities of use.
      • With practice, an ice mage can manipulate the state of water. A running stream can freeze over, someone's hot soup can grow chilled on them, the top of a river or lake can harden enough to be traversed.

    learned abilities & skills

      • An ice mage is not only able to manipulate the ice around them but are able to form it from their very essence, materializing it at their will; it is this skill that formed the Wall that the Night Watch now inhabit. They can manipulate it as they would with their general ice manipulation, having it take whatever any form they want; it is also more durable than naturally made ice, having a quality to it that keeps it structurally intact and sound, and from melting even in temperatures that would see it turn to water.
      • With considerable tutelage, an ice mage can manipulate more than the basics of an ice mage. They can chill a person to their bone, inducing hypothermia or even turning blood to sludge within their person. The temperature around them can shift if there are enough molecules to do so (humid places would be their warzone), which leads into their next ability if they are able to master this one.
      • Gusts of sheering ice winds and blizzards that come from nowhere are the work of exceptionally talented ice mages. Snowstorms are the least worrying as an ice mage can produce icial storms that appear out of nowhere, hail that forms and falls from the sky without warning. Being linked to their temperature manipulation, if they're in a place that is raining, you can be suddenly pelted by sleet or hail if they so desire. This is also in part linked to their ice generation as well, as they can foculize glacial gusts/bursts that shoot from their person.


    OBTAINABILITY: Ice magic is a hereditary magic, and of a specific people within the Free Folk. It is a unique and sacred gift of the Rhew Llywth (the Ice Tribe) that live in the Lands of Always Winter. To read about them, please visit their lore page here.
    REGION: The True North, or the Wall. An ice mage can be played outside these areas, though the reason for them being away from their people will need be heavily explained. The chances of them being anywhere south of the Wall or the North is highly unlikely.
    LEARNED ABILITIES & SKILLS: This is a level for ice mages for those that are more naturally gifted and powerful in their magic; not every ice mage can or will reach this level as it takes someone with exceptional skill and prowess. Those that show capable enough are undertaken by a master and trained in these skills.
    runic magic

    Demon Hunters can possess specific traits and abilities through the application (and use) of runes. Majority of their runes allow them passive traits while a handful of them allow them use of abilities through signs of their hands - these are called runic signs, and each rune that requires a sign to be used has a specific hand gesture that correlates with it.

    The process of acquiring a rune is not so much as difficult as it is a feat, as it requires an alchemist to quite literally tamper with the aether of their soul and being.

    alchemic process

    Transmutation circles will be drawn upon the floor. Each rune has its own transmutation circle that must be drawn by an alchemist and it will only react by an alchemist; if touched by any other, it will do nothing and they will remain just lines upon the floor. The Demon Hunter will sit in the middle of it, after which the alchemist will trigger the transmutation. The lines will glow - the color varying depending upon the rune being applied - and the very aether of the Demon Hunter will be subject to change. It will feel akin to their soul being torn from their bodies, shred apart, reassembled, and shoved back into them; they will never experience another pain like it, and each subsequent rune will be ten times worse. Some Demon Hunters are unable to survive the pain, their hearts literally giving out, resulting in very few making it through the process of all runes. Most only seek one or two in their lifetime.

    Some Demon Hunters have been lost to inexperienced alchemists playing with magic they do not fully comprehend, resulting in twisted malformations of the person they once had been; these horrors are ended mercifully as their existence is nothing but pain. Limbs and the like have also been lost due to alchemist error. A Demon Hunter must have balls of steel or explicit trust in the alchemist applying their rune.

    runes & application / use


      1. ACCURACY

        A Demon Hunter has enhanced accuracy when it comes to landing hits, be it with a melee weapon or ranged weapon. (When coupled with Sense this can be applied in combat situations with dice for a +10 modifier to attack).


      2. AGILITY

        Heightened speed and swiftness in a Demon Hunter.

        TRANSMUTATION COLOR: Light green

      3. ENDURANCE

        Heightened tolerance in a Demon Hunter; whether they're running, fighting, carrying something, pushing/pulling, they do not tire as easily. They're also able to tolerate specific conditions longer than a normal person, such as heat/cold.

        TRANSMUTATION COLOR: Pale blue

      4. HEALING

        Accelerated healing. A Demon Hunter's body heals at a faster rate than a normal human being's.


      5. IMMUNITY

        The Demon Hunter is immune to passive magical powers/properties. If a magic would affect their mind/emotions then they are immune to it; their mental fortitude is heightened, guarding them against nearly all magic that would bend their minds/will. Physical magics (ie, pyromancy, aeromancy, etc) still affect them. All Demon Hunters acquire this rune. It is the last they face in their Demon Hunting Trials and should they emerge the process, they do so with golden eyes and emerge a Demon Hunter.



        A Demon Hunter's physical fortitude is enhanced. They are able to take more hits, powerful hits, and do not bruise nearly as much. (This can be applied in combat situations with dice for a +10 modifier to defense).


      7. SENSE

        A Demon Hunter's sixth sense is heightened; think of it as their Spidey Sense. This allows them an advantage in battle as they can better anticipate the coming of an attack, a monster, or predict an enemies movements.

        TRANSMUTATION COLOR: Dark blue

      8. SIGHT

        A Demon Hunter has enhanced vision. They can see greater distances and low-light situations do not affect nor blind them as they would a normal human.

        TRANSMUTATION COLOR: Cerulean blue

      9. STRENGTH

        A Demon Hunter has enhanced strength. Where a normal person's fist would bruise, even the weakest Demon Hunter with this rune would hit with the strength of a MMA fighter.



      1. FORCE

        With the specific sign used for Force, a Demon Hunter can pull or push objects (or beings) within their vicinity. It is a low-powered telekinesis. They cannot make things hover, but they can - for example - telekinetically blast a person away from them.

        TRANSMUTATION COLOR: Dark grey

      2. GUARD

        With the specific sign used for Guard, a Demon Hunter can protect themselves from the onslaught of attacks or things such as arrows. It is a telekinetic bubble that forms around them and dissipates. One must be swift and highly aware to effectively use it; this is best paired with Sense.

        TRANSMUTATION COLOR: Grey-blue

      3. WARD

        With the specific sign used for Ward, a Demon Hunter can place their hand upon the ground or doorway. This Rune is almost always upon their palms for this reason, as once they use Ward they are dropping magical protections in a 10x10 foot radius. Any creature - or entity with malicious intent - is highly affected by this. Low-level monsters disintegrate upon stepping into the warded area; a mid-level monster is trapped; a high-level monster is slowed.

        Demon Hunters use Ward to protect bridges, walls, and gates leading into all villages and Majak.



    OBTAINABILITY PT. 1: Demon Hunters only. This is neither hereditary nor learned, but rather something that is applied within the Demon Hunter's Hall to Demon Hunters of Mossovy. One does not simply walk into Mossovy and become a Demon Hunter for the purpose of their runic magic and then leave; it is coveted, their order sacred.

    OBTAINABILITY PT. 2: An alchemist is required for the entire process. Demon Hunters do not do it themselves - it is done to them by an alchemist.

    REGION: Essos, specifically Mossovy. While Demon Hunters can and do leave Mossovy for business, generally Demon Hunters stick to their own and most certainly have not crossed any seas - they go where needed. You would not see one out in the wild in Westeros.

    COMPLETIONIST: Going through the process of acquiring all runes is not for the faint of heart, or possible for most people. For this, only two slots are open for this. 0 / 2

    Hey! A new face!

    Welcome to Wind's of Change, friend. Whether you're new to the fandom or a veteran, things here at Wind's of Change might look rather daunting at first glance with how different the world is structured. Dynamics across the entire globe have shifted and we've created both created and expanded upon lore to fill gaps where necessary - so things are wildly different even in Westeros, but have no fear! We are here to help as there is a place for everyone - even if you're not familiar with original canon.

    Where to begin?

    basic premise

    There are three main continents on this world that are in play: Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos. Westeros and Essos are our main hubs while Sothoryos is still an area that has not been fully explored by people, however they do hold a colony that is run by two powerful families within Westeros: House Tyrell, and House Martell.

    Westeros is ruled by the Queen of the Six Kingdoms, Rhaelle I of House Targaryen, and the King of Dorne, Nymor I of House Nymeros Martell. These two kingdoms work in tandem and have a friendly relation.

    Essos is held by a number of power holders across the continent which has led to a continuous power struggle as some seek more control than others. The current struggle is between the King of Pyre's Helm, Daemon II of House Targaryen, and the Essosi Alliance which is made up of like-minded individuals looking to rip the power out from under Daemon and his kingdom as Essos wishes to remain free of conquerors.

    While Westeros faces the coming threat of the Night King - a great evil with an army of undead - Essos is facing war within itself as nation turns on nation to take back what has been claimed by the Targaryen conquerors.

    Magic has remained strong and prevalent for eons with dragons flourishing across the continents, making our world a clash between high and low fantasy.

    immediate connections

    Whether you want to jump into the action straight away or take things a bit more slow, the easiest and surest way to find yourself with lots of plotting and threads are connections. The nature of which range from familial, to friendships, to factions (night's watch, queens/kingsguard, ship crew, etc). Canons are also a great place to start as they come with relationships already in place for them, and all canon groups already have characters in-play that would love to have more roles within their units filled!
    • Canons
    • Wanted Ads
    • Westerosi Families
    • Factions
    • Free Folk

    Looking to jump into the action?

    The best place to look when starting out on any site is to look where spots can be filled as this can lead to instant plotting opportunities as well as threading, but some regions are better for it than others. If you're looking to jump right into things on Winds of Change then look no further than Westeros. Why Westeros? Because people new to our world will find Westeros the easiest to fit any range of character! For those looking to hit the ground running, the following areas tend to have the highest activity: the Free Folk, the Night's Watch, the North, the Iron Islands, the Vale.

    These are our prominent areas where the majority of action are taking place in Westeros.

    The Free Folk, the Night's Watch, the Northerners and the Iron Islanders are collectively gathering and coming together to face the impending threat of the Night King. Their regional objectives include sending man power (warriors, healers, etc) and supplies (building, food, livestock, etc) to the Wall and fortifying castles across the Wall as a means of defense. Players can thread out these objectives and they should, as working toward regional goals actually plays a hand in whether or not the Wall will fall and send the dead into Westeros proper. Player actions and threading matters to the overall plot and survival (or downfall) of the Wall and Westesros.

    The Vale is facing a mysterious illness that is beginning to run rampant. Some see it as divine righteousness striking down the Lady Marsella, her house, and her followers as she has lead her people away from the light of the Seven. Unbeknownst to the people of the Vale, a group of devout and zealous followers of the Seven have infiltrated their numbers as they believe the illness to be word of the Seven and have started to use it as a means to shepherd people back into the embrace of the rightful and true gods, or to strike them down as sinners. In the coming year - 316 AC - the Vale will truly face conflict as a purge comes upon them with the discovery of these zealots known as the High Septon's Winged Sparrows.

    Looking to take things slow?

    If you would like to take things a bit more slow then the best areas for this would be ones still within Westeros, and they are: the Riverlands, the Westerlands, the Crownlands, the Reach, the Stormlands, Dorne.

    Some of these regions have basic and on-going plots within them but are moving at a slower pace than what is happening in the North and the Vale, while others are living in relative peace and quiet. If you're looking for a more slice of medieval/fantastical life, these regions might be your speed.

    The Riverlands are set for rebellion as Derrick Tully gathers supporters under his dark fold, however he is playing the game tactfully for the moment and so things are at peace within the Riverlands for the moment - if not joyful as the Riverlands awaits the birth of Edmure Tully's third child, which may or may not displace Derrick Tully as the long-respected heir.

    The Westerlands are set for rebellion as Casterly Rock is shook from the inside out and incites the wrath of House Reyne. There will be a siege in the near future, but war may or may not break out within the Westerlands as the nobles and smallfolk alike finally see the madness that has poisoned their golden lion lords.

    The Crownlands are dealing with a bandit issue. The King Consort and Crowned Prince aim to find out the location of the bandits' lair and put an end to them once and for all before any more people come to harm; they are seeking the support of any warriors that might lend aid on their hunt.

    The Stormlands are now suffering an illness same as the Vale, though theirs is far more contained. Houses have been asked to not travel and stay put. Death toll has been minimal; however, it has claimed the heir to Storm's End, Gareth Baratheon.

    The Reach & Dorne are the regions least in conflict as they seem to be living their best lives. There is soon to be a wedding held in each region for the union of Lyonel Tyrell and Princess Nymeria Martell, so overall a general happy and lively feel for both areas.

    Face claim




    As our site canon diverges starting from the reign of Viserys I, we have compiled a list of our previous monarchs (as well the current monarch) of the Six Kingdoms within Westeros for ease of access. Below you will see their names, when they ruled, how the public saw them, the status of the realm during their reigns, and their achievements (if they had any).

    viserys i targaryen28 years at ascension Reigned from 103-120 ACWinds of Change -> Guidebook (58)
    general reception

    Wanted; he was the people's chosen among Jaehaerys' heirs.

    status of realm during reign Peaceful

    achievements N/A

    baelon i targaryen15 years at ascension Reigned from 120-167 ACWinds of Change -> Guidebook (59)
    general reception

    Wanted; he was the prince the people longed for.

    status of realm during reign Peaceful until his last five years when the Dornish Conflict broke out.

    achievements Baelon rewrote the Law of Inheritance for the throne to include females, naming his eldest daughter his heir.

    aemma i targaryen45 years at ascension Reigned from 167-189 ACWinds of Change -> Guidebook (60)
    general reception

    Wary; the people had never had a reigning queen before.

    status of realm during reign War; the Dornish Conflict raged on during Aemma's reign, ending one year before she died.

    achievements Aemma brokered an end to the Dornish Conflict through peaceful negotiations. She adjusted the powers of the King Consort, allowing her husband an honored position upon her Small Council.

    daeron i targaryen29 years at ascension Reigned from 189-209 ACWinds of Change -> Guidebook (61)
    general reception

    Unexpected; Daeron was the son of the heir to the throne and only ascended because his father died in battle with the Dornish.

    status of realm during reign Peace; recovering from war; a great summer sickness came to claim the lives of many in the last year of his reign, including Daeron.

    achievements Daeron pushed for lords of the Six Kingdoms to allow their daughters an equal opportunity to inherit; it was largely successful. He oversaw peaceful relations with the Dornish, gifting two dragon eggs upon the birth of Princess Sarella Martell's heir.

    viserys ii targaryen21 years at ascension Reigned from 209-233 ACWinds of Change -> Guidebook (62)
    general reception

    Wanted; unlike his elder brother who was heir, Viserys had legitimate children to inherit after him when he took the throne.

    status of realm during reign Stability in Westeros, war in Essos; the Targaryens of Westeros joined their Pyre's Helm relatives in their conquest of Tyrosh and the Disputed Lands. This took the lives of King Viserys and his heir, as well as his brother.

    achievements Viserys II had the Targaryen holdfast of Dragon's Keep built within the Kingswood. He participated and aided in the conquering of Tyrosh and the Disputed Lands.

    vaella i targaryen14 years at ascension Reigned from 233-245 ACWinds of Change -> Guidebook (63)
    general reception

    Adored; the people of the Six Kingdoms looked favorably on Vaella and were hopeful for the future she would bring to them.

    status of realm during reign Peace and war; the battle for the Stepstones came about during her reign and it was there she lost her life.

    achievements Vaella participated in the conquering of the Stepstones. She advocated for larger pits for the dragons within the dragonpit on Rhaenys' Hill and this was done during her reign. Social welfare became popular among the people once Vaella was seen out among the smallfolk giving them alms.

    haemon i targaryen40 years at ascension Reigned from 245-251 ACWinds of Change -> Guidebook (64)
    general reception

    Wanted; he was the next logical choice after the death of his niece and a war hero.

    status of realm during reign recuperating after war

    achievements Haemon conquered the Stepstones and oversaw the construction of new dragonpits upon the Stepstones, which he renamed 'Vaella's Embrace'. He had the Targaryen holdfast of Vaella's Light (renamed The Nest) constructed on Dragonstone.

    baela i targaryen23 years at ascension Reigned from 251-263 ACWinds of Change -> Guidebook (65)
    general reception

    Uncertain; Although Baela was the eldest child of King Haemon, it was her marriage to a Greyjoy that had the people of the mainland hesitant to see her as their queen.

    status of realm during reign Chaotic with Baela's descent into madness, the persecution of those with "tainted blood", the burning of the High Septon, the Ironborn attack upon western shores, and the mysterious deaths of young men in King's Landing.

    achievements N/A

    viserion i targaryen15 years at ascension Reigned from 263-310 ACWinds of Change -> Guidebook (66)
    general reception

    Hopeful; the people were glad for the change to a younger monarch who could be influenced by bright minds.

    status of realm during reign Mostly peaceful for forty-seven years, though he did see the near extinction of House Crane (leading to the hiding of skinchangers in the all kingdoms but the North and Iron Islands) due to religious zealots.

    achievements Viserion oversaw the construction of the School for Advanced Healing, leading to advances in medicine within the Six Kingdoms. He constructed better sewage systems and overall advocated for better hygiene standards within the Six Kingdoms. Reinvigorated the view of House Targaryen to be positive in the eyes of the nobles and smallfolk.

    rhaelle i targaryen39 years at ascension Reign 310 AC - presentWinds of Change -> Guidebook (67)
    general reception

    Warm; the people have long expected the reign of Rhaelle and consider her to be a return of the late Queen Vaella.

    status of realm during reign Started peaceful, but has become unstable with an illness in the Six Kingdoms and news of White Walkers beyond the Wall.

    achievements Rhaelle has had orphanages built as well as charitable housing for the poor.

    As our site canon diverges starting from the reign of Viserys I in Westeros and branches off to creat a new dynasty in Essos, we have compiled a list of our previous monarchs (as well the current monarch) of Pyre's Helm for ease of access. Below you will see their names, when they ruled, how the public saw them, the status of the realm during their reigns, and their achievements (if they had any).

    daemon i targaryen54 years at ascension Reigned from 135-144 acWinds of Change -> Guidebook (68)
    general reception

    Unwanted; the people of Pentos and later Myr did not want to become part of a Targaryen Dynasty.

    status of realm during reign Constant war.

    achievements Conquered Pentos and began the conquest of Myr, thus founding Pyre's Helm. Founded the Draconian Hounds.

    aegon i targaryen26 years at ascension Reigned from 144-188 acWinds of Change -> Guidebook (69)
    general reception

    Unwanted; the people of Pentos and Myr wanted the Targaryens gone, and those in Myr hated King Aegon.

    status of realm during reign Constant war.

    achievements Conquered Pentos alongside his father and conquered Myr. Had the Targaryen holdfast of Firefly's Rest constructed in Myr.

    jacaerys i targaryen44 years at ascension Reigned from 188-209 acWinds of Change -> Guidebook (70)
    general reception

    Unwanted; The people of Pentos and Myr wanted the Targaryens gone.

    status of realm during reign Lots of internal strife throughout.

    achievements Jacaerys expanded the size and authority of the Draconian Hounds, making them an official military order within Pyre's Helm.

    aegon ii targaryen43 years at ascension Reigned from 209-227 acWinds of Change -> Guidebook (71)
    general reception

    Unwanted; the people of Pentos and Myr wanted the Targaryens gone, and the people of Tyrosh did not wish to be conquered.

    status of realm during reign Began with great amounts of internal strife, ended with a new war.

    achievements N/A

    monterys i targaryen41 years at ascension Reigned from 227-235 acWinds of Change -> Guidebook (72)
    general reception

    Unwanted; the people of Pentos and Myr wanted the Targaryens gone, and the people of Tyrosh did not wish to be conquered. They particularly hated Monterys for starting the war in Tyrosh.

    status of realm during reign Constant war.

    achievements Began the Conquest of Tyrosh and the Disputed Lands, seeing only Tyrosh come into his kingdom before his death.

    maekar i targaryen32 years at ascension Reigned from 235-258 acWinds of Change -> Guidebook (73)
    general reception

    Unwanted; the people of Pyre's Helm see the Targaryens as their oppressors, most especially in Tyrosh.

    status of realm during reign Began with a war that was ending; stable with great internal strife throughout the rest of his reign.

    achievements Oversaw the Conquest of the Disputed Lands and an end to the war. Maekar brought Lys into the kingdom of Pyre's Helm, ending their neutrality.

    jaehaerys i targaryen29 years at ascension Reigned from 258-290 acWinds of Change -> Guidebook (74)
    general reception

    Unwanted; the people of Pyre's Helm continue to see the Targaryens as their oppressors; especially in Tyrosh.

    status of realm during reign Stable with moderate internal strife.

    achievements Prevented further war with the Essosi Alliance by meeting with them in person. Jaehaerys attempted to broker a marriage pact with members of the Alliance, but none accepted.

    jaenara i targaryen40 years at ascension Reigned from 290-313 acWinds of Change -> Guidebook (75)
    general reception

    Unwanted; the people of Pyre's Helm continue to see the Targaryens as their oppressors, especially in Tyrosh.

    status of realm during reign Stable with slight internal strife.

    achievements Jaenara attempted to bridge a kind hand to the people of Pyre's Helm, setting a precedent for House Targaryen to be viewed in a better light. She formed a strong bond with Yi Ti through trade.

    daemon ii targaryen39 years at ascension reign from 313 ac to presentWinds of Change -> Guidebook (76)
    general reception

    Unwanted, the people of Pyre's Helm continue to see the Targaryens as their oppressors, especially in Tyrosh.

    status of realm during reign Began as stable with some internal strife.

    achievements xx

    miscellaneous dragonriders

    The dragons and their riders listed below are those that do not fall within the Six Kingdoms or Pyre's Helm. The areas they inhabit are vast as they span from the True North, the Wall, Dorne, Sothoryos, and the whole of Essos. Each dragon will have their location specified within their information boxes! The dragons without coloring (as well as an image of scaling) are colorized in the membergroup of their riders - these colors will change once claimed by players and details given!





    location The Wall/Beyond the Wall



    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (77)

    mance rayder


    open name




    LOCATION Dorne

    38 years

    277 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (78)

    malora grandison




    Her skin is a dark red color while she takes on a red-orange type of color. Her eyes are a ruby color.

    TEMPERAMENT Ryokos' egg was kept beside Rhaenys until it hatched and the dragon grew fond of her since then. Ryokos is so much like Rhaenys as she's calm, cool, and collected until she doesn't need to be. Whether that's when Rhaenys is in distress or in battle, which is hardly ever. Ryokos has been loyal to Rhaenys for a long time now and will always stick by her side, no matter what.

    LOCATION Sunspear

    150 years

    288 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (79)

    rhaenys targaryen


    open name




    LOCATION Sunspear

    85 years

    309 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (80)

    arron martell




    golden, almost iridescent scales with pale yellow horns and pink tinges along the winges and membranes

    TEMPERAMENT Solaris is sweet and almost docile (for a dragon), and enjoys exploring with her rider. Nymeria trusts her around the small children she takes for rides with her. She's very protective of Nymeria though, and often seeks her out to comfort and relax her when her mistress' temper is flaring.

    LOCATION Sunspear


    296 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (81)

    nymeria martell




    As his name implies, Azuryx’s scales are a brilliant, azure blue across his body, only changing into a softer color towards his chest and beneath his legs. His is a long, and more wyrm-like body, with ash horns fanned around the crown of his skull and descending down his near-thirty foot neck. His tail is matched with these spiky adornments, creating a very threatening whip of blue-and-white.

    TEMPERAMENT Whereas his rider possesses a more tempered heart, Azuryx is a zealous casanova. He often crafts songs for the she-dragons within Sunspear, and any other that he and Rhae chance upon in their travels across Dorne. He has yet to experience battle, and is certainly one of the more tender-spirited dragons. It is Rhae’s own, delayed intentions in picking a true side that have kept Azuryx’s body unmarred and flames untested. It is uncertain how he would yet behave in a fight, whether against another dragon or enemies on the ground.

    LOCATION Dorne

    38 years

    287 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (82)

    rhae toland


    open name




    LOCATION Dorne

    64 years

    292 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (83)

    xhasola xano




    Bronze scaling

    TEMPERAMENT Only ridden twice, both of these attempted riders were thrown off by the she-dragon, though not killed. She has never been known to kill a human, instead being seen flying over shipwrecks in an attempt to aid potential survivors. Seemingly fascinated with small creatures such as humans, she likes to observe them up close.

    LOCATION Mossovy

    27 years

    315 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (84)

    daenora syndor




    A young dragon that has a mixture of tawny and turquoise scaling.

    TEMPERAMENT Always having free reign of the skies, he's grown to have the same wanderlust and thirst for adventure embodied in his rider. Very active and frequently seen to be on the move and flying across the skies of the kingdom of omber. Highly protective of his rider when he feels she is under threat, yet very receptive to her body language and relaxing more when he can tell his rider is relaxed. Has a particular fondness for sheep, and has been joked to be the next Sheepstealer. To the Dothraki, he is known as Ivezho, or the beast.

    LOCATION Omber

    14 years

    301 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (85)

    alaena targaryen




    A black scaled dragon with red and orange spines and points. Eyes are bright orange like a raging fire.

    TEMPERAMENT A short tempered dragon often seeking out prey to feast upon or burn be they animals or the occasional wandering traveler. It was wild and untamed until met by Haemon Targaryen. Haemon showed no fear of death upon trying to claim the dragon as his. Hellfyre respects Haemon and is loyal to him and is content helping him dispatch his enemies by fire or feast.

    LOCATION Near the Dothraki Sea

    150 years

    309 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (86)

    haemon targaryen




    When he first hatched, Qēlos's scales shined a bright golden color similar to freshly melted gold. Specks of white freckled the underside of his belly and along the inside of his wings. However, over the years due to confinement and darkness, that bright gold has become dull and less vibrant. His scales and specks give off a more copper coloring with black specks. On the top of his head, there is a scar in the shape of a star and it was because of this scar that he gained from trying to escape his cage as a hatchling that Rhaenyra gave him the valyrian name of Qēlos, which means 'star'.

    TEMPERAMENT The best way to describe Qēlos is that he is quite literally a ticking time bomb. Held in confinement for the past fourteen years, he snaps at anyone new to his guard rotation, and even the ones he knows often get snapped at. Growls can often be heard from his underground prison whenever someone gets too close. The only time those growls are not heard is when Rhaenyra sneaks to spend time near him.

    LOCATION Braavos

    18 years

    297 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (87)

    rhaenyra antaryon


    open name




    LOCATION Sothoryos

    180 years

    285 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (88)

    mors martell




    A dragon with scales of vibrant ember in the low light, and when in the sunlight become iridescent and reflective in shades of golds and deep purple. The ridging of his spine is a deeper shade of orange that is burnt, with the very tips of his spikes fading again to that deep purple. His horns are long and narrow, curving straight along his skull.

    TEMPERAMENT Small for his age with anger issues. Smokenose is easily irritated and it shows with him billowing dense black smoke from his nostrils. It steams from him when stimulated, and he uses it as a warning sign when other dragons fly too close or invade his space as the precursor before he’s sending flames their way. Though some speculate it to simply be how he communicates as it seems to flow from him like a chimney whenever he’s around other dragons. Having grown with her rider, he is rather protective of him, though he has yet to harm anyone apart from blowing smoke in their direction as a warning.

    LOCATION Sothoryos

    22 years

    293 ac

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (89)

    william martell



    Night-Walker; it is a dark term coined within Asshai for those with the magic to enter dreams that are not their own. They do not only enter these dreams, but manipulate them to make the dreamer see what they wish them to. The greatest of Night-Walkers are said to be able to take the lives of dreamers while they sleep, and thus they are seen as practitioners of an inherently dark magic.

    There are no passive traits that come with being a Night-Walker, as this magic is very intentional. It requires both a medium by which the practitioner can channel the magic and an artifact.

    necessary medium & artifact

    In order to delve into the world of dreams, a Night-Walker must use a glass candle. A glass candle is made out of dragonglass (obsidian), and was known to be produced within the Valyrian Freehold before the Doom of Valyria. Several glass candles have been preserved not only in Essos, but Westeros, and thus Night-Walkers would be able to acquire one for a hefty sum. It is said that magic is required to light these candles and thus, any who may dare attempt to be a Night-Walker must already have an inclination towards magic. With the channeling of their magic into the candle, they are able to light it. The candle will continue to burn until the link of magic from the practitioner is severed.

    Apart from the glass candle, in order to enter the mind of dreams (one's own or those of others), a Night-Walker must obtain artifacts that are important to a person and/or hold their essence. Things that qualify as artifacts are as follows; something that has been created and imbued with magic by a person, an object containing traces of a person (a lock hair, fingernail clippings, blood, etc.), an object that might have been very dear to and/or worn by a person. It should be noted that whatever is used as an artifact must have either significant importance to a person that they would have held to it long enough that a piece of their essence can be found within it or that it is something that has been imbued with the magic of the person one is seeking to delve into the dreams of. Random, everyday objects will not cut it.

    the ritual

    When one wishes to enter the dreamscape of another, or themselves, they must set up the glass candle first. It will be lit by their innate magic. Once the candle is burning, it may be noted that the flame takes on different colors depending upon the magic infused into it. The artifact(s) one wishes to use must then be placed before the candle, the Night-Walker either kneeling or seated before the glass candle as it burns. As magic is further channeled into the artifact, linking it to the burning flame of the glass candle, the Night-Walker will have their consciousness slip from within their mortal body into that of the dream world they seek to enter. It is during this time that a Night-Walker is most vulnerable to attack on their mortal bodies, though also when they are most powerful as they walk the dreams of others.

    learned abilities & skills


      This is the first ability taught to those that seek out the learned ability of night-walking; it provides the practitioners the ability to form dreams for themselves. Many consider this practice for the learned abilities that will come after, as it is first ones own dreams that are created and manipulated. They are highly aware of the dreams they create for themselves, however, which has seen many lost to their sleep in which they have given themselves dreams that soothe some ache within their soul. It is a given that they can then go on to create dreams for others.

      This would be an ability those known as apprentices who have studied for a short amount of time (3 months at least) would be able to practice, though only in the sense that they are able to create and manipulate their own dreams.


      Most that know of the magic used by Night-Walkers refer to their primary ability as manipulation, though it is also been referred to as weaving. Either term is appropriate for the ability of the Night-Walker to enter the dream of another in which they can then create scenarios, shape scenery and images, or even manipulate the dream as it is to what they desire the dreamer to see. If there is the absence of dreams, they can create them. These dreams can be nightmares, if the Night-Walker wills it, or a pleasant dream that might promote some emotional healing to their target. Outside of this, a Night-Walker may also simply observe a dream as if they are glancing upon it through a haze.

      This ability would be known to apprentices in that they would find themselves able to manipulate dreams that are already being had by the dreamer, as well as observe the dream. They would be able to steer the course of the dream to their personal will. It would take a master of several years (at least 8) as well as profound ability to create a dream for another person.


      The ability to communicate with the dreamer through the use of thought transmission. This is not the first ability learned by a Night-Walker, as it is considered more complex as one must not only be fully able to manipulate dreams, but cautious in that they might find themselves influence by the subconscious thoughts, dreams, ideas, and emotions of the dreamer. A Night-Walker who is well-practiced and proficient may be able to grant an awareness to the dreamer that they are in fact dreaming, and thereby communicate with them directly within the dream. This establishes a strong connection between the Night-Walker and dreamer. In rare cases, a Night-Walker may pull someone from the waking world into a state of lucid dreaming, making it seem that they are bringing people/things from within a dream to the real world around the person, or the other way around.

      This ability can only be used by a master, one who has studied for at least ten years. It takes a great deal of will to project one's thoughts onto another, even in the subconscious. Even more difficult and what could only be performed by one of great skill would be to pull someone from the waking world into a state of lucid dreaming. Not all masters can claim they are able to do this.


      Whilst viewing or manipulating dreams, the practitioner cannot be killed in the dream itself. They may present themselves as dying in the dream to frighten the dreamer, but dreams cannot truly harm them. That does not mean, however, that their physical bodies are invulnerable. Outside of a dream, a Night-Walker very well can be killed and they find themselves at their most vulnerable when they are night-walking, as their mortal bodies are left defenseless. This is why many Night-Walkers never practice alone, but in groups and with guards that watch over them.

      This ability would be a given for both apprentices and masters, though it is expected that an apprentice will find themself far more vulnerable than an experienced master. This is because apprentices are not as experienced with protecting their mortal bodies from harm whilst they are night-walking.


      It is possible for one who is extraordinarly gifted in their ability to learn and practice magic to be able to inflict physical harm upon a person in their dreams. Wounds inflicted on the dreamer within their dream will transfer to their physical bodies and they can die within the dream. If the dreamer's life is taken by a Night-Walker while they dream, the Night-Walker absorbs the soul of the person they have taken the life of. The essence of that soul can then be stored into an artifact that had belonged to the person, used by Night-Walkers to expand their own power and/or extend their lifespans.

      This ability is limited to masters who have studied for at least ten years, though it also has been known to rely heavily upon their proficiency. To take the life of a dreamer, inflicting wounds from within a dream to their mortal body is not easy. It takes a toll upon the Night-Walker, who will find themselves drained of their energy should they fail in their pursuit of claiming a soul.


    • OBTAINABILITY: The magical ability of Night-Walking is a learned magic, meaning it must be taught. It also requires one to have an innate inclination towards learning magic. One can obtain this magic by seeking out a master and learning through them in two places: Asshai and Qarth.
    • REGIONS: Essos; a Night-Walker can be played outside of the region of Essos, though the chances of them being outside their native region are slim. It is not impossible, however, and can be part of a character's individual plot.
    • SOURCE OF POWER:: A Night-Walker must have an artifact of the person whose dreams they wish to enter as well as a glass candle they will light. The artifact is placed before the glass candle, serving as a makeshift altar. Several artifacts must be used depending on the desired outcome.
    • SOURCE OF POWER, PT 2: To cause the death of a person whilst they are dreaming can only be done if there are numerous artifacts of that person within a Night-Walker's possession, along with a vial of said person's blood.

    house sigils

    We have a space on our mini profile that displays house sigils! This spot is defaulted to the Great House of each region but it can be edited by members with a simple link to a house sigil! The default sigils are a specific shape, so the sigil a member uses should match said shape or else it might look funky. Custom house sigils can be purchased and made for 200 Dragons. For those marrying into Great Houses (or you simply need the link), the links to the sigils can be found here.

    the free folk

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (90)

    the wall (night's watch)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (91)

    the north (house stark)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (92)

    the iron islands (house greyjoy)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (93)

    the riverlands (house tully)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (94)

    the vale of arryn (house arryn)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (95)

    the westerlands (house lannister)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (96)

    the crownlands (house targaryen of westeros)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (97)

    the reach (house tyrell)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (98)

    the stormlands (house baratheon)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (99)

    dorne (house martell)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (100)

    pyre's helm (house targaryen of essos)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (101)

    essos (the iron bank of braavos)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (102)

    qohor (house hestymion)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (103)

    saath (house TUĞRA)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (104)

    dothraki (khalasars of the great grass sea)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (105)

    mossovy (house syndor)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (106)

    sothoryos (the river goddess, Uwa)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (107)

    summer isles (sweet lotus vale)

    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (108)
    Winds of Change -> Guidebook (2024)


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    Name: Nathanael Baumbach

    Birthday: 1998-12-02

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    Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.