Which process can kill the germs present in water? (2024)


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The correct option is B Boiling
Boiling of water kills most of the germs present in it.

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Which process can kill the germs present in water? (2)

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Which process can kill the germs present in water? (2024)


Which process can kill the germs present in water? ›


What process kills germs in water? ›

Chlorination is a commonly used chemical method for killing germs in the water.

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Chlorination: The filtered and aerated water is chlorinated by adding chlorine to it. Chlorine kills all harmful germs. Chlorination of water is done to make it free from all harmful microorganisms.

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Chlorination is the process of adding chlorine to drinking water to disinfect it and kill germs.

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1. Boiling: Boiling kills germs present in water. 2. Filtration: Using filters like candle filters remove impurities and germs from water.

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Water disinfection refers to the process of removal, deactivation, and/or killing of pathogenic microorganisms in potable water.

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Filtration: Filtration is most often a policing step to remove flocks or smaller un-sedimented particles. Filtration also removes dissolved organic matter, dissolved minerals, and microorganisms.

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Boiling water for 1 minute is most effective at removing all harmful microorganisms from untreated water sources. If boiling is not possible, a combination of filtration followed by chemical disinfection is also effective against all microorganism types.

What kills all germs? ›

If ready-to-use disinfectants are not available, you can use bleach solutions for many hard surfaces. Bleach solutions will be effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi when properly diluted. Learn more about cleaning and disinfecting surfaces using bleach solutions.

Which element kills bacteria in water? ›

Chlorine is usually added in small quantities to water to make is safer for consumption. It kills germs and other organisms in water since it's harmful to living organisms. This is why chlorine is a good disinfectant.

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Sterilisation is the process of removal of germs from the water.

Which of these processes can remove maximum germs from water? ›

Answer: Boiling, reverse osmosis and exposure to ultraviolet light remove germs from water, whereas filtration through a porous pot can only filter out solid impurities, but is unable to remove germs.

What are the three most common methods used to remove harmful germs from water? ›

Methods that may remove some or all of viruses from drinking water are:
  • Boiling (Rolling boil for 1 minute minimum) has a very high effectiveness in killing viruses;
  • Filtration is not effective in removing viruses;
  • Disinfection with iodine or chlorine has a high effectiveness in killing viruses;

What kills the germs in water? ›

1. Boil. If you don't have safe bottled water, you should boil your water to make it safe to drink. Boiling is the surest method to kill disease-causing germs, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites.

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Bacteria can be removed from water through chlorine, UV disinfection, and ozonation. Chlorination is widely used by municipalities to remove bacteria from city water supplies. Many well owners also use chlorine to “shock” their wells and eliminate any bacteria present.

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During filtration, the clear water passes through filters that have different pore sizes and are made of different materials (such as sand, gravel, and charcoal). These filters remove dissolved particles and germs, such as dust, chemicals, parasites, bacteria, and viruses.

What is the method of disinfecting water? ›

A common and relatively inexpensive method of disinfecting water is chlorination, where a solution of chlorine or hypochlorite is added to the water. The method kills disease-causing microorganisms including bacteria and certain viruses but does not kill the protozoa Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and some others.

What removes viruses from water? ›

Boiling can be used as a pathogen reduction method that should kill all pathogens. Water should be brought to a rolling boil for 1 minute. At altitudes greater than 6,500 feet (approximately 2,000 meters), you should boil water for 3 minutes.

Which purification method is used to eliminate germs from water? ›

Boiling and chlorination are the most common water and wastewater disinfection processes in use throughout the world. Boiling is primarily used in rural areas in developing countries to eliminate living organisms, especially bacteria, present in the water.

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With electrical power off, remove the well cap and lift the wires/wire nuts aside. Add ½ of 1 gallon of bleach to a clean pail with about 3 gallons of water. This is generally sufficient to disinfect a 4 inch diameter well 100 feet deep or less. Pour the mixture into the well.


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