The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

uu THEDATLY PTC! A VTTNK NE ORLEANS, SUNDAY, SEPTEBIBER 1892, i WANTED. WANTED. PfTJTr: Menu for werk, LfiU rrLaUi i 60 tor or montK Zu lines. IPzJZ iiilein with no incumbrances, 7fnrOLSfeSdttrcUve lady tokm 1 A suitable party will ie State age Addree Siaw rTApply 311 Iulana I nA rlLlope street, near Annnneia Tnnnr man who can TjO0? te salary; good references A aaUTT iti Address P. O.

Bjn Dressmaker who under and fitting. Apply a 7X rtenced Clothing and Furnishing lauldauon Bale. 100 jllareew. 2 01. 169 Washington avenue AS Bow rnwxX eOO anu Jfi.

St harlee avenue, corner 811 jl5 per day at home, a Uing Lightning 15 BlStlg jowwji. PktMlhennet of Jewelry as rat year. care this Sp white Cook. Apply 525 St Charles AS snaae. TK8PCTABB Girl to do cooking and I AXwk; also a German Girl to bum.

I estree TroCHU Man' to learn or with some experi JT CaVoonier Magazine sua Teleaen fSopOKt. Apply 74 sixth street OODCook. Apply at 4 Euterpe street. TiVIUVa Salesmen in this territory oo and expenses: iuoloae stamp. Vio ID Powder, 835 Harrison street.

tTdISS To do wrinnf at their homes good Ll Sest sumped enyelope to The JJ PSLmwT. bO U41. Chicago, 111. 1 hnnu wnpb anil Mtt 1U cUlldren. Apply Con boy ibout 15 or 18 years of age to do light wot Apply at oace at 187 South Bam BooP Competent young man who smployers 3oOO.

Sry 15(XJ mt Address lor partioolars P. Box COLOBID Boy. for kitchen. Must sleep A irani Mi. Apply jjanpnine.

'DM. Mt ed snd NUaue. ao iaronaeiet A 1 EIGHT, scOts Boy about 13 year old. vkstw wlt bis parents; one who is tmt inm Apply in own handwriting, P.O. BlTo.

6 to Beose work and Nurse, German sntMmt nterenoes requueu. oux ow 0aw SxrKKIKKCTD Ma rhino Operator on tail to poses paid. Apply 6ti Uustom reck aPsVTIB Anolr to the American a fit fi i ing Company, BlenvUle and ftWIWWHt'' PM0N0BO, Ladlea Physleiah. treaU aU ol htm lo diseases. Irregularities, ato.

H1ifom ruaraatewl. 37 South Bampart pwt. wuu uuui iree. ABiTTLID young woman to nurse. u8L Charles areuue.

Apply Ipwo nod nen to work i excavating. Apply aaio. ADIK8 te do writing for me a their homes. Ms saareased stamped envelope, mta ittonia, mtx 1107, Chloago, 111. Lady or Toung loan as Rtenogra.4 A rtatr tad typewriter; one who can work for anlHSte a rr.

referan niilra Tim i iwdTt aomnstsnt fa hlnormaVara and ma iw n(i iu uuin won unartres street. si ft 1AJJD SAW flier at Louisiana Saw Mill. ii BO nmx be rit and reliable. Apply 3 I lADIKS desiring home employment, snob. rtOng, maUinc and adreaHlna olroud ars ess as In own bandw ritlng Good wage, Woman7! rw.

rell ble women to I s3 baSuWelm "uat business. uriiaes street. si at A 25P? )ok la the country; salary fJi Per month. Annlv f.S liinlu DT1 Wanted Steady employment Ifsmei HIU. JI WHO wbkm aaiu.

adi oararoay. 3d at JTo. 71 WT." oa oanuay, 4th, at Ho. 48 A. ln riu MUe Man to manage kinjj1? ry $100 per month, with CSm.

re'erences. Address ao uim J0OD Idltlon Bookbinder. Oraham 1 4tt Baronne D2i1' uta Shoe Cltrks, reference i ass lCiiiy unoeatore, A vpir with satl04 Klysian fields sireet. I a hUrh grada position States wrfte to We P1! "O'oung stamp. Minn HulO WeSutf loll C.

TB AND 250 LABOBKBS "tbestreeuofthecity, beginning on and work uo iu i per uay. Oirts outfit must be satisfactory In t. They wi be paid $3 per day. Va a Boom 18. CI 8 o'clock Saturday and Sunday PETEB FABBKIX, 7 Mgllon" Public Worka.

BlXlt.l,S"hier Ponslb le for ti. 2f TMn oona re porri it omce, li omce, Inaugu luaia 3 KIorkT ll J'oars. 7:30 to 5:1 Jmty required inrius Ml B.1 unll. uravier and whk a 3t JeSr aeroi the lake. Apply UKT bright acuve Bar.

VIlrr7 au31 Hh 1T at s.r sen tne best 1alhwAlplyW Southern Specialty iy, between 1 and 4 o'clock lilU Man. I uertnrt is a (tooq 1 TTrk lneludlng i Slici pjSr 8U Camp, comer Del KJ TIbu mllUnery saleslady; none tut TTTTlesni Worsted Store Ladles iSffiVt 37 Bourbon street B'iKIIPIKQ Firms employing no book BvVU'lr books posted, audited by a qualified accounUnU MiiBTius frrtfS? Customer for Ave hnn PL? from 60 upward, at Uiaaooe. 77 Boyal, corner Cauti. mornlnar UJBectiiifh5 bu Pronceln nour nou, wltt "53rs. Addresi; Jg.

Kng.ulrer. Ploayuno office. 7 jUUst Berlin for udertitmenU in tXii eolumnt 10 cents 4ac insertioni 0 trtl for one weak 90 cwUi Jr Mt; 1 50 or on monfA. Aw mtordM a ltn, MtM aaverUt. tBwnt eill mtr a Uu two UtM.

HBtP WAN D. a tj intftllls ant ana Mare nor. Annlv a i Bmn stree front office un Italrs: nnn under 13 year wan teo ATOTTNG MAN. 18 to 20. rittng a good hand end accurate at figures; retrenoea re.

Quired. AdUreas P. Box 04., city. THREE outdoor TlnsmlUu. aft 874 nlane arenue.

A GOOD cook; German pref erred. ZS1 Seventh street. A STEADY and ober Toanf glaa washer atDelmonico Saloon, 118 8tC irlea street, corner of Poydraa. ATOTJNG Girl for nouaewer ana mina dren. Apply at 19 Baronne streev A GOOD Cook anted.

Charles, nearTnaila. Apply J56 St. A WOMAN to oook and do waening Apply 69 Bralnard, between Jaokson and PhUlp. s4 3V THIRTY Carts to haul filling; S3 per day. Apply Henry Arlingtiaus, 668 Xryadeo Street, near Jaokson.

ASUQAB Barrel Cooper to fro to to eotuv trr. ADDtr to Nichola Burke Company, Limited, 79 Poydras street. 4 GOOD oook at once, 18 St. Charles street. COOK for a small family.

Poydrae streeu Apply at 189 A COOK. Apply 1071 taga in street, K. A. Zatarain, the grocer. WAITERS at West End Saloon.

Apply on o'clock train. C. Wilt AGENTS WANTKIK A GBNT8 $300 made monthly selling ourNew CQUer specialty, wnn mr )rin, uuaa Shear 10th. and and Walnut Kansss City. Mo au7 Bul3t LADY made $39 lat wee selling "Long's Solid Mucilage Pencil." Why not you) Ad dress C.

A. Long, manufaotnrer. an juearoon street, Chicago. 111. PABTNEB WANTED.

PARTNER with small capital; food paying Investment. High, this omoe. PABTNEB wanted, active or silent, with sUO.OOO canltaL in a well established manu facturing business, paying 60 per cent per an num. Adore uppor tunny, care i crat. WANTED TO RENT.

HOTJSK wanted, with parlor, dining room, four bedrooms, kitchen and bath. Address X. Y. Picayune office "gY a prompt paying tenant, a two story house having at least four airy bedroom and bat room, in tne first or lower part ui lauu district; one with garden preferred; no children; best care taken of premise and beat of references offered. Box 360.

HOUSE, six rooms or more large yard tor wagons rent not Xo exceed 'iO; bounded by Canal. Claiborne and Andrew streets. Pleaae artdreoa. by postal. No.

11 North Koman street. M. A. Stockton. 3t RAISED Cottage, above Jackson street, dress Engineer, Waveland, Mis.

Ad A JSQUSK. completely ornlshea, from eight to ten bedroouuh located between Baronne and Magazine streets and Thalia and Canal streets. Address Lang, leayune. tv FWl VrAIilTp. rrxsMtw Pnnila An exnerienoed teacher Hebrew desire pupil.

Apply li 167 Poydraa. 4 lw ATB. AND MRS. MESMBB, Teacher ol J.V1 Piano, Banjo and Gnltar. 156 Melpomene.

SHOBTHAND AND TTPBWBITINO TAUGHT (Including Spelimg, Punotu tion and composition). WALTER DUis'STAN'S Phonetic Shortuand and Typewriting Ins tat. Mmoveu to i.o i a unacie atree 1'92 ly WAirncp to nmcHAHj. rriWO STO BY frame resldenoe, not leas than A four comfortable bedrooms and grounds; below Louisiana avenue. JT.

D. Taylor. 168 Common. SECOND HAND Range, thl office. Address B.H.K.

A 6 FOOT Standing Desk, tlila office. Address Desk, 1 TINTED Parties havtna ruxnitnre and VV ether article to sell to know that It la to their Interest to eall on A. Brignonl, auction eer, at 101 camp treet. mya A NTIQUE8, Broaxe Mounted Knmlture, Carved Pieces. Old Clock.

Ornament, etc Address Antique Hunter, Box P. O. UJi flA Gold, Silver and Diamonds at highest cask prices. tuaronueiet su nla ly TCBNITUBE. Carpet.

Piano, content Of naidenoee bought, Aleck. P. O. Box 1 06. oS tf re in small Iota; also contents of rest.

deuces and stores purchase P. O. Box 499. 1'91 ly TPURNITURE. Piano and the enure content A aeuaea bongn lor oasn.

Highest market rice paid. Addreaa X. xr. MIX ooa. aplO'sa FItJC8ethe Ploanve froSOpt.

1,1873, to Dea 81. 1873, and from May X. 1873 to Not. 30, 173. Apply to Ploayuae ooanUng room.

80 Camp street. AUTOGRAPHS of eavernor and Salesmen at Louisiana Colonial and State Best nrloaapaK Addrea Ha iltoa. Ploaynne offl oa WANTED BOARD. ALAD.wanta room, with board, seum car lino, above IiOtiislana Addreaa Coliseum, Picayune. on CoU avenua.

WANTED ROOMS. mwo ffood. well.fnrnlshed rooms, with board. I tnr mrrl Aonnlea or entlemen. In nrlvate family, above Louisiana avenue, near o.jaries; exoeiirntneigaouruaTou.

uicm i iu T7UBNI8HXD Boom; 88 tor front room plain A ly Xtt nut ue Appiy iwum. iaa wuw. rpwo airy nfurnlshed room for a couple A with good board; will do permanent suited. Address, with reference, term and location. "Home Comfort," Box 869, City Poet Omoe.

i Unfurnished Boom with board' I for mnUaman. wife and child, la walk in A.t.xM. nr n.navl atree State location, also terms, which must be reasonable. X. Post Office Box 2301 a two ladles; private family preferred; First, Fourth or ttixui aiatnct.

auuxobs v. this ce. BOARDER" WANTED. thtvtr Boarding Transient solicited; I reference exohanged. Mr.

Osgood, No. 1626 Michigan avenue, Chicago. on ST. CHABX.ES street, five minutes' JL Ot) walk of Canal tree Delightful Rooms. fitt in.

oneIns all aro large yard. Ida a llerv. home comfort, good table. He. aonable orioes.

Beferencee exchanged. Traa lent custom solicited. aa MI8CEL. UTBOlTS. OE ADVEBTIsem*nT OF DAVID B.

KM MKT. THIS PAGB. 4 lw LINEN Window Shade oa Spring Boilers, Pilger'a. 461 and 463 Dryades treeW my la voa i 1fft HOUSSxlsriCiiv to now tneycasi UUU buy elegant Window Shades at 60CWS. at Leopold evy jmo.

an my 1ft tf rr you wish to ob a patens, le marx or PATEIIT8 oopy nght apply HEW 0 LEANS PATENT AGENOY. 96 St. Chariaa 3Q 91 ly $10 f(l WANTED A partner to UUU halt interest in wholesale bu Grocer, Ploaya ne oliioe. A PARTS' itb SOOO to 10.OOO. aa apoelal partner, may find a sale investment la an aatabliahad molaasea business.

Transactions all large, and dona on a cash baaia. Addreaa Molasses," P. O. Box 659. 4 2t a PARTY experienced in rice milling and Dtiaineaa.

wishes to make the acoua intanoe of one with capital, willing to embark in the busti teas. Strictly confidential. Beferencee furnished. Addreaa wltk real name. Blee, thl office.

4 at i KNTLEMAN with small capital would like VT to nnroha ae an Interest in established busi ness, or will take a position and loan a few bun area dollars to noose. ou jri ayaao. a toung. Aetive Business Man will Invest A from 86000 to $10,000 and give service aa office or outside for interest la solvent commercial be so. 1120, city.

Good reference. p. o. Box aoso lw IP yoa are seeking a business opportunity in any lino of business write for our bulletin Inclosing stamp. Western Baalnea Agency, juB eapou.

mm BvsvHii aiu weaaK 10 Orati OCk tmrtlnn, Bnltmta for ana Wtetl 90 eentt for (to veeki, $1 SO for on month. Seeen word oonMtitutt but no advertiM wI oonrtdm aa less tKan. two luu. SITUATIONS WANTED. A8 HOUSE.KXEPXB by middle aged woman.

Bef MWIlMa riv.n MinntTV. leans? 488 Cmp atreet, New Or CLERICAL position by a young man witn some i nf refer eneee. Willingto iaentif himself with employ er interest. Willing, this omoe. 4 7t AS porter or warehouseman by a reliable, col.

ored man. address Citr seferenoe. thl omoe. A YOUTH, 18 year, wishes a ltuUon in a CX. eonimlln Ath.r line of basiuM.

wt to make aalf naefoL Ad cross this oee. s4 4t BT a fu avdaas German Gardenerr can milk and take ear of horaes: first lass referenoea. uni, in la omoe. Architectural Draughtsman, permanent Addreaa PencJ. thl omce.

i DuiuiDni id mm. mi CITU TIOKkiM Tar.Aiit.daa had exnerl eneat in in.hin' ah s. t. Oeneral very. so o.

COPAR TJIERSHlg. J1H death of Mr. B. FEIXMaN wlU cawe no Interruption In the business, which will be conducted under the same management and aame as heretofore at 129 Canal tf eet. MBS.

B. FELLMAN. New Orleans, Sept. 3, 1893. 1 1 mm.Mi.l wm kfth.i tA a rlati na In the city of New Orlaana under the name of LEHMAN, STERN A baa sold its assets and rights ot every kind to LKHMAN, STBBN A LIMITEn rn. tinn nreated under tke law of Louiaiana. The stockholder in the corporation are the members of the old nrm. Tn eomaraHi in ail the aseet and rights ot the old firm, baa aasumed all lta diu ea. The corporation will continue the bus es hitherto carried on by the nrmof LEHMAN, a cvj, ne transier oi iuo from the firm ta tha enn ntiaii will create ao cusnge ia tne conduct of it an airs. ours very respectfully.

LEHMAN, STEBN CO, LKHMAN. STRN A Limited, Ay Manrlce Stern, President. Orleans, Sept. 18D2. si 3t New rpHJC sdertlg od have this day funned partnership tec the prae oe ot law, under the firm aame ot VABBAB A LEAKS, omoe: Boom No.

2.,. third floor. Cotton Exchange building, corner GrarierandCarondelet street. GIBAULT PABBAB. HUNTEB LEAKE.

New Orleans. Sept, 1, 169U. si 4 ljB undersigned have tor mod a copart A aerahlp under tha firm name ot MA8PXRO A WIGOXNTON" for the purpose of oondnoting the molssses business at NO. 60 stomhouse street. qeo.

maspebo. J.p. WIGG1NTON. Sept. 1.

1893. 14 OWING to the death of oar Mr. RICHARD HERRICK. the firm of BOYD HER BICK ia this dav tiAiv and the aifalra of the late firm will bo linudated by Mr. BA BOX.

BOYD A HEBBICK. mTTie immtn im, hava thia dav formed a oo a partnership for the purpose of storing and compressing ootton tinder the name and style of UUXD DT. a SAM. SOYA H. O.

BENEDICT, Shipper and Union Presses. New Orleans, Sept. 1, 189X 4t UE3IOVAL THE Sixth District Exc vating Company ha delet. 7f YyATEBMAN KODA WATER FACTORY, Removed to NO, 317 GRAVIEB STREET. Between Baronne and Dryades streets.

an 23 lm PERSONAL. WRINKLES, Unas, snnbnrn. freckles A eto. t. ImAnrf Wnr vmf tl mrm mnrm and Dafe.

Mrs. 391 St. Charles. LD book bought and aold; fair prices paid. H.

Jacob, teo poyara street. AVONDEBFUL I will forfeit 500 to any one whose hair fail to make perfectly straight. soft and glossy in one treatment, cau or aa drea Mme. M. O.

Turner, S4Us Oanal street. A IX In doubt or trouble should call at oace oa Prof. KECK, li umversitv place fDryaae street), near CanaL He tells all about business or lava aifalra: avarv bidden mvaterr lion'f give np in aeapair. ro awa suoceeoa where others tall. llXJi.N'G bean thoroughly" nalnted and pa.

XI pered in artlsttio styln, Ttie Continental, 17 Gravler street, la the handsomest resort in the city. George Zotgm a nn, proprietor. Cure. was quickly and permanently A ourVdof Nightly Bmlsaions. complete missions, complete im potenoy, Varioocel, and mall waisted and shrunken orgaas.

caused by Selt 'Abuse. Thou. Have bean fullv restored throus thia simple remedy. I will mail the recipe of this unfau in seu onre 4eaieu free wt any sunerer. Address, with stamp, David B.

Emmet, Topeka, Kan. 4 iw MME. GEORGE, clairvoyant and fortune teller. 41 Gasanet street, near Howard. Don't forget to oa tIROr.

KECK, Medium and Clairvoyant, oaa AT be oonsnlted oa all matters of business. It yoa are in doubt or trouble, don't fail to call he seoeed where outers iau. jtvery ninaen mys tery revealed, umee university place (Dry ade street), near anat so ree rvON'T fool your time away. Positively my last weec to give trance aim ings xor ouo. Prof.

Taylor, meautot. clairvoyant ana exorcist. 46 North BamparvstreeU For 60o your destiny told by prof. Taylor, one or tne most eminent mediums in this country, and can he consulted on aU aflatrs of life, business, sickness, law su its, divorces, burial, treasures, contracts, absent friends, missing wills, speculations of any kino, or anytmng yon may do in trouble or doubt of. When la a trance he advises you on all aubleot.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Office hours. 8 to 6 p. m. Strictly all business.

Strictly confident Call or write. This ia positively my last week. I need rest and will complete the work I have now on hand and the work I will reoeive thia week, and Monday, Sept. 13 will be the last day. so you nave any tiouDie call.

I will resume ousineaa Oct. 12. omoe hour son day, 8 a. m. to p.

m. rnHK WAY out of trouble 1 to consult Prof. A Keck, the gneatest trance medium and olairvoyan He aivea advice on all matters of boalnoaa. speculations, lawsuits, contented willa. Jo rneys, aOsent friends, burled treasures, lost or stolen etc Tells with utmoat truth all about love, oourtahip and marriage he tell yon wnan to court anu mrry with the greatest felicity.

In hi onalta oos he also teaches how to overcome your enemies, bring back the one to whom your alTections tend and form a speedy and happy anion. Ctia rges lor the sum mer ail and upwa. rds. Office 13 University place (Dryades street), near Canal. All busi ness sinetiy private ana eonnaentia DMONOBO, Ladle' Phyaloian, treata all kinds 61 female diseases, irregularities, etc Satisfaction guaranteed.

347 South Ram Dart Emma" BnstDevel a. aper wiu enlarge your oust 6 Inches. Guar anteed. Sealed Instructions 2c, or 24 page illustrated catalogue 6c, by mail. Emma Toilet Bazar, Boston, ai as.

JylO Snl3t mHB Rushfoitb Hair Pins both cnrl and oi x. a. avx St. Charles. aa 2w TtK.

ABA N. MCQUEEN, veterinary surgeon. omoe, Leonard' stables, 70 Baronne street, New Orleans, La; graduate ot Ontario Vetcrin. ary ouege; teiepnone oaa. Jal8 Sotf Jujm sun wab removed piano and music hous tO 454 and 456Drvadea.

eornar En. terpe. Jy24 2m LEOPOLD HEIDENBEICH, removed to 29 Carondelet street. Watches and clocks ra paire a anu aranteea. F1B'92 ly 1(1 IJel.

80 Royal street. C. M. WHITE. b19 '91 IV SOCIETY NOTICES.

Hall Yannsr IVTan'a wi Asaoeiatloa (Meets at JL of I HalL .05 Canal ou ai, xnew urieaaa. sept. 4, 1892. The officers and members ara hereby noli dad that the Trnlr monthly mooting will laka ulaoa oa Sept. 7.

1893, at their new anai street, as 7:30 o'elook p. m. Business of importance, iH DONOVAN. Preal ent ERNEST H. WALT.

Reo. Secretory. omi mt Blen'e Mataal Benevolont Aaaacia tien. The officers and embera of thia tion are hereby notified to' attend the regular monthly meeting be held at Screwmen'a Hell, Bienville and Exchange alley, on MONDAY, dp o. xoiw, 7:80 p.

tn. By order: JNO P. GRAHAM, President. GEO. B.

SMART, Recording Secretary. nxDic ia, BERJOT Spec list. 30 years PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. TtMF.HItflAi 1 ii iltaaaaa pnviig) aia4aMM dirtnlii8 nt awv imeTea. IMnufortable rooms for 7HRen ftUlcUX o0 UiaeatiaJ FOB SALE.

tr 1 i rirfini i KaUvrUnaforev4rtUBtHtilMtelumm 10 cenU eae intortiont 60 eenta for ana sees 90 eenta for tvo vxtki; fl 60 for on month. Sever vord eonttUuU alina, but no nnt mill eoTuidered a Usa than tm linet. BUILDING site, ooxxxu, anrax ana weosterj fashionable section. Dr. Berg.

170 CanaL an7 lm CBEOLK Wagon. Ponies. Top one Horse. Buggy, four wheel Tchoapt tool a. SMALL Pony, oewi wag a am Harness, cheap.

Walsh, blacksmith. Com mon, near Basin street. BU1LDING Hunter. Site; get ear list, Shepard WE aUl have aevsrai onoioe aquaree xor aaie at a bargain. Fltipatt ick 8lt ONE Single cottage, one ouDie uotin a eight lot of ground corner Spain and Der blgny.

Each honae ana lot seta sop rate. WOODBUWB Keai a ar. Common, la the only place in town where the publie can find a oompieio us ot unproveo. unimproved properties, suitable to aU claases. The Agenoy ijw moJy payments when desired.

Call and er am iTusibifore purchasing, a you wiU, find what you want, both in prioe and leoaUty. XT' IEVEN Lota Canal street, between Pierce KSrt Bott. chean: gravelald. WoodrufT Agency, 189 Common treet. A HOUSE.

306 south Poydraa street, opposite Mississippi Valley BaUroad Depot. ANS Set of Honaenoia nirourBaiio. I K.r. virnt and Second streets. Apply between 10 am.

and 4 o'olook p. m. BUGGIES. Phaetons, Surreys. alkies.

Road barts. heavy and light Harness, double and single. Mart i Weydi on, va mniaoemi. STOCK and gooa will ot uroorr, uiim Terpsichore. Apply at tore for par oulara.

titite you ngbay Horse, aiso cmonw A wagon, four wheel 108 Pa Itio Avenue, Algiers. laTHAT 1 left of a small Notion Store, to. TT aether with fixtures, etc a gooa enanoe for one about to commenoe Sinea. Chanoe, Plcaynno omoe. UPBIGHT Hale Piano, in excellent condition.

Address thl offloe. QOTTAGES; see our 11b Bhepard finntar. CIGAB Store Plxturea, corner Gravler and Camp, at a bargain. Apply to F. Maaloh.

143 Royal 4 6 6 8 9 10 11 a fisohsb Piano, as rood aa new. Tor i parUoulars apply at 21 Flrat at, s4 3t IP you have property for sale, it yon want to hn. a home or if vou have money Idle, call on Fltipatrick A smith. BOBBINKT Bare, ready made, 108 lohe. for Victoria seta, at 82 76 only.

Bo off Abraham, 30 Ohartre street. REAL Estate Owners List year property with us; no charge nnleas a sale is made. Shepard A Hunter. ONE new Cash Begutor. one nearly new Donble Float, two Damp Cart, two jump ers.

61 Poydra street. TTOMES with large Tooad on nromlaent AX avennee: call for further partloalar. Shop. ard Hunter. THE contents of a neatly furnished oottage home.

Addreaa thl office. AN open, eight barrel, strong Spring Wagon, with Harness; good order. 892 Con street. 4 iw TYPE A large font Brevier (Roman) In very good conditio Apply 33 Natohea street. HEAP Two high grade Safety Bicycles.

Apply after 6 p. 878 Dryades street. REMINGTON Typewriters and eight drawer Folding Desk. 896: nearly new. 110 Gra vler street.

DOUBLE Cottage; see oar list. Shepard Hunter. PICTURES. Showcases, 609 Magazine street. Apply 446 Dryades atreet.

s4 IV VACANT Lota, filled to grade and Schilling er sidewalks; see our list. Shepard Hunter. LOAN on dtv mortgagee. Jas. A.

Brenuan, 148 Gravler st. COMMXRCIA Property; Shepard fc Hunter. aee oar list. WE issue a weekly bulletin, whlob comes out each Monday, and always oontalns new properties. Get one.

Fitzpatrtoh Smith. AT New Orleans and Northeastern Stock Pens, oar lead of good horses. Apply to Ed Smtih. s3 lw CHEAP A Horse, Baggy and Harness to. a ethar.

Apnlv to N. o. Exoreaa Company. corner Dryadea and Julia atreet. s4 3t TWO STORY Honsoar et our list.

Shepard A Hunter. rvNE second hand Freight Elevator. Apply Hope Rio Glrod and Commeroe aa lw streets. A WELL established (Grocery and Bar. Apply corner Msg tine and Thalia.

e2 ot rvNK nlsreon hole and one! nool table. 819 KJ Magazine street, s2 7t GBOCEBY, Bar and Wood Yard doing good business: Reasons tor selling. M. MoCor mack. Liberty and Erato, or Halfway House az iv 7HOLE Squares; see our lis Shepard Hunter.

DRUG STORE, near market, well stocked: business tain reason sickness. Address Druggist, this office. BLACK Horse, 6 years old, harness and baggy; will sell separate. Horse is a free and atylish driver, perfectly gentle ana eoana; ea be seen at 41 Baronne street. s4 tf APAYETTE Insnranoe Company not in the 1 compact.

See Jas. A. Brennan, 148 Gravler street. HAVING the arine examined is a neoeaslty wa furnish a certificate srtving the cODdi tion of same for $1 send us your sample. New Orleans Analytical company, xvo i oyaraa stree sa lm 1 nnft GOOD Bed Brick 5000 ft.

T. and IDiUUU G. flooring; 150 pieoe 4x8 18 IO00 ft. sheathing it. assortea luiuDer lr good flights of stairs.

All very cheap. An. iy at buUulng, caois streoa, near Laurel, or wj 1. Feltel. s4 3t enrt ACRES rich Land, sol table for any ZSJJ culture, oa Bavou Queue Tortue.

Lala yette parish, near Bayne station, southern ra Oino Koao. rsruoo ri uiureaa rf. x. xo Laurel street, near First. a T.nrnsT new.

four wheel Wagon. Apply at nWe4w 1921a Esplanade street. au7 Sn TinmtRT. Jackson ana Drvades streets: VI owner wishes to retire from business. G.

A. Hoessle. anas snwetf THE large two story House. No. 85 Baee atree well ventilated; containing 13 large rooms, large garden, etc, nearly opposite An nunola tlon square ana con veuieut to two line of cars.

Apply at ol Bace, or soutn Ram. part street. ang8 SuWeFrtt DAT Mare, Harness and Jumper. Apply 898 1 Constance. eusj.

vp TtBUG Store well stocked: fair business: XJ terms reasonable. Address venoor, tms olHoc au31 7P 17URNITURE In barber ahop 173 Common Stree Apply i 'ymau imi 1 1, THREE Lots, with IToTiao on same. Apply Virtue street, between Loudon avenue and New Orleans street, tienry ao30 7" Am Ann half cash, will bay fourth In terest in Rioe Plantation now unileroultlvaUon. aa, A. Brennan, la Uravler.

auao aw a BEAUTIFUL country place, situated on Shell Beaob Raiiroao, one nour irom city. The nlace has an orange grove of about 60 trees. nesiaes ng. ouerrr a ium uroea, a tea i cane, anu about 30 in pasture and corn. Tha house and kitchen are comfortably furnished.

Thara ara besides the house a small cottage a iso good stable and barn, bath house, ehloken house. etc. all in good order ana well rOnoed in. Ovide Le Besque, Ago xenange aiiey. si a rpBUCK Farm on I.

C. Ballroad, near Inde 4. nendenoa. 1 02 miles from New Orleans. convenient to depot; 260 acres, 80 acres improved: pear and peach orchard; 7 aorea In strawberries; other crops.

Buildings com para new and verv oonvenientt srooi 1 water. Any one wanting a home tor health, comfort and profit anouia not ie uu opportunity pasa Price $1200 cash; place worth at lowest eall mais $2000. s. independence. La.

auao si 1 A BARE chance for the rigbt man. The New a An, a Aa. in on. one at tha beat aanlnaihA bouses in the city, with all tsoatra and nrst olass appolntmenta, la onerea xor sale on ao oonntot my desire to qntt business. Apply to proprietor, a sna ii Boyai street, anao FASHIONABLE Building Sites, Henry Clay venue, three squares back ot St.

Charles kve. Apply to nimm wa agaaiaa as. auza tr 6 feet bottom, 8 feet stave, 1800 gallons, $19 6 feet bottom, iu I eet stave, ouo gallons. 23 7 feet bottom, 10 feet stave, 2500 gallon, 29 7 feet bottom, lis loot stave, xaoo gallons, 85 Second hand cisterns always on band. Louiai Cistern Mannfaetary, 265 Canal, corner Man J.

Hussey, proprietor. myl suem OPIKKS and Splices; also one two room Bos Ll ten Blower Company Cry Kiln. Enochs Broa, Fernwood. Pikeoounty. my8 Su8m 108 inch ready made.

tj toos et Bar. mo quant; 4nm rl toris beds, at Bouff Abraham's, 88 Cnstom hoase. Jysi Satt TBON Fences, cheapest la Vawm Crestifiga. A Bauinga. cnaira.

etettooa. jriammona oa pa, 569 Dryades. auza lm Arthur, 1360 XohaaplUmlaa atreek, a) v8 li FOR SALE. Jtmtst Berlin far i 10 cent tch itiaertloni tOaenU for ono wi) 90 oenta for two wkot SI 30 for on mntK. Sevan words oonttituU line, but no euUertU a man uHU bo aantid.

treat Uam tKmn tmo I in. I BON SAFE. 84. Iren Safe. $10 Stove.

85. $5. Pram Planer, $13 60. Prame Miter Box, 810. SpUker'a Molding Cutter, $15.

Table Trestle, 82 50. Kngraving Cases cheap, 815. Wall Paper and Shado i sibitora, aaeh 88. Ieak. $6.

Scales, $6 50. Letter Press, 83 BO. Cooler, 76 cento. Lot Chair, etc Saerineed at theee prioe la ordsr ta avoid moving. Apply 116 Camp treet THE Great Insect Destroyer kills bedbugs, roaches, etc Manufactured by L.

Plohet: 26 caata per bottle. No. 86 Boyal street. 3Ot; DOWN, and One Dollar weekly will buy Vpf a Lot in sauara anaded lir naL iit land, Mnrat, Olympia, Bernadotte and 8V Patrlck streets. Jaa.

A. Brennan, 148 Gra er atreet. jyAGNIFICENT PLANTATION. The Welham Homestead Plantation, three miles below College Point, in Parish ot St. James, left bank of the Mississippi River, about 65 miles above the City, on the Mississippi Valley B.

B. It Is weU known as being among the most fertile Una in the state, with fine residence sugarkouse, laborers' quarters, stock, wagons and all necessary Implement it oontalns 2127 acres, 1159 of waloh are cultivated, ana 748 in wood land, and the balance used for varioaa purposes. This splendid place can produce annually 2,000.000 or more pounds or sugar. An opportunity ia now presented for the soanlrement of a grand es tate. MACON, DENIS A KEBNAGHAN, au27 2w 10 Carondelet street.

CHE AP 1 new 4 foot Blymyer double geared mill 1 engine all on heavy Iron beda. Taylor Bros. Iron Worka Company. au21 tf A IX the latest 10 cent xnusto at Black ara, A 221 Canal street. anl4 lm TJNS BBEEC LOADEB3, 86 OO AND UPWARD.

BICE BORN HARDWARE COMPANY. anil im RICE MIIX The St, Lonla Rioe M1U (eight pounders) lth buildings, situated No. 8 and lo St. Louia street. For particulars ap ply to aboval.

at the mm. or to iieory 'ire moniet, comer Gonti and North Peters street. aoiu tx CAP Nioe cottage, two lots, flowers, etc. easy terms. ma.

corner jrerner ana Aun oasat a no. au9 tf CHEAP 1 20 borse power Steam Engine and Boiler at 96 Tohoopitonlas street. y8 tf HANDSOME Tombs, new design. Metairie Cemetery. Apply Wetblan Marble and Granite Works.

235 Baronne. F21 tf 1BON Fences, oneap. Also agent Munote Architectural Iron worxs. Manufacturers ot tine Fences, offloe and Gallery Ballings. Wm.

ppita, iiw Tononpito ia a. osm xy EST Stove Gasoun lowest 1 grioe. Bole agent toves states of A for the Monarch Vaaor Stoves Mississippi. Louisiana and Texan. Highest commission to agenta.

Patentee and manufacturer of the Portable and Underground Gas Ma came. 4. J. paquetuw io camp street, xeio phoaeNo.77. dl7 tf THE only New Prooesa Stove and new process Gasoline, strictly 74, without that oodnsh smell, and safety oils, best sold, delivered free; the largest and cheapest assortment ot library and stand lamps.

At Septoline and Safety Oil Company, 15 Dauphlne atreet. my27 1 TBON FENCES cheaper tnan wood Creating, 5 Bedsteads. Caaira. settees. adorer's Iron Works, 804 Camp.

o3 tl BOILERS and Engines, an sizes, cheap, dress Armstrong Bros Springfield Ot Ad xy HORSES AND MULES SHOD. 81 A SET. 25 cents per shoe. W. J.

MCDONNELL'S. 206 TULIA, NEAR CARONDELET. niw POK SAX, OR RENT. VOST Typewriter, perfect order; prioe 840, or a rent so per mourn. Address Pio aynnc INGLE Cottage, 390 Constance, between Philip and First seven rooms, hall and gas.

large yard. Apply 122 Grange street. amasuc" FOE BALK OR EXCHANGE. SALE or Exchange Perfect 4 Beming True writer, guaranteed. I.

SO Nash ville avenue AKE COAST rROPERTY, itj AN ATA PLACTV Bsy St, Louis, Mise i Soma handsomel furnished Front Roams. est made vacant; table the best. Mrs. Lee ogan. el lw ROOMS TO RENT.

STRANGERS can find first class rooms at 211 and 213 Camp street. EDS 60o and 76o per night. 179 Glred street, between St. Charles and Carondelet. CANAL, elegant furnished rooms, en AtyJ suite or single; breakfast it desired.

Transients solicited. s4 8 FURNISHED Booms, with or without board. 227 Camp street. 137 ST. CHARLES suite.

Street Single or en HANDSOME famished front Boom. No. 95 Royal street. FUBNISHED Room, nunoiatlon street. 74 calliope, near CONSTANCE Street Three large, neatly tii furnished rooms for rent at reasonable rates: with board.

It desired. Address W. Ken ney s4 3t A GENTLEMAN can secmre handsome fur. nished front bedroom, gallery. In private family; referenoea.

Addreaa Boom, Ploaynne office FRONT room and board in private family on Prytanla street; referenoee A. B. tr rm MAGAZINE Street Large furnished OU1 front and gallery rooms, witn ooara desired; private iamiiy. OT RANGER 8 can find first class rooms at 2ll and 213 Camp street. 310 CANAL Street Nioely furnished front rooms.

a3 2f SOUTH BAMPART Street Fine far JL nlshed rooms can be had tf AT 11 Dauphlne, desirable Booms by the Day. Week or Month at moderates rates. au28 suWelm FURNISHED rooms at 193 Bourbon street; convenient to cars going to Olymplo Club, si lw A 22 South Bampart. handsome furnished A suite of rooms on second floor, with board. si 7t AT 141 St.

Charles street, handsomley fur nished front Booms, with or without board. sl lm FURNISHED Room, single or an suite, at 188 Canal streeu au9 tf HOTELS. WHEN In lo stop at Tne uenosoaj Niagara Fali i forty lnntes away. Je22'92 ly BOARDING. GOOD Board with pleasant rooms.

Mrs SUckneys, 29 Co team park. References exchanged 8y HOTEL CRESCENT, formerly Perry House. IS St. Charles. Newly furnished; table the best; rates reasonable Special Induce en ta to families and traveling men.

TO FAMILIES Party wishes to take few boarders. She will furnish and send the meala to residence at moderate prices. Address Roomer, Picayune PLEASANT front and hall room with board ia small private family, In Garden district Reference exchanged. Address By, this office. IjUNE Large Rooms.

with Board, in private A family: In floe neighborhood; referenoea re quired. Apply 287 Jaokson avenue ana's suti TEOPKNING of ally's Hotel and Beetau rant Nc 161 Poydras street on Sept 1. aiter thorough renovaUon and newly furnish, lug. es meala in tin olty, at UowlBf pilcaai Breakfast 80 cents, "inner 35 cents. Supper SO canto.

Special attention paid to familln. Gee M. Lall proprietor, an 31 7t DOOMS XV family. myl9 a sir ttniitn A PR WAT 'B Apply ftftd20 Otl fl COUNTRY BOARD. OOD board.

oom fortable house hom*o oom torts, near Chatawa; Jill ime on a nurji water. Addreaa Mre 8. B. xnoxey, terms mederato. liw LOST AND FOUND.

LOST P. i ST On Saturday, one 7 Ih a Suitable reward it returned to 698 a ise comer Sixth. Baronne. CAME to mv place, large biacx Folso'e gun store, opposite Post Office au 8 81 o4 LOST Black ra Obit hound, white breast and asot at ead of Liberal ireward for his mora toCol nbas and Roche a sso. a4 a a II TO BENT, Wnsr rtwmsatsdwftoeslMOVei 10 cents Mri SB aa tar ama a Mamtt fat two aaMk, tlMtr motcO um aeNstauu alina, but no aiTiiii ffi rto bo eontfdmroi I mo loss mm a tmo Unaa.

TBUG STORE LOCATION toSwad? B0 JAS. 6. IACHARTK, Real Estate Broker, 9 Caroudslst. STORE 101 Gravler, 103 ereviav Near Camp street. JAS.

S. ZACHABI Bsal Estate Broker. 9 Oarond ets reet. 6 BANK 1TXXV Near Gravler street. hmiA ami o.

flaort. JAS. H. ZAORABIK. Beal Estate Broker.

9 Carondalet street. WAREHOUSE 93 NOTES DAME. Near Magazine atreet. JA8. S.

ZACHABTE, Beal Estate Broker. 9 Carondelet street. NO. 163 BIENVILLE STREET, Corner Boyal. 7 rooms ever the corner.

AS. S. ZACHAKIK, Real Estate Broker. 9 Carondelet street, XTO. 314 SECOND STREET.

Near Sw Charles, two story. JAS. S. ZAORAX Beal Estate Broker. 9 Carondelet street.

O. 105 GvAIENNIE 8TBSST. Near Magazine atreet, large donble Cottage, large yard, 16 rooms, very cheap rent to a good tenant. JAB. S.

ZACIIARIK, Real Estate Broker, 9 Carondelet street. O. 185 TERPSICHORE STBEET, Between Pry tan ia and Coliseum streets, wo atory. 8 rooms, airy and pleasant, situation on the new Parkersea place JAS. 8.

ZACHABIE, Real Estate Broker, 9 Carondelet street. TVTO. 492 CAMP STBEET. corner euoity road, food situation, i erate rent. jas.

s. zachahik. mod. Real Eata te Broker, 9 Caroadeiet street. NO.

847 JOSEPHINH. STBEET, Between Prytanla and St. Charles streets, two story, ball, many rooms, large let. JAS. 8.

ZA Real Estate Broker, 9 Carondelet street. JO. 31 CAMP STREET. Near St Joseph atreet two story, ban. 13 rooms.

JAa S. ZACHABI, Real Estate Broker, 9 Carondelet street. NOj.146 8T. JOSEPH STREET. Near.Pamn atra a.

ttr ri bi4Aa 1. 18 rooms, bath, moderate rent. JAS. 8. ZACHABIE, Beal Estate Braker, 9 Carondelet street JyO.

434 BARONNE STREET, Near Terpsichore, two story, ball, 6 bedrooms, bath, stable ate good southern exposure JAS. 8. ZACHABIE, Real Estate Broker. 9 Carondelet street Nc, 664 ST. CHARLES AVENUE.

Corner Washln a ton avenue 1 eottaare residence parlor, etc 7 bedrooms, hot and cold bathe odes oonveaienoes, large groonda. JAS. S. ZACHABIE. 1 Beal Estate Broker, 9 Carondelet street O.

315 LOUISIANA AVENUE, Near Prytanla. elegant resldenee, with an modern improvements, lot 60x160. JAS. ZACHABIE, Real Estate broker, 9 Carondalet street DESIRABLE Offioes on second floor at 48 Carandelet street corner Union. Apply to B.

P. Moea. 36 Perdldo street. WELVB BOOM two story House raised oot tage, 493, 494, 490 Baronne street near St Andrew, shady aide. Inquire Dr.

Tebanl 1 North Lafayette square Hours 12 to 2. TIALF COTTAGE 331 Nortb Rampart. AA St. Philip, recently repaired; tenminntea' walk to Canal; nine rooms; shady aide; choice neighborhood; gas, waterworks. Bent Cheap.

Apply Bank, 120 Common street THE dwelling house Ne 614 Baronne street, containing five bedroome double parlors, dining room, kltohen and bathroom, with largo yard. Apply to 610 Baronne street. inOTTAG 337 Carondelet street, near Erato, containing nve rooms. Appiy as a uuo "OTOBERj 1 Xbe oo if or table dwelling, on high ground, 206 Annunciation, between Robin and Race, has openings on aU sides, wide halL. hydrant cisterns, bath, gas.

large yard, and covered galleries in rear; also a 0 foot slt roofed shed. H. O. Boucher. 146 Bt Louia treet A RAISED Cottage octagon front seven In dependent reoe two nails, in fine neighborhood.

Apply on premises. $27 80t Corner Amelia and Perrier. HE elegant Larendon Dwellings on St. Charles avenue near Thaliar 855 hand somely tarnished; 859 not tur ted. Chae A.

I renaon. ao union streeu a LARGE Donble Parlor, furnished as rooms, 184 Julia street bed jlAZIE, 450, BETWEEN RACE AND Single Twofltory Frame. halL gas, arched par. lora, aitting room adJoinlBg, din A ug room kitchen, live bod rooms, small front room, bathroom, rear gallery inclosed, six foot alley; occupied; possession Oct 1. R0BIN80N trNDERWOOD.

Auctioneer and Eeal Estate Agents, 84 tf 164 Common street JpOR BENT Possession 1st October next 8 Story Brick Besldenoe, 14 Booma. 166 Carondelet Just above Girod. 2 Story Frame Residence 10 Booms, 474 St Charles avenue, corner Felicity. 3 Story Frame Besldenoe 10 Rooms, 476 St Charles avenue, next te Felicity. All In good order; nave Halls.

Bath. Gas and all oonvsniencee Apply to w. T. RICH ABD3, 158 Carondelet atreet 8 3t BOPKBTY HOLDEBS, list your houses with us; our Ballet, issued daily, has an immense ciroulatlo Shtrard A Hunter. 1ST voor houses to rent with ua, we give special attention to making leases, ooiiect lng rents, etc Fitepatriok Smith.

(Z DELACHAISE, between CaroB OIO OIO oelet and Baronne streets; 2 story; 10 rooms each. Apply 447 Dryades st TWO STORY House with 8 rooms, bathroom and pantry; 268 Josephine, second door from Camp. TWO STORY Houses, large grounds; see our Bulletin. Shepard A Hunter. COTTAGE; two story rear; Annunciation, near Erato; 7 rooms; bath, pantry, gas; shady side QONSULT ROBINSON UNDERWOOD'S BENT BULLETIN.

Chaise hsuses In aU the dlatrlots. Moderate rentals. 84 tf 'OB BENT. DWELLINGS I No, 190 Canal street Three story and attic Nc 112 8t Charles street between Poydraa street and Lafayette square Three story snd mtKo. 63 Bourbon street, between Bienville and Oontl 20 roooms.

No. 220 Camp street corner of St Joseph Three story and attio. No. 826 Camp street between Galennle and Erato Two story briok. Nc 238 Baronne street, between Julia and Delord Two story brick.

jnc 98 Euterpe street near Carondelet Two offlOM on first second and floor of Nc 61 Camp street, and No. 13 Commercial Large abed and lota on Julia, near Magazine, with afiey opening on Magnrine atreet tf No. 104 Csnsl street ANEWLY BUAA.X IWO IKIIJ vwuao, the oorner of Napoleon avenue ana OoU senm lot 38 by 120 feet; wide halls, lares rooms" water works, bath, gas, speaking tuBe and rieclrio bells; elaborately finished; hard wood mantels tnrqugnou i ply at 43 Union street. ALF ot Double Cottage, with large stable yard, Nc 13 Laurel street Apply 36 Boyal or 126 Felicity. TWO STORY House, 8 rooms, gas, bathroom.

panUiesrgood oondi on. 220Napoleon ave 84 AW A TaT XtmmAAm nfA. ATM) Tit 18 rOOmS, with targ gronnde In the most fashionable part 5f1 Ue Fourth Ttriet. specially adapted for a lara a. first class boarding house Apply to SSw to KiStoAg ent 31 Carondelet st ArtrtETGirP ROOMS.

Dwelling in good re plr, 480 Camp, eornar ot Orange street s4 7t tjt.K Two Story House ball. lO noun. C5 bath, sanitary closets and pantry. ro. a S5S1cStSS ar ige TiMwerglraen, CLmM B.

JBmt 10. Apply CObs. oeaoiia, rrju sw oniat FFIC see oar llat. Shepard A Hunter. rpcHOUPITOULAS, 15, BETWEEN COM M0N AND OBAVTEB.

Threes tory Brick Store with 4 warehouses In there r. Possession Oct ROBINSON eTb UNDERWOOD, Auctioneers and Beal Estate Agents, aitf 164 Common street ELEGANT two story bouses: 165 Baronne street 14 rooms; 284 Baronne street, 10 rooms; 04 Baronne street, rooms. Apply to D. Moriarty. 386 Baronne st s4 STOBES Noa Tl Tchoupltoulas and 255 Poy dae Apply ta D.

Moriarty, 206 Baronne street e4 7t CVffi CANAL Two story frame house in good 5 order. Apply at Dunn's Shoe Store ftNE gootlTstrong MnleQApply at 1071 Mag 72 7t TO UESTa MfstM0mrl4forertverTUmentM4nn4coawimnt 10 osnta nh inaartiani CO eenis for ono wteks I 00 amt fdr ttro weeks $1 60 for one month.i Maris oonstttut a line, out no ssOt booensidsred aslees (Aoa ttao itnee TTOTfBH Ne 157 Carondelet. Possession. AA gl given until Oct. Apply 318 Ho war avenue.

CO I COTTAGE House 6 rooms, yard front Da A and roan, hath and perfect ventilation. Polymnla atreet, between St, Charles and uussauM treee "DOABDING HOtrsE gsti our Bui loUn, Shepard A Hunter. FOB XTT 6TOBB9. 156 Canal street, between reau talet and Baronne. No.

no Canal street, upper floors. No. 420 St Charles, corner EaUTp 8tmi tors and dwalling. BESID WCEa. Two story, Ne 496 St Ohaslea aveaoe.

eerna St. Andrew street. Two story. Ne 410 St Charles avenue be. tweenTerpslehoseand Eaterpe ssrsese Twe story.No.

411 Carondalet eon Euterpe atreet Two story. No. 419 Prytanla, between Seventh an 1 Elehth streete Two story, Ne 341 St. Mary, between St Charles and Carondelet streete Two story. Ne 307 St Andrew, between Prytanla and Coliseum atree te.

Two story, No. 197 Eighth, between Cam and Chestnut streete Two story, Na 640 Carondelet between Jaok aon and Philip streete. Two story, No. 265 Sixth, between 8 1 Charles and Prytanla streete Two story, st Charles avenue. corner Pine VStVQB, Three to rv.

Xo. 17 Rnni ninmri i i Canal and Common streete Apply to J. TT. n'ommnn Auctioneer and Beal Estate Agent, 17 Oaronde. COTTAGE 422 8t Charlee corner Eaterpe street Apply at 44 Euterpe street TWO STORY Residence 108 Prytaala street Apply at 44 Euterpe street TWO STORY Frame House corner of Wssh ington and Chestnut Apply to E.

J. Dem arest corner Union and St Charles streets. s4 lot STOBES and Wareshouses; aee our Bulletin. Shepard A Hunter. Q91 CAMP, near Aline, Single Cottage, hall, five rooms, nioe flower garden, large yard.

STORE, corner Thalia and Dryadea, wT welling up stalra; the best location in the city: adjoining Dryades market. Apply to nicnuiAs ios. i ana i royazaa i i street 8o tf COTTAGES, single; get our Bulletin. ard A Hunter. She.

A(R BABONNE, near Melpomene street a UU two story brick building with front and side yard. For terms and particulars apply to F. L. Richardson, Agent 7 Camp street Morris Building. sS tf DESIRABLE bouse 131 Carondelet street, corner Lafayette; seventeen airy rooms, southern exposure.

Apply to John Black man, Jr 6 Tohoopitonlas street. s2 7t BY W. I. HODGSON SON, Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents, Offloe. No.

J.3 Carondelet street 8 TORES. No. 60 Lafayette atreet nearTchoupitoula a atreet $20. No. 203 Canal atreet; third floor, suitable for acnooi or omoe, o.

No. 203 Canal atreet second floor, suitable tor office, 850. RESIDENCES. Cottage comer Xnrel and Bordeaux, 825. Two story frame resldeaoe, about 10 rooms, 244 1 ThaUa atreet $3a Three story briok resldenee, about 20 rooms, os union street.

ou. Tbreo atory briok resldenee No. 848 St Cnarles avenue, near Washington. 8112 60. el tg COTTAGE 140 and 142 Orange atreet ba.

tween Constanoe and Macasine. six rooms and bath, house high and dry, good yard. auo a iv THREE STORY briok store on Bienville street, between Chartraa and Decatur. Ap ply to Henry Denis, 136 Gravler street si tf COTTAGE, 6 rooms and yard. 1st ootober.

Royal to Prieur and St. Bernard to Orleane Address L. A. this office an28 Sn4t8l 2 3 THREE STORY dwelling honse, furnished; No. 160 Jnlla street, between St.

Charlna and Camp. Apply to Henry De ia. 136 Gravler street. el tf SECOND, Third and Fourth Floors, over W. T.

Clnverius' drug store on corner Canal and Bourbon. J. M. Villavaao, Ileal Estate Agent, Ne 6 Gal er Court au31 tf BARBOOM, 675 a Tchoupltoulas, between Adele and St Andrew. Apply at 87 Roua.

sean. an31 7c NO. 8 Carondelet street 3 story Store; can ba fitted tor offices; vacant No. 128 Washington avenue, corner Constanoe 2 story and attio Residence and Stable large galleries and grounds. 13 rooms: vacant.

Apply to Alden MeLellan, Ne 150 Common treet second floor, rear. ao31 tf Canal Street Ten Booms. Apply Cistern AmW Factory, Canal and Marais streets. an31 tf rp HE elegant residence ot Mrs.A. B.

Bee be 458 Esplanade near Broad, containing large hall through center, eighteen large, comtorta. ble rooms; whole square of ground, filled with roses, shrubs; fish pond, chicken house, stable and carriage house. ROBINSON UNDERWOOD, Auctioneers and Beal Estate Agenta, au31 tf 164 Common street TWO STORY, house nine rooms, 245 'a Thalia Apply 254arondelet au28 8t STORE 633 Magazine street with dwelling up stairs. Apply 629 Magazine atreet near Josephine au9 4w TWO STORY Dwelling; 8 rooms 111 "Waatl iugton street near Constance Apply 629 Magazine street AV OftQ CAMP Street Three story brick build iUO ing now occupied by the Artist's Association, splendid location. Robinson ft Us.

derwood, 164 Common street an20 tf. pOB BENT The eight elegant new two story Besldenaea, now in coarse ot erection, on Prytanla, between Marengo and Milan streets, which will be com pleto and ready for occupancy on Oct 1. The buildings ara of modern design and finish and are fitted out with the latest improvements of 4. every description, namely, electric belie speak lng tubes, hot and cold water for baths, rangee boilers, etc Apply to LAWRENCE FAB AC HER. 84 tf Nc '23 Boyal Street THE Sons of America Hsll.

SO Camp street can be rented for society and association meetings on reasonable terms. Apply to State Secretary, from 7:30 to 10 p. m. daily, mhl3 Sotf in ECU RE vour Tallrhos and Carriages in ad vanoe for the hi tight at 175 Bayou Road. au20 ts7 DESIRABLE Offices at No.

141 Canal, corner Bourbon. Apply at the B. E. Lee Hat Store, aulS tf EC0ND AND THIRD FLOORS OF JT0 110 CANAL STREET. NOW OCCSJPIKD BY THE IRISH AMERICAN CLUB.

APPLY TO J. H. O'CONNOB anl4 lm 17 CABONPELET STBEET. (TE n.known tore a. Noe 49 sod 61 Tchonpitoulaa.

near Poydras street, fbr year occupied by Frank Roder. aa a wholesale liquor and commission house Apply to nan lit, garden A Friedriclu 177 Common atreet ama am THAT very desirable location, 66 and 63 Gravler street corner Tchoupitoulas, now occupied by W. R. Irby Cigar and Tobaceo Company. Limited, who win remove on or be fore Oct.

1 to their new quarters, 'oorner Gravler and South Petera streets. Jy20 tf T7OR BENT From Sent 1. store No. 83 Sr Gravler street near Tchoupltoula now eo copied by Mr. Soi.

Elgutter. Apply to A. li. Hopkins, 28 Union street. auA ti CENTRAL Location, upper part of house 134 Canal, between Carondelet and St.

Charles; twenty rooms, suitable for club or boarding Innll Vfra Tl Wlthur 123Rnval gtreet, np stairs. lm The Large 3 story dwelling luuuamp street, now oconyied by Mre Kaufman aa St first class boarding house Also other choice dwellings, stores and offioee J. M. VI avaso. Real Estate Agent, 6 Game Court tf A LARGE Dwelling and Houaec with first; class stable room: a large rear yard.

a .6 South Arleor, between ti ravlor aa Perdlda au Am streete TMirvTTTya 1 ai Trty, et. near St. L) Charles avenue; also store 402 i'rrdes. op posit market Apply to W. V.

QUmore 10 C. rondelct 7 RESIDENCE 17S JckonavennePy to L. L. Levy, Si6 Magaalne between 10 a. III.

THREE elegant Bestdenoesjw Stkndrew, fs'SSth "Pefersnb Son. I O. 25 DECATUR, nowoccupleo. Jinw i rinainw siiadeo town. CYiJzi curtain poloe lace curtains, lrTowVe.

4U and 463 Dryadea. mrla "TORE Ne ,85 Icatar given Oct 1. Apply 225 Cs sl street..

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.