Suppose The Following Disk Request Sequence (track Numbers) For A Disk With 200 Tracks Is Given: 90, (2024)

Answer 1

The First Come First Serve (FCFS) disk scheduling algorithm is evaluated for its efficiency in terms of total head movements based on a given disk request sequence.

In the FCFS disk scheduling algorithm, the requests are served in the order they arrive. In this case, the initial position of the R/W head is on track 2. The requests are processed sequentially according to the order of the given disk request sequence: 90, 80, 34, 11, 111, 62, and 64.

To calculate the total head movements, we start at the initial position of track 2 and move the R/W head to each requested track in the given sequence. The head movements are calculated as the absolute difference between the current track position and the next requested track.

For the given sequence, the total head movements using the FCFS algorithm would be:

|2 - 90| + |90 - 80| + |80 - 34| + |34 - 11| + |11 - 111| + |111 - 62| + |62 - 64|.

By evaluating the absolute differences and summing them, we can determine the total head movements incurred by the FCFS algorithm. Comparing this value with other disk scheduling algorithms would reveal which algorithm performs better in terms of minimizing head movements.

Learn more about disk here:


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Project Title: College Student Homework Management System Project Description: The system manages and displays a college student's homework/assignments in the current semester. The objective of the application is to help the student efficiently manage his time in doing his course work. (To minimize your efforts, I removed the class scheduling part from the system) Technical Specifications: General functional requirements: The homework management and lookup system should provide, at a minimum,"search","add","update and "remove" functionalities. (The "remove" function can be replaced with marking the assignment as "Complete" if you think it makes more sense.) Detailed function requirements 1. Data structure: You must choose a non-trivial data structure to fulfill this assignment. In other words, you can NOT use array, normal linked list or first-class containers in STL You will need to use an adaptor- level container or a non-linear data structure. You may construct a custom data structure class yourself or directly use the one in STL or any libraries (2 points) 2. Must have the following functionalities: (16 points) 2.1. Add an assignment (3 point) 2.2. Update an assignment (2 point) (Such as to update the due date) 23. Search/lookup an assignment (6 points) 2.3.1. Search assignments which are due in # of days //0 means today: 1 means tomorrow: 2.3.2. Search by course 2.3.3. Display all assignments that are in progress 2.4. Remove an assignment after it's completed. (3 points) 2.5. At least one method should feature(2 points) 1. Design necessary attributes for the homework/assignment class/object. Recommend including "estimated time to complete the assignment". (5 points) 2. Clean and efficient code (2 points) General guideline Data serialization: It's recommended that you save all homework data into a file and retrieve data from the file to make the application more useful. Since each assignment is an object, saving the collection of assignment objects into a binary file will be the most efficient solution Modularization: Classes/Objects, methods, functions should be well thought and designed before any implementation taken place. (Of course, the design is likely to be updated along with the development.) Submission Requirements: You may create a compressed file of the following files to submit or submit them separately on BB 1. Writeup (2 points) a. Key technical implementation descriptions L data structure SL recursion i complexity of searchByDueDate() and searchByCourse b. References if any 2. Source code (Only source files and utility files if any. No directories or unnecessary files.)

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1). Subnetting Exercise
Your network uses the Subset mask Which of the following IPv4 addresses are able to communicate with each other? (Select the two best answers.) *
Please write down your answer and show your work
2) A security administrator is creating a subnet on one of the corporate firewall interfaces to use as a DMZ which is expected to accommodate at most 14 physical hosts. Which of the following subnets would BEST meet the requirements?
C. D.
Please write down your answer and show your work.

Discussion Question
1. In what ways can you improve the appearance of a report?
2. What report design guidelines should you keep in mind?
3. Say you are designing a report for a company and it has already been producing a similar report by hand (in a word processor). Do you think it would be helpful to use that report as the basis for your report design? Do you think that designing the new report to look just like the old report would make the new report more accepted by current employees? Explain your answers.

The active intervention of the processor to transfer data between memory and the I/O module is required in
A.Programmed I/O
B.Interrupt-initiated I/O
C.Direct memory access
D.Programmed I/O and Interrupt-initiated I/O

Consider a transaction dataset that contains five items, {A, B, C, D, E}. Suppose the rules {A, B} → C have the same confidence as {A, B} → D, which one of the following statements are true or not, and why:
The confidence of the {A, B} → {C, D} is the same as the confidence of {A, B} → {C}.
All transactions that contain {A, B, C} also contain {A, B, D}.

Write a program that works out if a given year is a leap year This is how to workout whether if a perticular year is a leap year on every year that is evenly divisible by 100 except every year that is evenly divisible by 100 unless the year is also evenly divisible by 400

Innovative idea Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables Text font size 12 Text font: Times New Roman ( any other font not acceptable) Line space: 1.5 Provide caption of each figure and table 2. Note: Do not use any background or watermark Introduction 3. 1. a) Write a one paragraph or half a page about your project. 2. b) Introduce your IT team members using an organization chart. 4. 5. 6. . Business Transaction - List down all the business transaction for the application system of your customer. Screen Design - For each transaction, design screen that supports the transaction. Identify the input data with label and input field. To design the screen, you can use Microsoft word, power point, visual basic or any tools that you are familiar with. Document / Report design - Design the company reports or documents e.g. Sales Monthly Report and Customer Receipt. Conceptual Database Design - Design an Entity-Relationship Model/Enhanced Entity-Relationship Diagram (E-R/EE-R) and identify clearly all entities, their attributes and relationships on the diagram. Your project should have minimum 5 relations and all attributes should come from your screens or reports. Logical Database Design - Convert the E-R/EE-R diagram to a relational database schema and show the relationships between the entities and attributes. 7. 8. 9. Schema should be normalized to 3NF. (finals relations should match with physical database design) Physical Database Design - Translate the logical relations into Oracle 10g or 11g database using SQL statements. Write the actual SQL table 10. definition in this section. Make sure you highlight constraints while creating tables Record Listing - Show the records of each table (minimum 8 and 11. maximum 15). However, do note that your queries will be more meaningful with enough number of records. Sample SQL Queries - With the business transactions in item 3 as your guideline, write SQL queries comprising the following: 12. a) Basic Queries - 5 basic queries by clerk or data entry operator. Use single relation and simple queries. Use (AND, OR, NOT, LIKE, IN and other operators) b) Operational Queries - 5 operational queries asked by a superior for example a manager. You may use where, aggregate functions and order by, group by. Note: try to use above operators with different way and which serve some purpose c) Strategic Queries - 5 strategic queries asked by top management. You may use subqueries, join relations, aggregate or/and grouping function for the queries. Note: Do not repeat same pattern; subquery should involve delete, update as well and more than 2 tables should be involved in subqueries. d) User Views - 3 DBA queries asked by top management. You may use subqueries, join relations, aggregate or/and grouping function for the queries. Note: view should serve some purpose; simple views won't be accepted Similarity (plagiarism) report should be below 10% 13. Any figure or table or screenshot copied from internet or any other source is not acceptable. (Create all your diagrams by yourself) Presentation and Contribution 14

Several locking mechanisms have been implemented to achieve process
synchronization. Explain any two of them.

The following is a shell program. Read it and answer for do AO in bar fud 43echo $fo How many cycles does this code have? A 4 B 3 C 43 D 2

you will write a Python program which prompts the user for the diameter of the tank, the length of the tank and the depth of water in the tank. All of these measurements will be in feet. You will then calculate the total volume of the tank, the volume of water in the tank and how much water is required to finish filling the tank.

Which of the following configuration tasks can be automated when using DSC version 2 in Windows Server 2016? (Choose all that apply.).

Write a Java program that reads the given file and performs the following:
- Store the data from the file in a 2 layer array (skip the first header row of the file)
- Print array, with each element separated by one space.
- Loop through the array and calculate each of the following:
1.) Kills per set
2.) Assists per set
3.) Points per set
(You will need to parse the String element into doubles to use in the math equation. Make 3 separate loops, one for each statistic.)
Print the value and the name of the top player for each of these statistics.
******************THIS IS THE FILE BELOW, CONVERT TO TXT*************************************
4,Samantha McCreath,Sr.,OH,4,10,1,0,2,0,1,0.1,10,0,0,0,2
20,Eline van Heijningen,Sr.,MH,12,30,24,8,55,2,0,0,12,4,23,27,39.5
2,Kaylin Hadley,Fr.,M,8,20,6,1,18,0,0,0,10,2,12,14,14
9,Isabelle Roufs,So.,OPP,26,100,184,65,436,8,19,0.19,53,26,80,106,269
10,Nyjha Marcelin,R-Fr.,MB/OPP,25,95,301,129,743,9,0,0,57,10,52,62,337
13,Michelle Jung,Fr.,MB,16,47,50,23,118,1,1,0.02,14,2,33,35,69.5
7,Ashlyn Eisenga,Sr.,L/DS,26,91,11,1,44,92,18,0.2,383,0,0,0,29
15,Natalie Novak,Jr.,S,26,101,23,9,77,382,9,0.09,124,3,6,9,38
3,Mia Lombardo,R-Fr.,RS/OPP,22,75,61,32,226,5,0,0,20,10,33,43,87.5
5,Emma Henderson,Sr.,OH,26,99,237,130,896,23,29,0.29,271,12,35,47,295.5
18,Lauren Milani,Fr.,OH,22,64,95,55,341,6,14,0.22,117,5,24,29,126
14,Nicole Kramer,Sr.,MB,16,36,13,8,45,7,3,0.08,39,6,22,28,33
1,Tori Boulay,R-Fr.,S,25,96,11,6,58,448,25,0.26,179,0,0,0,36
8,Isabella Bratzke,Fr.,OH,21,55,80,69,281,3,8,0.15,74,1,14,15,96
6,Rachel Picha,R-Fr.,OH,22,64,17,21,112,44,14,0.22,85,1,2,3,33

Class inheritance results in ____________.
High code reuse, loose coupling
Low code reuse, tight coupling
High code reuse, tight coupling
Low code reuse, loose coupling

which of the following returns the book handcranked computers in the results?

Consider an arbitrary regular language L over the alphabet Σ = {a, b}. Since it is regular, it is recognized by a DFA and let M = (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F) be such a DFA over Σ with L(M) = L. Build a formal construction of an NFA N = (Q', Σ, δ', q', F') with L(N) = L = {w | length of w is multiple of 6}

The following Karnaugh Map represents a Boolean function with 4 inputs, w, x, y, \( z \). Use the Karnaugh map to simplify the output expression for F. What is the most simplified F?
\( F=x^{\prime}

1. Write pseudocode for a program that reads a word and then prints the first character, the last character, and the character in the middle. For example, if the input is Harry, the program prints H y r. If the word has even length, print the character right before the middle. 2. Write an algorithm to settle the following question: A bank account starts out with $10,000. Interest is compounded monthly at 0.5 percent per month. Every month, $500 is withdrawn to meet college expenses. After how many years is the account depleted?

Given the list below: what kind of digital information is most volatile and should be collected first, if possible, when attempting to gather computer forensics? Data stored on archival media/backups Memory (RAM) CPU cache, & register contents Data on hard disk

What are the design issues of Cache Memory? [3 marks]

Programm in C language.:
Create the BinaryTree abstract data type
using modules of C and doing good hiding
information. The BinaryTree type provides an interface to
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Alice and Bob are two employees of YourEsteemed corporation.
Alice works at the head office where as Bob works at a branch
office. The head office and the branch office are connected by two
routers as

Using string format in python with appropriate alignment option to display a list of 10 different fictional subject information with the following specification:
- 1st column displays subject title with left alignment and occupies 45 spaces;
- 2nd column displays subject coordinator name with right alignment and occupies 35 spaces

Describe the language defined by the following context-free grammar in English. G = (NT, E, R, S) where NT = {S, A, B}, { = {a,b,c} starting non-terminal is S R: S → aAle A → B B → CS

C++ Computer Programming
A class is required to manage information about a Sport. The
Sport class should be set-up in files Sport.h and
Sport.cpp. The 'main' function should be in a file
named SportMa

An operating system is also called a(n) _____.
A. platform
B. utility
C. desktop
D. version

Suppose The Following Disk Request Sequence (track Numbers) For A Disk With 200 Tracks Is Given: 90, (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.