Ranking The Best British Wrestlers Of All Time - WR Daily - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)

On todays episode of Wrestling Republic’s Daily Broadcast Ben Allison, Clark Taylor, Soul, and Ignacio take part in Sunday Funday where they rank the best British Wrestlers of all time by doing a draft.

Todays episode will be LIVE at 8:00pm BST / 3:00pm EST / 12:00pm PST!

Wrestling Republic’s Daily Broadcast is a 45 minute daily podcast (with video) discussing the days wrestling news and all of the latest shows. The show is hosted by Ben Allison and Clark Taylor, with a cast of rotating panelists to join the discussion. To join in with the discussion, you can LIVE comment throughout the show via YouTube.

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[Music] rep this is Republic Prest Republic this is Republic Prest Republic this is [Music] Republic good evening from London wrestling fans I’m your host Ben Allison and you are listening to wrestling Republic’s daily broadcast your One-Stop shop for professional wrestling inside news and reviews on a daily basis today it’s Sunday Funday and you know what that means it means we’re going to be playing a game what game are we going to be playing well I’ll break it down in just a second but before I do let me introduce the panel and let’s kick things off with the co-host Clark Taylor Clark how are you today what’s up I’m St to be here I actually did get to sleep in this morning supposed to be my second show of the day but it is my first so I’m fresh and I’m ready to go not only that I basically get a practice round as the golfer that I am for fantasy football drafts nearly two months away and so I I want to make sure that my draft board’s tight I’m ready to roll and I’m excited to get into it man I’ve got I’ve got some surprise picks that I hope don’t get taken off the board and I’ve got some logical ones that everyone’s going to expect that probably will be taken off the board I I mean talking about you know fancy football and all of that right I have know you know been interested in the NFL for a season maybe this year maybe a try Republic League wrestling Republic league as long as in the football well the soccer as you’d call It season you guys are also involved in this too we do that rest in Republic league for all the sports all the leagues and all that good stuff but Al but also joining us today we have soul how are you today Soul I’m good so the main reason why my screen’s off is well Lads what am I known for on rest in the public you know besides that but you know making dumb decisions with my hair saying a lot of things yeah that that too and you know being things so I’ve done this I I ni that looks good dude I mean my family’s out like a peaco*ck but I mean I’ll take it it’s better than you know something else but you know what standing up you know I’m not shaving it all off which is a nice treat I actually have some partial things but I mean hey I still got more here than ignasio so all all not there and me combined well also joining us today we have ignasio how are you ignasio how’s it going everybody doing pretty good I just don’t I don’t look good with hair so that’s why I shave it off all the time I’m one of those people just don’t look good with hair but you know Ben I got a I got a private message the other day in a in a group chat that I am that’s uh they’re telling me I’m not that controversial anymore that I haven’t been that controversial on the show in a while at least a couple months my last my last rant I think it was with uh on Kenny Omega or something like that so but that’s because usually when I’m on the show I’m I’m I’m on Saturday and we’re talking about Smackdown man there’s really nothing bad going on in WWE right now I’ve nitpicked a couple things here and there that I believe in or wanted to bring up but I’ll make an effort within the next month or show to do maybe schedule a couple shows during the week so that way I can tear apart aw because it’s God awful oh come on now Oldtimer decided to go to the zoo and stick their hands in the bear cage Osio not controversial what were they thinking who would say that well Clark you you’ve been controversial that today I’ll tell you that if you’ve seen the comment of your latest re with Anthony yeah yeah what have you done there you’ve literally poked the whole NXT Universe right there and got them already ready the P the irony is like I’m a huge NXT guy I really don’t understand how contextually that one I got buried for oh it was I I got buried for it somehow I tried to defend everybody has an opinion and I’ve been getting buried for it what did I even say I haven’t actually seen it yet you’ve said that Carmelo Hayes just is like basically a failure on the main roster that’s what you no I said he hasn’t been doing well Mr opinion himself Rich already went nuclear and I was like oh yeah we don’t have to agree yeah I was just involved you made the cut in Anthony to the stitches it got it is a bit of a brutal one but let’s talk about let’s talk about what we’re going to talk about today now we’re going to be doing today a draft for British wrestlers and of all time any era whatever we’re going to be ranking the best British wrestlers now the way it’s going to work is we did a random name generator and I have the first pick I promise it is random but yeah I have the first pick Soul has the promises I I literally did it on air with them before the show showed it to them uh Clark’s got the third pick and naso’s got the fourth pick but then the fifth pick will go to ignasio it’ll come back around so it’s like a snake draft a serpent draft whatever call it Serpentine whatever you want to call it right it’s really easy to do but the bottom line is I’ve got the first pick and for the first pick I believe the best British wrestler of all time is the only British wrestler to Main Event of WrestleMania and that man is Drew McIntyre the stats well the stats speak for themselves technically nobody stats beat this guy he’s a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion former WrestleMania main eventa he won the main event of WrestleMania he won the Royal Rumble and not only that but this guy’s career well it was considered a right off by many people a lot of people were saying that hey he was meant to be the chosen one and he didn’t live up to the hype but he you know he persevered he kept going and look at him now he’s a main event star and hopefully a week from well a week from yesterday so next Saturday he’s going to kick off Damen priest’s head and become the New World Heavyweight Champion my first pick is Drew McIntyre but Soul who is your first pick like you took the Scotsman that that’s annoys me so you know what I’m going to take the one of the Englishman one of the Englishman I know you are you know in Welsh but you know accent sounds English to me so I’m going to on biased grounds I’m going to pick somebody who has basically grown up with the British scene dominated it in progress rev Pro and every other company in this godamn country he has absolutely smashed it went over to New Japan as well built an Empire and now he’s in aw as the International Champion that is indeed billy goat will Osprey the man has done it all honestly what can you say within the British scene osprey’s done it he was one of the hottest acts in New Japan a guy you know from England to go over and do all that stuff as well and coming back home as well during the pandemic mic era really cemented himself within New Japan as well and showed that commitment now in a as well he’s been somebody that has went into the company with a great attitude and just absolutely smashed it Banger matches with K Kesha with n Bryan beating rogie strong for the International Championship and he’s going to be challenging swerve Strickland for the aw World Championship at forbidden door and he’s not even you know six months into the company now at this full-time roster dude’s absolutely a machine and when you speak to a lot of young people in our scene as well who’ you want to grow up and be like Osprey is probably the name that they’re going to say the most because he essentially is the spirit of British wrestling absolutely a great great choice no doubt about it will off spr I’d have loved to have picked him but Clark well who would you have loved to pick well who are you gonna pick so this to me is my most interesting pick in this entire draft because I know ignasio pretty well and we’re good buddies I think it’s between two people here and I’m pretty sure I’m going to get one and he’s going to get the other they tagged together there two that carried that British flag for a long time and I wasn’t sure which one I was going to go with the whole way one of them The Dynamite Kid dominated dominated for a long time but also set the stage for some of the highflying and wrestling style stuff that we’ve seen of late and I hate to do do this to you ignasio but he did invent flip-flopping and flying and that’s why I’m going to take Dave Boy Smith the British Bulldog so you can’t have him and leave you with potentially Dynamite Kid oh that is infuriating you’ve just taken I mean you just yeah you’ve just taken it but I mean British Bulldog here of course we you know we all know that you know SummerSlam 92 that huge you know that huge moment H you know you play in all the video games and all of that but I mean yeah great great pick a first round pick no doubt about it but you mentioned ignasio ignasio who are you gonna pick as your first round pick so Clark pick Clark you picked Davey Boy I took Davey okay so I’m gonna go the other way and you’re exactly right you hit the the nail the head I’m gonna have to go with The Dynamite Kid and yes they were I wouldn’t say they were the flip-flopping fly style or pirer years or anything they definitely had that incorporated in their in their repertoire if you will but it it’s when they did the highflying stuff they made it mean something it wasn’t just a spot for a spot sake very true you know and I can go on on and on about this but I won’t I you know Diamond dynamite and Davey Boy they were kind of like I would say they were kind of like the pioneers of the hybrid style because they were did the off the top the ropes stuff and they also did great technical wrestling if you go back to see him in Stampede and early days of the the WWF and all that stuff there was really nobody with their style until they until the Rockers showed up in the WWF so yeah but Dynamite was very influential uh uh character in the early Cruiser cruiserweights uh Chris Ben W uh do matches with tiger mask you know I do feel that he is the the greatest English British wrestler of all time just like just with his influence over over the business I mean you go back and watch his matches in any era uh in anywhere he went where it be Japan WWF uh Stan feed wrestling any other territory I mean he was just a phenomenal talent and and in the 80s where it was the M land of the monsters pretty much you know everybody lik the big over Larger than Life personalities and the big wrestlers he was small in stasher and just because of his amazing talent he had a a great influence over the fans and over wrestlers to come Chris Jericho is another one so yeah I think Dynamite Kid is uh probably the greatest English restaurant time he’s my first draft pick how about that great pick a really really great pick but the beauty of this you know snake style draft ignasio is that it now Loops right back round to you again who are you going to take as your well your first pick the second round the fifth overall peack well I’m going to go with a little bit of nostalgia here uh because I’m I’m familiar I’m familiar with his work maybe the viewers might not be but after this they can go look him up but I’m GNA go with the gentleman Chris Adams uh because you know a lot of the American fans and I’ll I’m gonna address it like I’m addressing the American fans because the British and the European fans are probably pretty familiar with them but I mean most of people will be familiar with work in world class championship wrestling the Dallas based uh promotion that was r by the V Erics Fritz Von Erics and U the gentleman Chris Adams came in and he was something different had a more uh explosive style he brought in that British style wrestling into the Texas territory which was already a very aggressive uh type of wrestling you had the Von Erics you had a uh you had onean gang you had Kamala and you had the big monsters and then you had the free birds and it was already very rough Style Southerners type of wrestling so when uh Chris Adams came in a little bit different style went hand inand with Texas style he was a little bit different the best super cake in my opinion of all time and not to mention to add something in there he trained what a lot of people think is the greatest of all time in Stone Cold Steve Austin so how about that so he’d be my second pick the gentleman Chris Adams and his amazing work one more thing his amazing work with uh go back and watches work with Gino Hernandez they were a great Duo absolutely I mean that is a brilliant brilliant pick no doubt about it and one of the Beauties I think of this draft is that we’re going to go back and look at you know some older British names which maybe not you know all of the audience will be familiar with but had a huge huge impact on professional wrestling right because people Overlook how crucial British wrestling you know was to the overall growth of wrest wrestling early on in it the boom period for UK wrestling was before it even became popular in the mainstream in America it was during this late 60s early 70s maybe the early 80s uh so yeah I think we’re gonna have some interesting names that is for sure but Clark what interesting name are you going to take as your next pick so this is really interesting because I’m starting to understand some strategy here not to give away the game plan but I’m looking at Osio is going to be tough as far as taking some of the older time names that I’m really excited about on my list but I also have to get ahead of the fact that you two are about to have a snake of four picks of current wrestlers more current not necessarily all current but just that’s got to be the Assumption for me so I’m between two names and one I do believe deserves to be picked before the next but I still think I can steal him in round three so I’m going with the other one and the other one is is William Regal I’ll take him before anybody else does the guy from Blackpool the fists everything he’s done post career and during career he’s a legend always will be you can’t say enough good things about Regal so I’m gonna add Regal to my team that is an excellent pick no doubt about it so I’m going to head straight to you for the next one who are you going to take following Clark taking Mr Regal oh muted the mute curs has hit you s sorry I was being poite um I was gonna say um when I picked ospr for my first pick he was really a wrestler who defined the 2010s to the 2020s and still does a wee bit now so I’m really thinking of picking a wrestler who defined the 2000s to the 2010s when you think about British wrestling back then there was one name who really stuck out for what he did in Ring of Honor his great matches coming over here obviously his career was cut short du the circ*mstances but he’s always been somebody that’s been idolized with in the British wrestling scene and that is you know former Ring of Honor pure Champion world champion Nigel mcginness with Nigel mcginness he truly was fascinating for his style dedicated to his craft you know I remember seeing his documentary when he finally retired you know he was ranked in the pwi I think number six or seven alongside at the time when like Cena and Batista were ringing on top and he was just in ring of of honor at that time really shows he had an absolute grip on the industry and obviously he went to um TNA as Desmond wolf really wasn’t the heights of it he did have some matches with vangle and he was obviously part of that Infamous Ric Flair and um Jay Lethal segment as well so there’s that under his accolades brought back to the NXT UK um tournament as a commentator he did some commentating in NXT UK and they were all loved as well and we did 205 live and some NXT takeovers over in the states currently in a now he”s been killing onc common and I think his commentary is really a big addition to the commentary team in a and I am really just praying we can get that final match between Brian and Nigel has really a wrap off for this man’s career to go out the way it should have gone out in a big stage in the UK against a legendary opponent like the dragon because it’s Nigel bloody mcness man yeah that is a great great shout indeed Nigel mcginness he is just so underrated and he always you he always was underrated even when he was active but he was just so so good technically and for my second pick I am also going for somebody who’s amazing technically in fact the person who I believe right now is the best technical wrestler on the globe he’s maybe my favorite wrestler right I often don’t talk about my favorites you know when we do wrestling Republic and all these podcasts and all that but this man to me he’s like just so entertaining to watch between those ropes and that man is Zach saber Jr zsj I think he’s so underrated even now I think New Japan I’m you know not using him well enough even though I do think that is the perfect place for him he is just technically so sound everything he does is just so th thought out and it’s not easy to do his in ring IQ well it’s next to genius if not you know if not genius there I say but going into the third round I have the first pick once again and I’m well I’m going for a bit of a classic I’m going for somebody who left home at the age of 16 right but he didn’t leave home at the age of 16 you know in the mid 2010s in the 2020s any of that this man left home in the 1950s oh I think you’ve got a pick Allison I think you’ve got my pick if I think I know who it is yes he is from neari actually in southw his family where they were coal miners right and he decided hey I don’t want to be a coal miner I’ve seen these interesting tapes of this American wrestling and I want to be a wrestler everybody looked at him like what are you mad are you crazy and he decided to become a professional wrestler but if that wasn’t enough if that wasn’t crazy enough he decided to you know he wanted to not just be wrestler but he wanted to really have a gimmick be and bant all of that stuff which at the time was uncured of this man inspired Dusty rhods this man in Cody rhods has said this man inspired him massively as well and not only that this guy had between 12 12,000 and 15,000 matches in his career he sadly passed away last summer but this man is Adrien Street if you don’t know him you need to people don’t realize how vital how important he is to the British professional not just the British professional wrestling industry but the professional wrestling as a whole his impact will forever be felt what he did the boundaries which he pushed I mean listen he I don’t want to say he invented the gimmick because he didn’t but boy oh boy he tug it to a whole other level so who are you taking for your next pick your first pick of round three well it was going to be Adrian Street but you know well well done for Allison that was a very good pick fans watch the Adrian Street documentary in the W Network or peaco*ck you’ll understand why Allison picked this guy and why he’s so influential especially to the British wrestling scene so now I’m gonna have to divert now and check my notes um you know what I’m G to bring it home for me I’m going to bring it to Scotland when you look at UK wrestling yes there’s the Strong Style element of it but there’s also the family environment of it family shows uh parks and you know fairs that run shows and when you look at that it’s an essential part of Bri British wrestling so to be on this list you need to be able to do that and there’s one man I think as well who’s really cemented that a guy who had a whole documentary crew from Vice follow him he was a part of the BBC documentary on icw one of the center folks of this former icw world champion he’s done stuff in TNA it’s yourself it’s Gro now I can understand why Gro is not everyone’s C they’re going to really confuse why he’s on his list but it’s mainly that family commodate environment of it that’s very entral part of British wrestling that fun entertaining family element of that and Gro smashes that out the park he’s somebody that’s transcended wrestling here especially in Scotland pan mind he’s on the BBC he’s done Scot Squad which was a very popular comedy act here in the UK that was sh on BBC Scotland um he’s also done his own show as well you know gr’s family um wrestling bash which is a great thing to see you see it plastered all over Glasgow when you go in the city he shows up sometimes on um some local shows he always returns to icw he can Gro really is the quintessential comedy UK act and nobody can deny his Fame and Glory here especially within Scotland I mean Alison you know how much I was jumping for joy just to see Gro appear at all in so yes yeah Gro is literally one of the Scottish greats absolutely and what people often don’t realize is he actually is a little bit of a celebrity in the UK as well like because of like you know all the media he’s done like you touched upon he actually is like one of the most probably wellknown bra rers right now which is crazy to say but next up Clark it’s you who are you picking I am taking Billy Robinson way big throwback pick but Billy Robinson was a stud absolutely held every title necessary and his accomplishments are off the charts 1957 light heavyweight British senior Freestyle Wrestling Champion you look at his early years he goes to Stuart’s dungeon in 1969 shows up at Stewart’s dungeon in 69 and beats Archie the stopper Goldie he beats I mean he he wrestles for Vern G he goes over to Japan he wrestles George gordeno the guy was in the original version of the movie The Wrestler he wrestles in noi he wrestles boach Winkle the shoot style all of that Billy Robinson easy pick for me there I’m so so frustrated that you talk Kev Clark because not only did he wrestle in noi he INSP ired him too phenomenal pick no doubt about it what about you ignasio who you taking next I don’t know I had to cross off a bunch of the names here you guys ruined my my my order here you got you took away Zack Sab Jr for me and then and then uh man somebody I I I didn’t think if I thought if anybody’s gonna take him it’s gonna be Clark and it was Billy Robinson so well I’m gonna go with somebody that uh that everybody sees on Friday nights I’m gonna go with uh Nick Aldis uh first time I saw Nick Aldis was in TNA and he was a member of the British Invasion along with Doug Williams and they had some incredible matches with uh the Motor City Machine Guns and Bobby Roode and uh uh Bobby Roode and James storm and beer money and uh they had some great matches with Team 3D and then as his uh his career progressed he went to be a single Superstar and he had some great matches you know with Kurt Angle and sting and the list goes on and on but we’re on really saw Nick Aldis kind of kind of come into his own when was when he went to the NW and pretty much he was pretty much the only anything he was involved in in the NWA was pretty much the only thing worth watching but he he became NWA champion and he had a great couple of matches with with a series of matches with Cody rhods if you guys want to want to go back and and look at him I think I don’t think that was the main event it was one of the main events for the very first Allin was it not I believe him versus Cody rhod yes yes so they had incredible matches but Nick Al this pretty much embodied what an NWA world champion should be he embodies on what a world world champion should be and he’s got a great he’s got that tough British style he’s got that great technical style reminds me a lot of uh of uh uh Brett Hart his tech technical style and uh he’s really great got great talented he’s a little bit he’s a little bit older now maybe the injuries have come up to him I still think that eventually we’re going to see him at least for one match in a WWE ring and I hope it’s I hope it’s soon because I really think he deserves an opportunity to showcase uh what he can do on that type of national or global global stage because you know he’s been in Ro and and TNA and TNA’s you know been regarded as LOL TNA when they really had some great times uh a great period of time there where they were when they were on top at their best and uh Nick Aldis was there for that but not a lot of people got to see him so I hope he gets to Showcase what he can do in WWE in some form or fashion in the ring but yeah that’s my next drag pist Nick alus I think he’s a great talent and that is a brilliant choice no doubt about it but the beauty of the snake draft ignasio it comes right back to you who are you taking as the first pick in the fourth round well I’m gonna go with somebody who’s not maybe not very that well known but somebody who’s just as just as good in a ring as William Regal and that’s us Dave Taylor or also known as Squire Dave Taylor uh they were a tag team back in the day in WCW for the for the US fans very shortlived only thing with Dave Taylor was is he didn’t have that that personality that William Regal had but as far as in ring he’s just as good and uh if you go back and watch their matches not only a against each other excuse me but as a tag team it’s a shame that they didn’t get a run as Champions together and he had a cup of coffee in the WWE but again because he didn’t he wasn’t the promo that Regal was he didn’t have the personality that Regal has uh wasn’t great on the wasn’t great on the mic did minimal speaking on the mic you know didn’t do a lot of character work you know he was kind of overshadowed overlooked but as far as ing ring technical ability just as good as William Regal and yeah that’s my next pick Dave Taylor very underrated very red English British wrestler a brilliant choice no doubt but who are you taking next Clark so this is where I’m going to get a little funky because I don’t know that anyone was going to take this one but I just want to get him off the board before I forget to take him but my next pick and give me a second here it’s Peter Thornley but it’s not Peter Thornley it’s Peter Thornley if you don’t no was the first person to Dawn the mask as Kendo Nagasaki and his influence on taking British wrestling over to Japan although playing a Japanese Samurai and all that he accomplished I mean he wrestled everybody you could during his career Kendo Nagasaki AKA Peter Thornley I’m going with for my next Pig it’s a great choice no doubt about it I mean a lot of people of course don’t know that he’s British in fact a lot of people genuinely thought that he was Japanese but no well and then the follow-up character that continued to to carry the legacy of Keno Nagasaki was Japanese so many believe that the character right like it is it’s absolutely nuts but a great pick especially to get in the fourth round two fantastic but so who are you taking next clearly still the mute but oh mute getting you you know I’m just going to be I’m be ignorant now I’m going to have mute myself I’m still be here presently I Ain going to be H I’m saying in Scotland for this one and I had a look at you know how influential they were and what they’ve done and they’ve held some great accolades they are the only free time icw Women’s Champion two of their Reigns were over 200 days they were in the first queen of insanity match as well they were also the longest reigning NXT UK women’s champion and that is former Kaye Ray obviously Alba fire now in the WWE Kaylee has been a very very influential wrestler here especially for women’s wrestling in Scotland she has done so much she’s had so many kind of barbaric and insane matches of course that’s why her and Piper nian you know at Viper at the time had that queen of insanity match I think there was like 10,000 thumbtacks were thrown into the ring for these two just to bounce on she really is quintessentially one of the pillars of Scottish female wrestling with what her career has done and how many people also look up to her as well if you were probably going to say like when women wresters for Scotland it’s Kaye Ray or Piper Nan just with how much they’ve done and that’s you know essentially why they’re on the um Clash car because their history runs deep within the city of Glasgow and to have them come home it’s going to be a hell of a homecoming absolutely it’s going to be exciting to see for sure there I thought you were going to pick somebody else when you started then but I reckon you might end up picking them later on but Kaye Ray Alba fire a brilliant pick but next well next I’m GNA take a former NX UK general manager actually and that man is Johnny Saint now if you don’t know him I mean this guy is technically one of you know the most sound wrestlers in the history of professional wrestling he was trained by a man who you know you mentioned earlier Clark uh of course and that was Billy Robinson but yeah I mean this guy his career like it was I think it must have been like I’m trying to find out the exact number now but I think it must have been like nearly yes it was nearly 50 it was over 50 years long he debuted in 1958 and then he retired in 2015 this man he stepped in the ring with legends from like every era he really really did I mean it’s absolutely you know crazy how long his career was and how successful it was Johnny saying former NXT UK General man manager as well from Blackpool England is my first pick of the fourth round but then my first pick of the fifth round well I’m GNA go with somebody who’s a bit of a household name in the UK dare I say he might just be the most famous British wrestler of all time now let me make something clear this guy he does not belong on the list of the best 100 British wrestlers from an in ring perspective but from a character perspective from you know really taking the business to a place it never had been in the United Kingdom I’m going to go for Big Daddy I know I know I know his his ring skills are a little controversial I’m not even mad that’s hilarious you he’s just like he’s a household name and that well you can’t teach that can you I mean listen whenever I mention wrestling Republic to like anybody over the age of 30 they say oh is that like what Big Daddy used to do and I’m like yeah kind of yeah him and giant hxs they had a whale of a time but so who are you taking as your first Pi for the for the fifth round now so this is probably who you thought I was going to pick I just want to read out some of her accolades for you which she currently holds right now she is currently the longest reigning icw Women’s Champion she also holds the progress women Championship she also holds the TNT women’s Tag Team Championship with Emerson Jane and she also holds the north Tag Team Championships with Emerson Jane as well as the tgw Women’s Champion she’s only been doing this for nine years but she’s made a hell of a statement here within the UK scene and that is Rio now Rio I’ve had the pleasure to interview Rio just after her icw Women’s Championship win against Molly Spartan in that insane match where I’m sure people seen the social media Clips where she gets pushed off the balcony right down onto the ring and to know that these two history with the story of it it’s phenomenal honestly I I’m not going to try and plug my own stuff here because that’d be a bit too cheeky of me but like just to learn about Rio and Molly’s history with one another and they’re going to relive that history for the third time um at icw um after hours I believe it is after Clash that that’s that’s exciting in itself but Rio really is probably one of the hottest female names right now in the UK scene and with that time she’s done holding all those belts at the same time that’s a lot for somebody and she’s absolutely killing it honestly like when the TNA gut check came around last year I was shocked Rio’s name was not picked like if she was there I think she would have been absolutely SED she would have been Knockouts Champion by now 100% believe that real literally right now I said kayy Reay was the pillar of the past for women’s Scottish wrestling Rio is right now the pillar for UK wrestling in general I agree I completely agree so a phenomenal pick again wasn’t actually who I think you were I thought you were going to go for but Rio is a brilliant choice no doubt about it potentially dare I say right now my favorite British women’s wrestler in fact not dare I say I will say it she is tremendous no doubt Clark who are you taking for your pick in the fifth round I gotta say I love that sa has taken two from the women’s division and I haven’t yet so I need to and looking at the board it’s only logical I got to take Paige serea for the influence that she’s had on professional wrestling paiga is my next pick between WWE the movie aw all of it her family’s history the story everything about it overcoming the injury and returning i i i she’s always got a spot on my team for sure and I’m just hoping for for more good stuff from her in the future because we know how talented she is that injury though is gruesome and was gruesome people don’t get put out for seven years if they’re not hurt that badly yeah fantastic pck I’m actually surprised s has been you know left to the fifth round actually but yeah she’s had a huge you know impact on British wrestling as well I mentioned you know Big Daddy’s probably the most well-known name well the second most well name is pro probably Paige or as people call her the the uh the women the woman from Norwich who had the movie about her that’s what everybody who comes up to me say say and they don’t know her name and I’m always like well I always used to be like oh it’s Paige it’s easy it used to be like now I’m like well it’s also s it’s all confusing thanks a lot Vince she didn’t go to aw talking about somebody who wishes negative on AW ignasio who are you taking for your pick in the fifth round followed by your pick in the sixth and final round well I’m gonna go with somebody I don’t know I I thought they’d be a household thing but maybe you could tell me somebody who’s also a blast from the past and who I I think is a household name uh in the European circuit but I’m going to go with uh uh somebody who was a a well-known tag team partner of Big Daddy I’m gonna go with hxs giant Hast H as you known in Canada the United States who also had he had a little Feud with Kendall Nagasaki but uh yeah giant hyack know not known for his in ring ability as as you know you well documented Ben with Big Daddy but he was just such a big opposing figure I mean he was the European maybe equivalent as far as size and stature maybe that imposing personality is maybe like an Andre the Giant of course Andre’s Andre and Andre was a global phenomenon right but yeah uh giant Hast Stacks you Canada Japan you know he did a little run in the United United States as H STX khoun and then came later back in the mid90s uh with WCW and he was known as Loch NES and he was there for a cou of copy is unfortunately he was a member of that dreaded Dungeon of Doom yep you know debacle but uh you know that was the later part of his career and he had injuries and he was always a very heavy guy and I think he passed away not too long after couple years after maybe but just the the imposing figure he was again he’s not a technical Superstar but he was a monster and he was a monster when the monsters ruled the wrestling world in the 60s 70s and then the 80s and into the 90s so he’d be my my next fifth draft pick giant Hast that is a brilliant choice no doubt about it ignasio I mean uh sorry technical difficulties that me what I isn’t it right back to ignasio it is right back to ignasio but on the topic of giant aack you mentioned you know is he a household name indeed he is a household name and probably the most famous match in the history of British wrestling isn’t actually Adam Cole versus mjf like aw would want you to believe and it is also not Roman Reigns versus Drew McIntyre like WWE would want you to believe it is actually Wembley Stadium big daddy versus giant H snacks there you go yeah and it ended in a double countown there it was awful absolutely awful but ignasio who you take it as your six and FAL P well I don’t know like I mean my I’m crossed off every my list either I picked them or you took them and I stitches here she asked her she can’t tell me anybody so the only person that’s left that I see I don’t know if he qualifies but I’m going to go with uh cuz he had influence in the business in the ring and out of the ring especially help build up that WWE uh women’s division I’m gonna go with uh fit Finley oh he loves to fight that was my pick dang it uh fit Finley uh phenomenal Talent again that European aggressive European style man I I was just trying to think right now what what the what the year was but if you go if you have Peak uh and you go into the WWE Network uh go like at WCW Uncensored I think it’s 98 eight is I believe right if it’s not eight it’s it’s seven 97 or 98 go look up WCW Uncensored 9798 and him and Regal just beat the holy turd out of each other I mean it it’s a bloodfest I mean it it’s it’s a work shoot if you want to call it that but man it’s an incredible match unlike anything that we saw on TV for that time this is pre you know or no it’s actually during NWO but it’s something different that we saw that we were watching on TV at that time a very aggressive style but he had he had great matches with Regal he had great matches in WW when he went to WWE and he was instrumental in and just just like Dutch mantel was instrumental in the TNA knock the development of the TNA Knockouts fit Finley was instrumental in developing the WWE women’s division right Trish Stratus all all those uh uh women in the 2000s you know they all uh complement fit fley as being their influence who who really taught him how to wrestle and he’s a great wrestler he’s had a great influence uh in the ring outside the ring and I think within the coming years as these women start getting IND Ed into the Hall of Fame we’re going to be seeing a lot of their speeches including fit Finley that is a great shout and yes he absolutely does count he was born in Northern Ireland so he is British and yeah a great choice no doubt about it Clark you’re up next who are you going to take as your Sixth and final pick so fit was 100% where I was going to finish this because I love fit Finley myself it’s a great pick although it’s funny because in a weird way it actually worked out perfectly because I’m going to take a guy that I don’t think anybody would have took but deserves the spot here one of the earliest best heels in wrestling a guy that legitimately added the forearm to the context of professional wrestling matches he’s got the best short arm forearm front side jab forearm jab maybe of all time and a guy that that’s worked with and insired a ton of other wrestlers rest in peace obviously but Mick mcmanis is my final pick in the draft he’s got to stay on it it’s way old old old hard to even find great tape but Mick mcmanis will be my final pick in the draft and I I like that I got him and Billy Robinson two true Pioneers on my team you throw in Paige speaking of pioneers I’m satisfied with my roster there that that’s that’s a fun way to round it out absolutely a great great choice but sa how are you going to round it out this is tough this is very tough um I had 20 names here to really cut down people want to honorable mentions quickly Joe Hendry Molly Spartan passed away sadly lionart um so many great names obviously p d Tyler bit but looking at it I have to pick a guy obviously from Scotland again because you know bias but this is a guy who Gro was the star of the first documentary for icw which really got popular this guy was the star alongside Drew of the second they say what is the definition of insanity but I know this guy is the king of insanity and that is the current icw world champion Jack Jester Jack Jester for those who don’t know is truly a man who gave it his all if you watch that second documentary in icw you see how his moment when he wins the icw World Champ chionship and he has his family in the crowd of how much it means to him you see his daily life you know from Glasgow seeing him like grow and evolved with icw you know he’s got his faction of the the kinky party which he’s won H tag titles with within icw he’s always been a standout guy there and I know he’s working alongside the backstage element of icw now in this current ERA if you were pretty much to go into people in the Scottish scene you know who represents who Gro would be the family entertainment Drew would be the mega star but Jack Jester would be the hardcore insane part of Scottish wrestling it’s the reason why the king of insanity match is named after him the the dude does not you know pull back Full Throttle he will go to any length to get the free count and have him being raised above as the winner and also he’s just loved as well he loves a good Pon tenant so I like a tenant Drinker in my my books nothing think got a good list that is a very good list indeed and a great way to round it out but guys I am afraid that I’ve got some bad news and the bad news is that we are at the end of the list and the bad news for way Barrett is he’s not getting picked because I’m not actually gonna J cheeky instead I am gonna pick somebody who I think would have been higher on this list if he wasn’t a Tottenham fan and therefore just was ugic to winning the big one and that man is Pete Dunn I mean Pete Dunn this guy was despite the fact that Tyler bit was you know the first NXT UK Champion or just at that time UK Champion Pete Dunn was really the face of that brand he truly truly was and he is so underrated even now as much as I hate to say it he is and I mean this guy he was like really I guess the face there I say of you know the big the big boom the British wrestling period had in6 2015 2016 2017 and I mean he was so young as well but his maturity it took him to a whole other level but unfortunately when he got to WWE when he got to the main roster just like his football team Tottenham he choked but in all seriousness be D truly is a heck of a talent now guys I am going to quickly read out all our PS right because I’ve written them down in order so to start off with I talk Drew mck High Soul Talk Will osre Clark talk the British Bulldog ignasio talk Dynamite Kid then he took Chris Adams Clark took William Regal Soul took Nigel mcginness I took Zack cber Jr followed by Adrien Street Soul took Gro Clark took Billy Robinson ignasio took Nick Alis and then Dave tayer while Clark took nakasaki and then Soul took Kaylee Ray slash Alba fire and I talk Johnny say followed by the household name Big Daddy any American fans well most American fans will be confused uh then Soul took Rio Clark took Sarah ignasio took giant hay stacks then fit Finley Clark talk Mick MC m m mck mcmanis I got you that’s the one sold Jack Chester and I took Mr Pete dun of course Wade Barrett left out also PPP and they been left out as well of course competing for the Women’s Championship next week that was a surprise personally I thought to be is that who you think I was gonna pick that’s who I thought you were gonna pick I I was suris you didn’t Pi yeah look it was KY re paper n and you know kayy R just edged it out with her long Title reign of the icw world championship me that’s what that’s and yeah and the NXT UK won too I mean Piper I mean I saw her us on World Sport and I mean like ever since he’s just gone over about about she truly truly does and has improved so much but guys that does bring us to the end of the show thank you to ignasio thank you to soul and thank you to Clark for joining me here today Shard is shocked that I picked Pete D and he’s also shocked that he’s the last pick gotta see the rest of the look educate yourself on Scottish wrestling fellas you’ll find out that there are some big names up here I’m gonna love quickly how many how many people in the comments are going to say where’s Rod Piper because they’re gonna be idiots they’re going to be idiots aren’t they where’s Ry Piper do your research idiots yeah he’s actually Canadian yeah shot yourself in the not even American that’s absolutely really fun show guys thank you so much for watching we hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed you know being part of it and we will see you guys well we see you guys later on tonight NXT off the air for the Battleground pay-per-view Clark chard and Megan today filling in for Drizzy and then of course happy anniversary driz sorry yes shout out Drizzy and then tomorrow mailbag Monday send in those questions guys we will see you then p

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