Accurate Earth Equatorial Islands 232x112 map is a huge major improvement to Laskaris’ Giant Accurate Earth equal-area Hobo-Dyer 232x112 map emphasizing geographical physical scientific accuracy, which only Gall-Peters & Hobo-Dyer projections provide as only true ways to project a sphere on a rectangle, that is how every planet should be mapped if globe view not possible.
The major improvements are:
- Dozens of missing islands were added, especially in Equatorial & tropical latitudes. 10 km * 10 km = 100 km2 is more than enough to place a big multi-floor city with many millions population, which can be fed by fishing boats around – so many missing islands deserve to be on an Accurate map, they make the game much more interesting, abundance of uninhabited islands where you can always place something. Resources were added proportionate to island sizes – tiny islands have no resources, while the bigger the islands in reality and/or the more populous – the more seafood they have to represent the more population they can host & grow faster.
- The map was lifted 3 tiles up, which makes it the first map I know with the Equator placed where in really is, exactly in the center, between 55 & 56 lines in 0 – 111 tiles array vertically. Also as polar ice caps add space on globe view, any map should have width more than 2 heights. This added the whole missing 7th continent of Antarctica, making the map even more accurate, & slightly changing all the existing continents shapes. We are mostly interested in Equatorial & tropical latitudes which feed & host wast majority of a planet’s population, icy deserts near poles can feed negligible population numbers very inefficiently & present almost no interest, the closer to Equator the more important land. Also some missing significant rivers were added on several continents.
- The map was made much more habitable especially in Equatorial & tropical latitudes to represent truth about environmental carrying capacity & possible population density by adding more modern resources where they were developed later, and by making hills where they should be instead of small mountains. Mountains are huge areas which are so elevated that humans will have altitude disease suffering from low air pressure thus don’t want to settle there – like Andes, Tibet, Appalachians – but small mountains are hills that can be worked, only mountains higher than 3000 m beyond sea level and taking more than half of a tile area were left as mountains, everything smaller or lower were changed to hills to allow them to be workable & allow to place cities on very edges of continents & islands to make sure NO potentially workable tile was made unworkable just because of incorrect city placement – if a mountain is for example 10% of a tile area it should be modeled as hills not mountains because people can still populate & work most of the tile. Also more lately developed resources were placed in such way than by the time new world Natives settle far enough in the areas to utilize horse resource – old world already has researched Astronomy & sailed ships to bring those modern resources to new continents, so we do NOT need dynamic resources causing so much confusion, we can model all the civs development just by placing modern resources in such way that natives take enough time to acquire them when those resources were historically brought from old world. Also by distributing resources we looked quantitative amounts, how much each country has metal ores, oil, etc., not just location of mines – which made resources distribution more quantitatively proportional to reality.
The minor improvements are:
- Minor civs as barbarians, tribal villages, and animals were added, making the map already a fully playable historical scenario, because in reality humans were almost everywhere in productive climate, and there was almost no productive land empty that you can just settle without conquest.
- Civilizations were changed: Indonesians were made from Maya as there is Indonesia is very big very fertile & productive are with population almost like entire USA; Natives were remade to represent Polynesians as somebody needs to inhabit so many islands and so interesting to look at development of almost completely marine civilization; Kilwa was made from Ethiopia to populate the whole huge African west coast by Black Africans, while Egypt represents all Nilotic civs (Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, etc.); Babylonia was merged with Arabia as Baghdad was the capital of the Caliphate for long time, which allowed to add huge major historical civ of Persia which is much older than Arabia & bigger territory & influenced so many other civs; all western europe civilizations were merged in Roman Empire as they all are its descendants & pretty similar culturally, which allowed to add another major historic civ – USSR which was 1/6 of Earth & had more than half of the world sphere of influence, which in ancient times also represents earlier Slavic & Scythian tribes. Thus, now we have 5 out of 18 civs with capitals below Equator, which makes the more accurate world much more evenly populated then when there were only 2 out of 18, civs are more evenly distributed globally.
- Each civ starting x = … starting y = … were changed in the code accordingly to the updated map, but as the map has 2*2 = 4 times more tiles than biggest standard map – each civ now has 3 cities on start, to populate the much bigger world timely. Also, religions are per-distributed, to make historically accurate blocks of allies & opponents, Hinduism represents any paganism, and Taoism represents all Native American religions because they were calendar based & worshiped Sun & planets, Native American believes were most close to Taoism from all the religions included in the game.
- Max Turns = … line in the code was deleted, so now you can use any game speed & game won’t end in 500 turns, mas turns auto determined, 750 for Epic, 1500 for Marathon, etc.
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Accurate Earth Equatorial Islands 232x112 map is already completely ready playable historical scenario for Civ4 BTS, but I propose to use this map for all RFC based mods & modmods. Can anybody please adjust each civs starting locations, techs, units, flipping areas, continent areas, scheduled events locations, etc. to adjust RFC based (mod)mods for this map, or at least tell me which software is best to use for this purpose?